UNCLASSIFIED ROUTINE R 141502Z SEP 15 FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 216/15 MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N2N6BC/AUG// SUBJ/ CYBER HYGIENE AUTHORIZATION TO USE PERSONAL WEARABLE FITNESS DEVICES (E.G. FITBIT, JAWBONE UP, ETC.) IN NAVY SPACES// REF/A/DOC/US Defense Intelligence Agency Ser U-15-0001/CIO-3 memo of May 2014// REF/B/DOC/DoDM 5200.01, Volume 3 REF/C/DOC/Federal Communications Commission Office of Engineering and Technology Bulletin Number 62, February 1996, Understanding the FCC Regulations for Computers and Other Digital Devices REF/D/DOC/SECNAV M-5510.30 AMPN/Reference (a) is the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) policy regarding the use of personal wearable fitness devices in DIA spaces. Reference (b) sets forth information security requirements/direction for Command Security Managers to follow. Reference (c) defines the baseline for devices being categorized as a Class B. Reference (d) provides personnel security requirements/direction for Command Security Managers.// POC/Ms. Brooke Zimmerman/CIV/OPNAV N2N6BC4/TEL: (571)256-8521/ DSN: 260-8521/E-MAIL: Brooke.Zimmerman(at)navy.mil//// RMKS/1. Consistent with references (a) and (b), Personal Wearable Fitness Devices (PWFD) are hereby authorized in Navy spaces in accordance with the specifications below. 2. Scope and Applicability. This message applies to all Navy military, civilian, and support contractor personnel. Visitors not meeting the scope and applicability of this message are not authorized to introduce these devices in Navy spaces where collateral classified information is processed, stored or discussed. 3. Discussion. a. Consistent with references (a) and (b), effective immediately, all Navy personnel are hereby authorized, subject to local policy and capability limitations below, to wear PWFDs (e.g., Fitbit, Jawbone Up, Nike Fuel Band, etc.) in all Navy spaces where collateral classified information and controlled unclassified information is processed, stored, or discussed. This authorization is applicable to Navy spaces located within the Continental United States, Alaska, and Hawaii. This authorization does not address wearing PWFDs in Sensitive Compartmented Information Facilities. b. PWFDs are permitted: (1) If commercially available in the United States (U.S.) or through a U.S. military exchange, marketed primarily as fitness or sleep devices, and designated as Federal Communication Commission (FCC) Class B digital devices (denoted as FCC Class B certified, or FCC Class B exempt) as described in reference (c). (2) If they have Bluetooth, GPS (receive only), accelerometer, altimeter, gyroscope, heart activity, vibration feature, or near field communication capabilities. (3) If they receive and contain vendor-supplied software updates that do not add any features or capabilities prohibited below. c. PWFDs are prohibited: (1) If they contain any external or conflicting hardware or software modifications, including the installation of third party apps. (2) If they contain cellular or Wi-Fi, photographic, video capture/recording, microphone, or audio recording capabilities. (3) In conjunction with USB accessories, including but not limited to Bluetooth dongles and charging cables. (4) From being connected to any government information systems. d. Responsibilities: (1) Commands must ensure all personnel have read and understand this NAVADMIN in its entirety, and must ensure personnel know PWFD electronic emanations are subject to inspection and monitoring. (2) Personnel who introduce PWFDs into areas where collateral classified information and controlled unclassified information is processed, stored, or discussed are responsible for ensuring their PWFDs meet the criteria outlined above. (3) Personnel who knowingly or willfully violate the requirements in this NAVADMIN may be subject to a preliminary inquiry in accordance with reference (b) and an incident report in the Joint Personnel Adjudication System per reference (d). 4. This message was coordinated with Deputy Under Secretary of the Navy (DUSN) for Policy Security as part of the Department of the Navys cybersecurity/traditional security partnership for the protection of national security information and information systems. 5. This NAVADMIN will remain in effect until cancelled or superseded. 6. Released by VADM Ted N. Branch, Deputy Chief of Naval Operations, Information Dominance, OPNAV N2/N6.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//