UNCLASSIFIED ROUTINE R 291456Z JUL 15 FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 177/15 SUBJ/ESTABLISHMENT OF THE COMMAND SENIOR CHIEF RATING// MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/JUL// SUBJ/ESTABLISHMENT OF THE COMMAND SENIOR CHIEF RATING// REF/A/DOC/OPNAV/4APR2012// REF/B/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/031833ZDEC12// NARR/REF A IS OPNAVINST 1306.2G, COMMAND MASTER CHIEF PROGRAM. REF B IS NAVADMIN 361/12, SEA SHORE FLOW ENLISTED CAREER PATHS UPDATES.// RMKS/1. This NAVADMIN announces the establishment of the command senior chief (CMDCS) rating for the active component. This change strengthens the command leadership triad by offering the opportunity for our senior enlisted leaders to gain additional command leadership experience. 2. CMDCS Rating Eligibility: Only active component personnel are eligible for the CMDCS rating. a. Upon selection from the annual command senior chief (CSC) selection board, CSC selectee's rating will be changed to CMDCS. b. Newly selected CMDCS's will not be detailed until completion of their minimum tour of 24 months at their current command as outlined in reference (a). c. Attendance at the Navy Senior Enlisted Academy (SEA) and completion of the command master chief (CMC)/chief of the boat (COB) course is required prior to reporting as a CSC. Any CMDCS who does not successfully complete the SEA and CMC/COB course will revert back to their source rating and detailer. d. Sailors who currently possess Navy Enlisted Classification (NEC) code 9578, or those selected from the FY-16 Command Senior Chief Selection Board are required to submit an enlisted personnel action request (NAVPERS 1306/7) to the CMC detailer, no later than 31 August 2015, to elect conversion to CMDCS rating or remain in their source rating. e. Full Time Support and Selective Reserve personnel selected for assignment as CSC are authorized to wear the CSC rating badge, if assigned orders to CMDCS (NEC code 9578 billet) per reference (a). f. Sailors who decline the CMDCS rating conversion will complete their current command tour, then be made available to their respective source rating detailer at their projected rotation date. Their NEC code 9578 will be removed once CSC tour is complete except for closed-loop communities. 3. Rating Badge: The CMDCS rating badge will follow the same design convention of the CMDCM rating badge with the exception of only one star will be centered at the top of the badge. The new rating badge is expected to be available no later than 1 October 2016. Newly selected CMDCSs will continue to wear their current rating badge until their initial CMDCS assignment, after which they shall wear the CMDCS rating badge. 4. CMDCS Advancement and Selection Board Timeline: a. January 2016. The annual CSC selection board in conjunction with the CMC selection board will be held for source rated senior chiefs to apply for the CSC program. b. March 2016. The first selection board for advancement of eligible CMDCS Sailors to CMDCM will be held in conjunction with the active E9 selection board. Newly selected CMDCSs who meet time-in-rate for E9 will compete in the active E9 board for CMDCM. 5. Sea/Shore Flow: As an addendum to reference (b), the following tour lengths apply: a. Initial sea tour: 36 months. b. Initial shore tour: 36 months. c. Subsequent sea/shore: 36 months/36 months. 6. Selective Reenlistment Bonus (SRB) and Special Duty Assignment Pay (SDAP): This NAVADMIN does not modify any previous guidance concerning SRB and SDAP payments for Sailors selected for conversion to CMDCS. SRB will be prorated and recouped if conversion to CMDCS occurs more than 90 days from completion of the SRB reenlistment. 7. The primary points of contact during the CMDCS service rating establishment are: a. LCDR Jim Disch, Enlisted Community Manager at 901-874-3492/DSN 882 or via e-mail at michael.disch(at)navy.mil. b. CTRCM Sandra Turner, Rating Technical Advisor at 901-874-2286/DSN 882 or via e-mail at sandra.r.turner(at)navy.mil. c. CMDCM Andy Wilson, detailer at 901-874-4560/DSN 882 or via e-mail at andy.wilson(at)navy.mil. d. SRB payments, EMCM Douglas Irish, at 901-874-3215/DSN 882 or via e- mail at douglas.b.irish(at)navy.mil. e. SDAP payments, PSC Marie Porter at 901-874-3260/DSN 882 or via e-mail at marie.porter(at)navy.mil. 8. Released by Vice Admiral W. F. Moran, N1.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//