UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 231331Z OCT 15 FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 245/15 MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N3N5/OCT// SUBJ/ACADEMIC YEAR (AY) 2016-2017 FEDERAL EXECUTIVE FELLOWSHIP, U.S. NAVY HUDSON FELLOWSHIP, AND SECRETARY OF DEFENSE CORPORATE FELLOWS PROGRAM SELECTION BOARD RESULTS// REF/A/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/091422ZJUL15// AMPN/Ref A is the Federal Executive Fellowship (FEF), U.S. Navy Hudson Fellowship, and SECDEF Corporate Fellows Program (SDCFP) selection board call for applications NAVADMIN (159/2015)// RMKS/1. In accordance with Ref A, this NAVADMIN announces the selection results of the AY2016-17 U.S. Navy Hudson Fellowship, Federal Executive Fellowship, and SECDEF Corporate Fellows Program (SDCFP) board. 2. U.S. Navy Hudson Fellowship Program. Congratulations to the following officers on their nominations for the U.S. Navy Hudson Fellowship at St. Antony's College, University of Oxford. The alternate selectees are listed in alphabetical order. a. Hudson Fellowship Primary Selectee NAME RANK DESIG Hill, Christopher F. CDR 1320 b. Hudson Fellowship Alternate Selectees NAME RANK DESIG Orlich, Justin P. CDR 1110 Stephenson, Henry A. CDR 1830 3. Federal Executive Fellowship (FEF) Program. Congratulations to the following officers on their selections to the FEF program. Primary selectees are listed with their assigned institution/university. Alternate selectees are listed in alphabetical order: a. Federal Executive Fellow Primary Selectees NAME RANK DESIG INSTITUTION Gage, Geoffrey S. CAPT 1310 Brookings Institution Gonzalezocasio, Javier CDR 1110 Johns Hopkins UNIV (APL) Hill, Katrina L. CDR 1310 CTR New American Security Holmes, Robert L. CDR 1320 MIT/Security Studies Murphy, Micah D. LCDR 1110 CTR STRAT & INTL Studies Orlich, Justin P. CDR 1110 Harvard Kennedy School Ricciardella, Ted C. CDR 1320 Harvard Kennedy School Roberts, Colin M. LCDR 1110 RAND Corporation Sanders, Gregg S. CDR 1310 Tufts(Fletcher)/USNI Stephenson, Henry A. CDR 1830 Duke University/Triangle Thompson, Joseph P. CDR 1310 WASH INST NE POLICY Wiley, William H. CDR 1120 Atlantic Council Young, Forrest O. CDR 1310 Stanford University/Hoover b. Federal Executive Fellowship Alternates NAME RANK DESIG Aljilani, Cameron M. LCDR 1120 Carlstrom, Adam T. CDR 1320 Jaskowiak, Derek C. LCDR 1110 Kim, Henry S. CDR 1110 Kline, Jonathan P. CDR 1310 Leland, Gregory J. CDR 1310 Leos, Leonard M. LCDR 1110 Little, Eric A. LCDR 1310 Pitta, John T. CDR 1310 Sego, Jon C. CDR 1110 Sherrod, William R. CDR 1310 Shugart, Thomas H. CDR 1120 Simington, Christina CAPT 1830 Thomas, Steven W. CDR 1320 Vaughan, Jeremy T. CDR 1310 4. Secretary of Defense Corporate Fellows Program (SDCFP). Congratulations to the following officers on their selections for the SDCFP. Primary and alternate selectees are listed in alphabetical order: a. SDCFP Primary Selectees: NAME RANK DESIG Luckett, Michael D. CAPT 1120 Paparo, Samuel J. JR CAPT 1310 b. SDCFP Alternate Selectees: NAME RANK DESIG Erickson, Brian C. CDR 1320 Gage, Geoffrey S. CAPT 1310 Kline, Jonathan P. CDR 1310 Pak, Hui K. CAPT 1200 5. Primary selectees for all programs must accept or decline program assignment NLT 14 days from the date of this NAVADMIN. Make written notification of acceptance or declination via email to the NAVPERSCOM and OPNAV POCs listed below with a copy to their respective community detailer: 6. Point(S) of Contact: a. NAVPERSCOM: LCDR ANGELIN GRAHAM; DSN 882-4056 OR COMM (901) 874-4056; E-MAIL: ANGELIN.GRAHAM(AT)NAVY.MIL. and CDR CHARLES WHITE; DSN 882-4100 OR COMM (901) 874-4100; EMAIL: CHARLES.D.WHITE(AT)NAVY.MIL b. OPNAV PROGRAM MANAGER: LT JACK EAVES (N515); COMM (571) 256-4781; E-MAIL: JACK.EAVES(AT)NAVY.MIL. 7. Released by RADM Jeffrey A. Harley, Assistant Deputy CNO, for Operations, Plans and Strategy (N3/N5B)// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//