UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 071159Z OCT 15 FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 233/15 MSGID/GENADMIN CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/OCT// SUBJ/PHYSICAL READINESS PROGRAM POLICY CHANGES UPDATE 1: ENLISTED POLICIES (CORRECTED COPY)// REF/A/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/031159ZAUG15// REF/B/DOC/BUPERS/1MAY15// REF/C/DOC/BUPERS/2NOV07// REF/D/DOC/COMNAVPERSCOM/5NOV14// REF/E/DOC/COMNAVPERSCOM/19DEC11// REF/F/DOC/COMNAVPERSCOM/2FEB13// REF/G/DOC/OPNAV/11JUL11// REF/H/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/292315ZDEC10// REF/I/DOC/COMNAVPERSCOM/24APR13// REF/J/DOC/COMNAVPERSCOM/2SEP10// REF/K/DOC/OPNAV/20DEC05// REF/L/DOC/COMNAVPERSCOM/23MAR07// REF/M/DOC/COMNAVPERSCOM/20SEP11// NARR/REF A IS NAVADMIN 178/15, PHYSICAL READINESS PROGRAM POLICY CHANGES. REF B IS BUPERSINST 1610.10D, NAVY PERFORMANCE EVALUATION SYSTEM. REF C IS BUPERSINST 1430.16F, ADVANCEMENT MANUAL FOR ENLISTED PERSONNEL IN THE U.S. NAVY AND U.S. NAVY RESERVE. REF D IS MILPERSMAN 1160-120, HIGH YEAR TENURE. REF E IS MILPERSMAN 1830-040, TRANSFER TO FLEET RESERVE AND RELEASE FROM ACTIVE DUTY. REF F IS MILPERSMAN 1910-170, SEPARATION BY REASON OF PHYSICAL FITNESS ASSESSMENT (PFA) FAILURE. REF G IS OPNAVINST 6110.1J, PHYSICAL READINESS PROGRAM. REF H IS NAVADMIN 420/10, NEW POLICY REGARDING INVOLUNTARY SEPARATION PAY FOR PHYSICAL FITNESS ASSESSMENT FAILURE. REF I IS MILPERSMAN 1160-030, CERTAIN ENLISTMENTS AND REENLISTMENTS UNDER CONTINUOUS SERVICE CONDITIONS. REF J IS MILPERSMAN 1160-040, EXTENSION OF ENLISTMENTS. REF K IS OPNAVINST 1900.4, SEPARATION PAY FOR INVOLUNTARY SEPARATION FROM ACTIVE DUTY. REF L IS MILPERSMAN 1920-030, INVOLUNTARY SEPARATION PAY (NON- DISABILITY) - DEFINITIONS AND POLICY. REF M IS MILPERSMAN 1920-040, INVOLUNTARY SEPARATION PAY (NON-DISABILITY) ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA AND RESTRICTIONS.// RMKS/1. This NAVADMIN details the changes to physical readiness policies for enlisted personnel announced in reference (a) and specifies the process by which an enlisted Sailor pending separation as a result of failing three physical fitness assessments (PFA) in the most recent 4-year period may be retained until they are able to participate in the Cycle 1 2016 PFA. 2. Affected Enlisted Personnel Policies: a. Evaluation Policy: Reference (b) remains in effect until 31 December 2015 at which point updated guidance will be promulgated. Any Sailor possessing three PFA failures in the most recent 4-year period shall continue to receive evaluation grades per reference (b). No special evaluation is permitted for these Sailors until 1 January 2016, per paragraph 3 below. b. Advancement Policy: Reference (c) remains in effect. Advancement policy in upcoming advancement cycles (Cycles 230, 231, and 232) will be consistent with previous policy. c. High Year Tenure Policy: Reference (d) remains in effect. d. Fleet Reserve Policy: References (e) and (f) remain in effect. (1) Sailors who have submitted Fleet Reserve or retirement requests due to multiple PFA failures must continue their Fleet Reserve or retirement processing. Career Progression Division (PERS-8), in coordination with the enlisted community managers (ECMs), may approve a request for cancellation of a Fleet Reserve or retirement request based on community needs or manning on a case-by-case basis. (2) Per reference (f), Sailors who are required to submit a request to PERS-8 for an adjustment to an approved Fleet Reserve or retirement date due to PFA failure must still submit this request. e. Permanent Change of Station (PCS) Transfer Policy: Pending a permanent revision to reference (g), transfer policy is modified as follows: (1) Unless the most recent PFA was passed, Sailors who have failed one PFA in the past three years will not be assigned to: (a) Overseas billets; (b) GSA/OSA; (c) PCS/Mobilization; (d) Pre-commissioning billets; (e) Recruiting division commander assignments; (f) Recruiting duty; (g) Equal opportunity advisor assignments; (h) Washington, DC and Millington, TN staffs; (i) Combatant commander staff; or (j) Instructor duty. (2) Changes to any program not listed above that has specific PFA requirements will be announced via revision to its governing instruction. f. Administrative Separation Policy: (1) Sailors who met the requirements for mandatory separation processing per reference (g) as of 1 July 2015 and do not pass either a mock or official Cycle 2, 2015 physical readiness test (PRT) will resume separation processing on 1 December 2015 and are ineligible for the reset of PFA failures on 1 January 2016 cited in reference (a). (2) Sailors who failed their third PFA in the most recent 4-year period in the Cycle 2, 2015 PRT shall be processed for administrative separation and are ineligible for the reset of PFA failures on 1 January 2016 cited in reference (a). (3) Sailors who are currently being processed for administrative separation due to PFA failures and choose to continue with the separation process instead of requesting to participate in the Cycle 2, 2015 PFA prior to 1 December 2015 shall be processed for administrative separation without delay. Involuntary separation pay (ISP) will not be awarded. The applicable separation program designator (SPD) code from the FT (physical standards) family shall be used. For Sailors who have chosen to continue with separation, this guidance supersedes reference (h), specifically, they are not eligible for the CR (weight control) family of SPD codes. (4) Per reference (g), all commands are required to and shall capture "1 or all" PFA failures using NAVPERS 1070/613 documenting the failure with the Sailors acknowledgement. If not already completed, verify all Sailors possessing a PFA failure from 1 July 2012 to present have the required NAVPERS 1070/613 completed and filed in their official military personnel record. g. Retention Policy: References (i) and (j) remain in effect; however, Sailors who do not meet evaluation requirements for continued retention due to PFA failures and do not have enough obligated service to remain in the Navy until they can participate in the Cycle 1, 2016 PFA are directed to paragraph 3 for guidance on the process to compete for retention. h. There shall be no modification to any part of a Sailors record (i.e. evaluations, past advancement exam participation allowance, physical readiness information management system (PRIMS) historical, etc.) for data that was entered as a result of PFA failures prior to 31 December 2015. These are considered permanent record entries. 3. Amplifying instructions for Sailors pending administrative separation who have insufficient obligated service to reestablish eligibility for retention and advancement under the new physical readiness standards promulgated in reference (a): a. Active component Sailors with end of active obligated service (EAOS) or end of active obligated service (as extended) (SEAOS) and Selected Reserve (SELRES) Sailors with end of obligated service (EOS) or end of obligated service (as extended) (SEOS) between now and 31 December 2015 who have been ineligible to reenlist, extend or submit a Career Waypoints (C-WAY) application (if required) due to having three or more PFA failures in the most recent 4-year period and desire to be retained are authorized the following extensions: (1) As an exception to policy (ETP), they may submit an extension request via their command (service not to exceed 31 December 2015) to Enlisted Career Administration/Enlisted Boards (PERS-81) following the guidance at: http://www.public.navy.mil/bupers- npc/career/enlistedcareeradmin/Pages/ReenExt.aspx. (a) The purpose of this extension is to allow these Sailors an opportunity to participate in the Cycle 2, 2015 PFA, without a C-WAY quota (if applicable). (b) This ETP extension will be offered to all Sailors in this category regardless of whether their total extension for one enlistment is greater than that authorized per reference (j). (c) If the total extension time is greater than authorized per reference (j), the personnel support office shall: 1. Prepare a hard copy extension as approved. 2. Submit a trouble ticket to the Navy Standard Integrated Personnel System (NSIPS) Help Desk attaching a copy of the PERS-8 ETP approval received above, a copy of the extension, and a copy of this NAVADMIN as authority. The NSIPS Help Desk will assist the command in updating individual records accordingly. (2) Upon passing Cycle 2, 2015 PFA, a second extension request must be submitted (service not to exceed 30 June 2016) to PERS-81 following the guidance at: http://www.public.navy.mil/bupers- npc/career/enlistedcareeradmin/Pages/ReenExt.aspx with PRIMS results showing the Cycle 2, 2015 PFA results. (a) As an ETP, this action will not require a C-WAY quota (if normally required). (b) Follow-on actions required for retention are provided in reference (j). b. Sailors with EAOS or SEAOS and EOS or SEOS between 1 January 2016 and 30 June 2016 who are ineligible for retention or cannot submit a C-WAY application due to adverse evaluations as a result of past PFA failure history and desire to be retained are authorized an extension per the following: (1) Once the member successfully passes the official Cycle 2, 2015 PFA, the Sailors command should submit an extension request to Navy Personnel Command following the guidance at: http://www.public.navy.mil/bupers- npc/career/enlistedcareeradmin/Pages/ReenExt.aspx with PRIMS results showing the Cycle 2, 2015 PFA results. (2) Because this is an ETP, this action will not require a C-WAY quota (if applicable). (3) Requested extension length should be of sufficient duration to allow for processing of a future special evaluation and application in C-WAY (if applicable), but must not exceed 30 June 2016. c. Effective 1 January 2016, all Sailors (except those specified in paragraph 2 above) with PFA (body composition assessment or PRT) failures in the most recent 3-year period will be reset to one failure. C-WAY application eligibility rules will be updated to reflect the new limit of two failures in three years. The new 3-year cycle will be calculated forward based on the most recent PFA failure. For Sailors who were ineligible prior to 1 January 2016, the following steps are required to submit a reenlistment request and reestablish advancement criteria: (1) Submit a special evaluation to restore advancement recommendation after 1 January 2016. Sailors who have passed the Cycle 2, 2015 PFA, are authorized to receive a special evaluation to restore their advancement recommendation per references (b) and (c) once they are reset. However, prior to passing the Cycle 1, 2016 PFA, these Sailors will not be eligible for reenlistment, extension (except as allowed in this NAVADMIN), or a C-WAY quota (if applicable). Eligibility for retention requires that the member be promotable and recommended for retention on the last two graded evaluations per reference (i). The second evaluation required to meet this will be covered in following paragraphs. (2) Pass the Cycle 1, 2016 PFA. The Cycle 1, 2016 PFA begins on 1 January 2016. Sailors retained in the Navy by reference (a) are permitted to perform the Cycle 1, 2016 PFA less than four months after completion of their Cycle 2, 2015 PFA and document it as their official PFA for this cycle as an ETP to reference (g). It is imperative that commands support an early PFA to the extent practical to allow Sailors and personnel administrators the proper amount of time to process special evaluations, communicate with ECMs, and initiate C-WAY resets (if required) for retention. (3) Submit a second special evaluation once a Sailor passes the Cycle 1, 2016 PFA and PRIMS is updated. This special evaluation is to eliminate the physical readiness deficiency and should state this purpose explicitly in block 41 or 43 (comments on performance). At this point, Sailors will become eligible to reenlist and request a C-WAY reenlistment quota (if applicable). (4) Once the evaluation is issued, commands should contact the applicable ECM to request a one-time in-rate, willing to convert application reset to compete for a reenlistment quota. Sailors, particularly those in overmanned ratings, and their supporting career counseling teams, are highly encouraged to maximize opportunity for retention by selecting three rating choices that match with Sailor aptitude in open ratings and year groups. (5) For those Sailors subject to C-WAY, all PFA results must be recorded in PRIMS, special evaluation(s) completed, and C-WAY application submitted by 30 April 2016, which is the deadline for all C-WAY applications. Applications submitted after this deadline will not be reviewed and enlisted contracts will not be extended for additional looks in C-WAY. (6) Sailors not subject to C-WAY policy must have their PRIMS and special evaluation(s) submitted prior to 31 May 2016 to allow proper processing of required retention paperwork. (7) Due to delays in implementing required information technology system changes to support the new PFA policy delineated in reference (a), command career counselors (CCC) should closely scrutinize Cycle 2, 2015 PFA data. CCCs should edit the Cycle 2, 2015 PFA data on the C-WAY application with detailed notes describing why the data was changed. d. ISP is authorized for Sailors who complete applicable actions specified in this NAVADMIN and compete for retention but are denied a C-WAY quota. Previously submitted ineligible C-WAY applications (ineligible due to multiple PFA failures) will not be used to penalize the Sailor. Sailors who request retention, pass both Cycle 2, 2015 and Cycle 1, 2016 PFAs, and submit a C-WAY application (if required) after 1 January 2016, but are not retained will be considered to have maximized their opportunity for retention and receive ISP at the appropriate rate per references (k), (l), and (m). 4. For additional clarification, please contact the Navy Personnel Commands Customer Service Center at 1-866-U-ASK-NPC or via e-mail at UASKNPC@navy.mil. 5. This NAVADMIN will remain in effect until 31 December 2016, or unless superseded by new policy, whichever occurs first. 6. Released by Vice Admiral W. F. Moran, N1.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//