UNCLASSIFIED ROUTINE R 151739Z SEP 15 FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 220/15 MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N4/ SUBJ/FISCAL YEAR 2016 (FY16) CHIEF OF NAVAL OPERATIONS (CNO) SPONSORED NAVY CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIVE SERVICE SECURITY TRAINING, ASSISTANCE AND ASSESSMENT (NCIS STAAT) SITE VISITS FOR SELECT NAVY COMMANDS// REF/A/DOC/MISSION ASSURANCE STRATEGY/7MAY12/DEPSECDEF// REF/B/DOC/MISSION ASSURANCE PROGRAM INTERIM IMPLEMENTATION/ 27APR15/DEPSECDEF// REF/C/DOC/2014 DOD MISSION ASSURANCE BENCHMARKS/22APR14// NARR/REF A IS THE APRIL 2012 DEPUTY SECRETARY OF DEFENSE MISSION ASSURANCE STRATEGY. REF B IS THE DEPUTY SECRETARY OF DEFENSE MEMORANDUM PROVIDING INTERIM GUIDANCE. REF C IS THE 2014 MISSION ASSURANCE BENCHMARKS. POC/MR. ERIC HAMMETT/OPNAV N462/LOC: ARLINGTON, VA/ TEL: (703) 695-5521, ERIC.HAMMETT(AT)NAVY.MIL, ERICA BERRIGAN, (703) 695-5022, ERICA.BERRIGAN1. CTR(AT)NAVY.MIL OR CDR A. L. SCHREIBER/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N462/ LOC: ARLINGTON, VA/TEL: (703) 695-5526, ANDREA.SCHREIBER(AT)NAVY.MIL/ RMKS/1. This NAVADMIN promulgates the CNO sponsored NCIS STAAT site visits for FY16 that have been coordinated with the installations and respective regions. Contact any of the POCs, or your Navy Component Command, for the scheduled dates of a specific visit. Changes to the schedule must be coordinated through the region, the respective Navy Component Commander, and OPNAV N462. 2. Reference (a) provides a mission assurance-centric framework focused on ensuring resilience for the capabilities and assets supporting Navy core functions, using a risk management process across all protection and resilience programs. Reference (b) directs the integration of select higher headquarters assessments under the Mission Assurance Program coordinated by Joint Staff. The following programs fall under this program: Antiterrorism (AT), Continuity of Operations (COOP), Emergency Management (EM), Cyber Security (CS), Physical Security (PS); and Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Defense Critical Infrastructure Program and High-Yield Explosive (CBRNE) preparedness. Effective FY16, CNO integrated vulnerability assessments will no longer be conducted. 3. Mission Assurance site visits, whether conducted by Joint Staff or NCIS STAAT, consist of three phases. Phase I is both an in-house review of available data and a site visit to identify command missions (Pre-Site). Phase II is a multi-day, detailed review of the installation and tenant commands, using reference (c). Phase III, conducted after the site visit, analyzes the information obtained in Phase I and II, culminating in the official report, with recommendations. 4. Below is the FY16 NCIS STAAT visit schedule: Panama City Pre-Site NSA Bahrain Pre-Site Jebel Ali Pre-Site Panama City NCIS STAAT NAS Fallon Pre-Site Jebel Ali NCIS STAAT NSA Bahrain NCIS STAAT NAS Sigonella Pre-Site NSA Monterey Pre-Site Camp Lemonnier Pre-Site NAS Fallon NCIS STAAT NAS Sigonella NCIS STAAT NSA Monterey NCIS STAAT NAS JRB Fort Worth Pre-Site NSA Philadelphia Pre-Site NAS Corpus Christi Pre-Site Camp Lemonnier NCIS STAAT Singapore Area Coordinator Pre-Site WPNSTA Seal Beach Pre-Site NSA Philadelphia NCIS STAAT NAS JRB Fort Worth NCIS STAAT NAS Corpus Christi NCIS STAAT NAVSTA Great Lakes Pre-Site Singapore Area Coordinator NCIS STAAT WPNSTA Seal Beach NCIS STAAT NAVSTA Great Lakes NCIS STAAT 5. The following are the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) visits of Navy installations in FY16: a. JB Pearl Harbor-Hickam, Wahiawa Annex, Kaena Point, Barking Sands Pre- Site b. JB Anacostia-Bolling Pre-Site c. JB Pearl Harbor-Hickam, Wahiawa Annex, Kaena Point, Barking Sands DTRA visit d. JB Anacostia-Bolling DTRA visit e. SUBASE Kings Bay Pre-Site f. SUBASE Kings Bay DTRA visit 6. Official notification letters, Key Leader Engagement meetings, and specific administrative and logistics requirements will be sent via separate correspondence. 7. Released by VADM P. H. Cullom, N4.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//