UNCLASSIFIED/ ROUTINE R 161559Z JUN 15 FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 137/15 MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N00/JUN// SUBJ/CALENDAR YEAR 2014 ARLEIGH BURKE FLEET TROPHY AWARD RECIPIENTS// REF/A/DOC/CNO/30JAN2007// AMPN/REF A IS OPNAVINST 3590.11F, THE ARLEIGH BURKE FLEET TROPHY/MARJORIE STERRETT BATTLESHIP FUND AWARD/USS ARIZONA MEMORIAL TROPHY// RMKS/1. The Arleigh Burke fleet trophy is awarded annually to one ship or aircraft squadron from each coast for achieving the greatest improvement in battle efficiency based on the battle efficiency competition. 2. It is an honor to announce the calendar year 2014 Arleigh Burke fleet trophy award recipients for their superior performance and improvement in battle efficiency: a. Atlantic fleet: USS ROSS (DDG 71) b. Pacific fleet: USS COLUMBIA (SSN 771) 3. Selection for this award is a reflection of the quality and tenacity of these commands. a. USS ROSS (DDG 71) spent 2014 preparing herself for forward deployment to Rota, Spain and then executing a home port move in addition to a challenging basic training phase, INSURV, and recovering from a long 2013 maintenance period. The sustained success achieved throughout that period is a testament to the ship's motivated Sailors, superb leadership, tactical innovation, and unrelenting drive to elevate USS ROSS (DDG 71) to the pinnacle of success. b. USS COLUMBIA's (SSN 771) performance during 2014 was impressive. The crew's tenacious focus on self assessment and improvement in engineering readiness, personnel and supply management, and tactical capability culminated in the ship's phenomenal performance during a six month western pacific deployment. 4. Congratulations to USS ROSS (DDG 71) and USS COLUMBIA (SSN 71) for their continued dedication to duty and commitment to excellence. 5. Released by Vice Admiral J. F. Caldwell, JR., Director, Navy Staff.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//