UNCLASSIFIED ROUTINE R 251900Z SEP 15 FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 229/15 SUBJ/TRANSITION OF OCEANOGRAPHER AND NAVIGATOR OF NAVY DUTIES// REF/A/DOC/DEPSECDEF/31JUL2013// REF/B/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/172208ZJUL01/NAVADMIN 178/01// REF/C/DOC/OPNAVINST 5430.48E/29NOV2011// REF/D/DOC/OPNAVINST 5430.56A/19DEC2014// NARR/REF A IS DOD MEMO DIRECTING DOD AND SERVICE HEADQUARTERS STAFF REDUCTIONS OF TWENTY PERCENT BY 2019. REF B DESIGNATED CNO (N096) NAVIGATOR OF THE NAVY AND DIRECTED FORMATION OF NAVIGATION SUBJECT MATTER EXPERT TEAM. REF C IS THE NAVY ORGANIZATION & OPERATIONS MANUAL. REF D IS THE NAVAL OCEANOGRAPHY POLICY, RELATIONSHIPS, AND RESPONSIBILITIES INSTRUCTION.// POC/VINCENT/CDR/CNO N2N6ET/-/TEL: 202-762- 0601/EMAIL:DOMINICK.VINCENT@NAVY.MIL// POC/MEMMEN/CAPT/CNO N2N6E4/-/TEL: 571-256-8231/EMAIL:SEAN.MEMMEN@NAVY.MIL// RMKS/1. Reference (a) directed headquarters staff reductions across the Department of Defense (DoD) to include the staff of the Chief of Naval Operations. Included among the reductions was the Oceanographer and Navigator of the Navy billet (OPNAV N2/N6E). Until further notice, the Echelon-1 functions of OPNAV N2/N6E as outlined in references (b) through (d) will be assumed on an additional duty (ADDU) basis by Commander, Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Command (COMNAVMETOCCOM) Stennis Space Center, who will continue to execute all Echelon-3 missions and function under Commander, U.S. Fleet Forces. The Echelon-1 functions of OPNAV N2/N6E include: Director of the DoD office of Maritime Domain Awareness, Director of Navy Task Force Climate Change, and Naval Deputy to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. 2. In this ADDU position, OPNAV N2/N6E will report directly to the Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Information Dominance (OPNAV N2/N6), and will maintain and supervise an Echelon-1 staff that is separate and distinct from the COMNAVMETOCCOM Echelon-3 staff. The function of Deputy Oceanographer and Navigator of the Navy will be retained by the Senior Leader/Senior Executive member of the Echelon-1 staff and is responsible for the day-to-day operation of all OPNAV N2/N6E branches. 3. While the construct under which Flag Officers are assigned to the position of Oceanographer and Navigator of the Navy is changing, the importance of the position to the Navys safety, readiness, warfighting capability, environmental awareness, and navigational excellence is not diminished. 4. Released by VADM Ted Branch, OPNAV N2/N6.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//