UNCLASSIFIED ROUTINE R 072057Z AUG 15 FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 185/15 MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/DNS/AUG// SUBJ/USS CONSTITUTION CHIEF PETTY OFFICER HERITAGE TRAINING// POC/CHRISTOPHER WELCH/CMDCM/DNS-C/703-614-2262/CHRISTOPHER.C.WELCH(AT) NAVY.MIL// POC/NANCY LOWE/NCC/COORD/703-614-4967/NANCY.LOWE1(AT)NAVY.MIL// RMKS/1. This NAVADMIN announces the 2015 USS CONSTITUTION Chief Petty Officer (CPO) Heritage Training. USS CONSTITUTION, located in Boston, Massachusetts, will host Fiscal Year 2016 CPO Selectees from 17-21 August and 24-28 August 2015. 2. CPO Selectees will work aboard "Old Ironsides" for five days and four nights, where they will be immersed in more than 200 years of naval heritage. They will learn about the art of sailing, take advantage of this dock period to get an up close look at ship construction, handle 19th century guns and man her gigs. The training will culminate in a gig race in Boston Harbor commemorating the July 1812 chase of the ship by a British squadron. 3. Due to limited space and operational concerns, only 60 CPO Selectees and 10 Mentor Chiefs are authorized each week. Request Fleet and Force Master Chiefs provide nominations to the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations (OPNAV) Command Master Chief and the CPO Heritage Week's Participation Coordinator listed in this message. Mentor nominations are due Not Later Than (NLT) 11 August 2015, Reserve CPO Selectee nominations are due NLT 11 August 2015, and Active CPO Selectee nominations are due 12 August 2015 or as soon as practical after release of the selection board results. All quotas and staffing are coordinated through OPNAV; do not contact USS CONSTITUTION directly for quotas or billet confirmation. 4. Attendee costs for this OPNAV authorized, mission essential training event are to be borne from attendee unit training funds. Unit Commanding Officers shall determine whether CPO's/CPO Selectees assigned to their unit should attend, taking into account the availability of unit training funds. 5. Logistical information such as travel recommendations and uniform requirements will be available on USS CONSTITUTION's website located at http://www.history.navy.mil/ussconstitution/index.html. 6. Released by Vice Admiral J. F. Caldwell, Jr., Director, Navy Staff.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//