UNCLASSIFIED ROUTINE R 111708Z AUG 15 FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 186/15 MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/AUG// SUBJ/ENLISTED WOMEN IN SUBMARINES RATING CONVERSION PROCESS CYCLE 2// REF/A/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/221457ZJUN15// REF/B/DOC/BUMED/11JUN15// REF/C/DOC/COMNAVPERSCOM/18OCT10// REF/D/DOC/COMNAVPERSCOM/14JUN07// REF/E/DOC/COMNAVPERSCOM/16JUL12// NARR/REF A IS NAVADMIN 142/15, FY16 ENLISTED WOMEN IN SUBMARINES SELECTIONS. REF B IS MANUAL OF THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT (MANMED), NAVMED P-117. REF C IS MILPERSMAN ARTICLE 1306-618, CLASS A SCHOOL AND RATING ENTRY REQUIREMENTS. REF D IS MILPERSMAN ARTICLE 1326-402, QUALIFICATION FOR ASSIGNMENT TO SUBMARINE DUTY. REF E IS MILPERSMAN ARTICLE 1306-021, NAVY ENLISTED RESERVE COMPONENT (RC) TO ACTIVE (AC) AUGMENTATION PROGRAM. RMKS/1. On 22 June 2015, the Navy announced the selections of the first enlisted female submariners. These selections marked a key milestone in the continued integration of women into the Submarine Force and the Navy is pleased to announce the beginning of the second round of selections of female Sailors for conversion to Submarine Force ratings. This round of conversions will be for the selection of the initial group of Sailors to integrate the next submarine crews in 2017 in Kings Bay, GA. 2. The Submarine Force is seeking high caliber female applicants from all ratings. Sailors from all communities are eligible to apply for submarine service as part of this initiative. Per this NAVADMIN, the Submarine Enlisted Community Manager (ECM) is accepting conversion applications for ranks E-1 through E-8. a. All Sailors listed in paragraph 5 of reference (a) for the first selections are automatically included in this cycles applicant pool unless the Sailor or command desires to remove the package from consideration. Reference (a) discusses how these Sailors can update their application package. b. Selected chief petty officers (CPO) are expected to report aboard and lead a division with minimal additional technical and leadership training. Applications for E-7/8 will be accepted in the following ratings - Information Systems Technician (IT) (see note 1 below), Logistics Specialist, Culinary Specialist, Yeoman (YN) (see note 2 below), and Independent Duty Corpsman. Note 1: CPO IT conversions must have one or more of the following Navy enlisted classifications: 2780, 2781, or 2791. Note 2: CPO Personnel Specialists are encouraged to apply. Each application will be assessed to ensure the CPO has the experience and expertise to manage and oversee all administrative and personnel actions to support the crew in the role of leading Yeoman onboard a submarine. c. The following submarine ratings are open for conversion (E6 and below): Sonar Technician, Fire Control Technician, Machinists Mate-Weapons, Machinists Mate-Auxiliary, Missile Technician, Information Systems Technician (ITS), Electronics Technician-Navigation (ET-NAV), Electronics Technician- Communications, LS, CS, and YN. 3. In an effort to identify the most qualified Sailors and to ensure the success of this initiative, Sailors will be selected based on the following attributes: a. Commanding officers (CO) endorsement describing the Sailors sustained superior performance; b. Sea service experience; c. Warfare qualification; and d. Job experience (i.e., assignments that can be related to success in future submarine service). NOTE: Professional apprentice career track Sailors and junior rated Sailors are encouraged to apply, even with limited time in service or at-sea experience, as there is a need for Sailors at all pay grades. 4. In addition to sustained superior performance and future potential of the Sailor, consideration will be given to current overall manning of the applicants rating and other factors that may affect the command or communitys manning. 5. Eligibility and Applications a. All Sailors, regardless of rating or rank, must meet the following minimum criteria to be eligible for conversion: (1) Must be medically screened and suitable for duty aboard a submarine per reference (b), chapter 15 (to be completed within 30 days following selection). (2) Must be a U.S. citizen already in possession of, or capable of receiving, a secret security clearance. (3) Must meet armed services vocational aptitude battery (ASVAB) requirements for the desired rating(s) as outlined in reference (c). (4) No non-judicial punishments (NJP) or convictions in civilian or military courts for the past 36 months. (5) No marks less than 3.0 on the last five evaluations. (6) No physical fitness assessment (PFA) failures in the last three years. b. Active duty and full time support (FTS) reserve duty Sailors must submit conversion packages directly to the submarine non-nuclear ECM (BUPERS- 32D) for processing per paragraph 6 below. c. Each conversion package must include the following: (1) Last five performance evaluations, (Sailors with minimal service may not have five evaluations submit as many as the Sailor has on record); (2) Physical readiness information maintenance system (PRIMS) data covering the last four years of PFA information, if available; (3) ASVAB scores (E6 and below only); (4) Enlisted personnel action request signed by the Sailor and the Sailors CO that clearly states the recommended earliest and latest release dates from the current command; (5) Official statement volunteering for submarine service as outlined in reference (d); (6) COs endorsement; and (7) A CPO applicant may submit (optional) a personal statement addressing her motivation for assignment to the Submarine Force. d. Non-FTS reserve component Sailors will submit packages per reference (e). 6. Applications must be scanned and e-mailed to the submarine non-nuclear ECM. E-mail applications to joseph.m.hanley(at)navy.mil, aaron.norton(at)navy.mil, and gregory.w.mosley(at)navy.mil. a. An example package is available on the NPC website at: http://go.usa.gov/3P5YH. b. Applications are due by 15 December 2015, and the selection process will begin in January 2016. 7. Application process for E-6 and below (nuclear-trained personnel): The application process for E-6 and below nuclear-trained personnel will be coordinated by the individual Sailors command career counselor at the Nuclear Power Training Units (NPTU). Female junior staff instructors (JSI) or Sailors in initial training at NPTU interested in volunteering for submarine duty should inform their chain of command. As outlined in reference (a), the initial selection of nuclear-trained enlisted women for submarine service will occur in Spring 2016 and will be for assignment to USS MICHIGAN (SSGN 727). The second round of selections of nuclear-trained enlisted women for submarine service will begin in late 2016. Chief of Naval Operations, Nuclear Propulsion Programs, (OPNAV N133) will work with the NPTUs to establish application deadlines that maximize opportunity for selection. The chain of command at NPTU will develop an application package on each submarine volunteer that includes the following: a. Last five performance evaluations (Sailors with minimal service may not have five evaluations - submit as many as the Sailor has on record); b. PRIMS data covering at least the last four years of PFA information, if available; c. Official statement volunteering for submarine service as outlined in reference (d); d. Grades and class rank at Nuclear Field A school, Nuclear Power School, and NPTU; e. Written recommendation and endorsement for the Sailor from the chain of command; f. For JSIs - qualifications obtained at NPTU; and g. The CO of each NPTU will forward this information, along with the two ranked lists (JSI ranking and initial trainee ranking) of applicants, to the nuclear ECM at OPNAV N133 using the following e-mail address: bullnuke(at)navy.mil. 8. CPO applications requesting conversion to submarines will be reviewed via a selection panel. Following approval, primary and secondary selectees will be notified via naval message. Secondary selectees will be utilized in the event a primary selectee is unable to complete the submarine conversion. 9. E-6 and below applications are scored objectively to select Sailors for conversion into submarine ratings. Following approval, primary and secondary selectees will be notified via naval message. Secondary selectees will be utilized in the event a primary selectee is found ineligible for conversion. 10. This round of selections will apply to the women scheduled to integrate the next submarine crews in 2017. Subsequent NAVADMINs announcing follow-on submarine integrations will be periodically released to commence future application cycles. Opportunities for selection of enlisted women for assignment in submarines will be available at least annually. 11. For questions about the application process or about submarine service, contact the submarine non-nuclear ECM office: LT Greg Mosley, 901-874-2081; STSCS(SS) Joseph Hanley, 901-874-4367; YNC(SS) Aaron Norton, 901-874-2819. Nuclear-trained Sailors may contact the nuclear ECM office: LCDR Will Wiley, 703-604-5493; ETCM(SW) Victor Harris, 703-604-5492. 12. This message will remain in effect until superseded or canceled, whichever occurs first. 13. Released by Vice Admiral W. F. Moran, N1.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//