UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 111844Z SEP 15 FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 215/15 SUBJ/NAVY CYBERSECURITY INITIAL OPERATIONAL CAPABILITY (IOC) MESSAGE// REF/A/LTR/IMPLEMENTATION PLANNING MEMO FOR NAVY CYBERSECURITY AND CYBERSAFE PROGRAMS/25JUL2014// AMPN/Reference (a) is the 25 July 2014 implementation planning memo for Navy Cybersecurity and CYBERSAFE programs which directed Task Force Cyber Awakening (TFCA) to develop a CYBERSAFE program establishment plan.// RMKS/1. This NAVADMIN announces the completion of Task Force Cyber Awakening (TFCA) and the establishment of Navy Cybersecurity, to be executed by a new division within Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Information Dominance (OPNAV N2/N6). A Chief of Naval Operations Executive Group (CEG) declared Navy Cybersecurity initial operational capability (IOC) on 25 August 2015. Navy Cybersecurity will operate under a DRAFT Navy Cybersecurity Instruction, distributed via separate correspondence, until staffing of the final instruction is complete. 2. Background. The Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) directed establishment of TFCA in response to compromises within Navy networks, low fleet cybersecurity inspection scores, and identification of warfighting platform cyber vulnerabilities. Reference (a) tasked TFCA to evaluate Navy cybersecurity governance to include a broad scope of systems and processes in order to provide reasonable assurance of survivability of critical platform components necessary for mission success such as Navy networks and control systems. At the 25 August 2015 CEG, CNO approved the transition of Navys TFCA to a newly established enduring cybersecurity organization under OPNAV N2/N6, with all necessary authorities afforded the original task force delegated from CNO and Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Research, Development and Acquisition). This signaled the completion of TFCAs one-year effort. 3. Navy Cybersecurity 100-Day Transition Plan. Navy Cybersecurity is executing a 100-Day Transition Plan that includes the development of charters for associated senior level governing bodies, submission of documents to support short-and long-range cybersecurity requirements definition and funding, drafting of cybersecurity components of Navy cyber strategy and policy documents, and development of a Navy-wide branding campaign to drive cultural change. 4. Oversight. The Navy Cybersecurity Executive Committee will provide oversight and conduct progress reviews of Navy Cybersecurity. 5. Released by VADM Ted N. Branch, OPNAV N2/N6.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//