UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 131615Z JUL 15 FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 160/15 SUBJ/2014 ADMIRAL STAN ARTHUR AWARDS ANNOUNCEMENT// REF/A/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/R 181942Z FEB 15// AMPN/ADMIRAL STAN ARTHUR AWARD CALL FOR 2014 NOMINATIONS MESSAGE.// POC/LCDR REBECCA GELS/N413M/ARLINGTON, VA/TEL: (703) 695-4861/EMAIL: REBECCA.V.GELS(AT)NAVY.MIL// RMKS/1. A Flag/SES panel reviewed candidate nominations and selected the 2014 Admiral Stan Arthur Award winners IAW ref A. This award recognizes military and civilian logisticians who epitomize excellence in logistics planning and execution. I am pleased to announce the 2014 Admiral Stan Arthur Award winners: A. 2014 Military Logistician of the Year is LCDR Mark Bowmer, Naval Reactors (NR) Supply Chain Management (SCM) Directorate (NRSCMD) Operations Manager, NAVSUP Weapon Systems Support (NAVSUP WSS). Addressing NRSCMD limitations of analyzing SCM data between disparate NAVSUP and NR business systems, LCDR Bowmer developed the Supply Procurement Integrated Data Extract Report (SPIDER) tool. SPIDER provides a new capability to conduct detailed multivariable SCM analysis of $75M in procurements, $100M in sales, and 5,500 contracts, presenting a common operating picture (COP) that cuts across the challenges associated with a transitioning generational workforce and the related struggle to maximize efficiencies of ERP. The use of SPIDER facilitated a 26% decrease in administrative lead time for high priority requirements, innovative contracting solutions such as Blanket Purchase Agreements (BPAs) that yielded an 81% decrease in unfilled customer orders, and the identification of deficiencies in material drawings affecting 68 contracts valued at $716K. Furthermore, SPIDER is being exported for use by other NAVSUP WSS directorates. B. 2014 Civilian Logician of the Year is Mr. Dwayne Lloyd, Fleet Modernization and Installation Division Head and 4.2 Installations Competency Lead (SPAWAR). Mr. Lloyd ensured maximum support to the Fleet by delivering the most robust, complex IT systems anywhere in the world. His leadership revitalized the quality assurance process, doubled waterfront installation support, and instilled a culture of teamwork among his personnel that led to the most technically complete C4ISR network upgrades with the Consolidated Afloat Networks and Enterprise Services (CANES) installations in 2014. Additionally, Mr. Lloyd implemented a number of innovative approaches to maximize Enterprise resources, reducing unplanned requirements growth by 40% and driving down costs by nearly 50% from FY13 to FY14. C. 2014 Logistics Team of the Year is EUCOM/AFRICOM - CTF 63 Logistics Operations Team. The CTF 63 Logistics Operations Team supported the CNO's Maritime Strategy and delivered on all three tenants of the CNO's FY14 Navigation Plan. "Warfighting First" was accomplished by coordinating logistics support for the deployment of SM-6 missiles and the four MQ-8C Firescout deployments. "Operate Forward" was accomplished by providing logistics support for two amphibious platform surge deployments, two Forward Deployed Naval Forces - Europe (FDNF-E) units in Rota, Spain, and the maiden deployment for USNS SPEARHEAD (JHSV-1). The tenant of "Be Ready" was accomplished through the movement of 1,971 tons of material (to include 668 CASREP requirements), coordinating 138 explosives movement evolutions totaling 1,002 tons of ordnance, and redirecting orders from other theater assets to ensure zero gaps in sustainment support for the warfighter. 2. A virtual awards ceremony, via video teleconference, with ADM Arthur (ret), VADM Cullom, and the winning members commands is scheduled for 24 July 2015. The OPNAV POC will contact winning commands to make arrangements for the ceremony. 3. My heartiest congratulations to the winners! Your superlative innovative solutions resulted in quantifiable benefits to the United States Navy and enhanced the logistics profession. BRAVO ZULU! 4. Released by VADM P. H. Cullom, OPNAV N4.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//