UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 091601Z DEC 15 FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 280/15 MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO/WASHINGTON DC/N1/DEC// SUBJ/CHART THE COURSE TRAINING// REF/A/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/081342ZSEP15// AMPN/REF A IS NAVADMIN 213/15, FY-16 GENERAL MILITARY TRAINING SCHEDULE// RMKS/1. This NAVADMIN provides guidance for Chart the Course (CTC) training and outlines the requirements for completion and documentation. CTC highlights many issues faced by Sailors where both simple and complex decisions may need to be made and the subsequent impact and potential consequences of those decisions. The CTC task force will facilitate delivery of this training to all active and reserve Navy personnel. 2. Background. CTC continues our efforts to combat destructive behaviors across the fleet while reinforcing and building upon our Navy Core Values and Navy Ethos. CTC blends scenario-based videos with facilitator-led discussions addressing the idea that all hands must take ownership of enhancing a positive and professional climate within their commands and work environments (e.g., work centers, divisions, departments, watch teams, detachments, etc.). CTC will thus serve as a navigation plan to help all Sailors recognize admirable decision-making and professional behavior when faced with challenging circumstances and/or situations. Since this training bridges several topic areas, commands may also use completion of CTC to satisfy hazing policy and prevention; operational risk management; and alcohol, drug, and tobacco awareness command-assigned readiness-enhancement general military training as directed in reference (a). 3. Command Facilitator Training. Training will be delivered to all active and reserve personnel by certified command facilitators (CFs) selected by their individual commands. Designated CFs personnel will be trained on CTC facilitation techniques by Master Mobile Training Teams (MMTT) from the CTC Task Force and will then deliver the interactive video and facilitated face- to-face sessions in small groups to their peers within the command. a. Due to similarities in the training methods, CFs certified to instruct Bystander Intervention to the Fleet in FY-15 remain certified to instruct CTC (even if they have subsequently transferred commands). The CTC Task Force will provide an online facilitator refresher/CTC orientation for former Bystander Intervention to the Fleet facilitators prior to initial roll-out of CTC training materials in January 2016. b. Completion of CFs certification training will be documented by the CTC Task Force in the Fleet Training Management Planning System (FLTMPS). Qualified CFs will receive credit for the course NETC-CTC-CF-CERT in their individual training records in FLTMPS within 1-2 weeks of training completion. Grandfathered Bystander Intervention to the Fleet CFs will receive this credit automatically. 4. CTC Command-Level Delivery. CTC will be delivered as a face-to-face discussion by MMTT-certified CFs. a. Peer-to-peer training is a critical element of CTC designed to encourage open, frank dialogue among those of similar age and experience level. Commanding officers should define the peer groups within their command in such a way to maximize the consistency of age, experience, and background among group members and select facilitators from each group to deliver this peer-level training. As a guideline, the recommended peer groupings are junior-level (E5 and below); mid-level (E6-E8/W2-W4/O1-O4); and senior-Level (E9/W5/O5 and above). Commanding officers (COs) may adjust or combine peer groups based on individual command demographics. b. Every command CTC session will be facilitated by two CFs personnel who fall within the same peer group as the training audience. Commands may designate multiple CFs per peer group as command size warrants. The success of CTC training depends on the selection of exemplary and dynamic CFs who have the ability to actively engage Sailors while delivering the CTC content. Co-facilitation of CTC sessions is not waiverable. c. Commands with small numbers of Navy personnel, or those with deployed/remote personnel, may combine CTC training with other commands so long as the peer-to-peer and co-facilitation requirements are met. d. CTC training materials (videos, facilitator guide and supporting material) will be mailed on DVD to all Navy commands prior to January 2016. CFs may also access training materials online following conclusion of their certification at a dedicated CTC site on www.milsuite.mil. Download procedures will be provided via separate correspondence to all CFs. 5. Documentation. Completion of CTC training will be documented using FLTMPS. Use the report group Chart the Course with course identification number NETC-CTC and course title Chart the Course Peer Level Training to record training via the FLTMPS learning event completion form. 6. Training Completion. CTC training will be completed no later than 30 September 2016. 7. Resources. Commands may access Navy CTC training information via the NPC 21st Century Sailor webpage http://www.public.navy.mil/bupers- npc/support/21st_century_sailor/pages/default.aspx. The CTC webpage will contain up to date policy information, CFs training registration instructions, and frequently asked questions. 8. Action Required: a. All commands shall: (1) Ensure at least two CFs are identified for each command peer group and complete CFs certification training as detailed in paragraph 3 of this NAVADMIN. Registration for CFs certification training can be completed online at https://esams.cnic.navy.mil/esams_gen_2/loginesams.aspx. (2) Deliver CTC training in CFs-led peer training via small group sessions using training products provided by the CTC Task Force no later than 30 September 2016. (3) Document CTC completion per paragraph 5 of this NAVADMIN for all command members. b. Joint commands shall ensure the Navy Element Commander executes CTC training for all assigned Navy personnel in accordance with this NAVADMIN. 9. General business rules that shall be adhered to in executing the required CTC training: a. Only MMTT personnel assigned to the CTC Task Force will conduct CFs certification training. Individual commands are not authorized to certify their own CFs. b. CTC training is required only for uniformed Navy personnel. Civilians or other service personnel assigned at Navy commands are not required to participate in CTC training but may attend at the COs discretion. c. CTC training material will not be modified and may only be delivered by a certified CFs. 10. Command Relationships. The CTC Task Force is the supported commander for this Chief of Naval Operations-directed requirement. All other Navy commands are designated as supporting commands. 11. CTC Task Force points of contact are CAPT Patricia Enright, CTC Task Force Chief of Staff, at (757) 492-5623/DSN 492 or via e-mail at patricia.enright(at)navy.mil or CDR Heath Marcus, CTC Task Force Deputy Chief of Staff, at (757) 492-5640/DSN 492 or via e-mail at heath.marcus(at)navy.mil. 12. Released by Vice Admiral W. F. Moran, N1.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//