UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 161607Z DEC 15 FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC CMC WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 288/15 SUBJ/CNO RAPID INNOVATION CELL CALL FOR MEMBERSHIP// MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N00/DEC// RMKS/1. This message announces the requirements and solicits applications for the 4TH Generation of the Chief of Naval Operation's (CNO) Rapid Innovation Cell (CRIC). The CRIC is accepting applications for new members until 31 January 2016. Application instructions and forms are available at https://www.milsuite.mil/book/cric2016. The following outlines background, CRIC successes, and eligibility criteria to apply. 2. Background. The CRIC was established in 2012 to provide junior leaders, both officer and enlisted, an opportunity to propose development of an innovative process or technology. The CRIC empowers innovators with Flag leadership advocacy and financial resources to rapidly develop prototypes for transition to the fleet. Navy Warfare Development Command (NWDC) manages the CRIC program on behalf of the CNO, providing funding, oversight, mentorship, training, administration, and logistics support. During their tenure, CRIC members will meet with government and industry science, technology, and innovation leaders throughout the world and have the opportunity to brief the CNO on their projects. 3. Success stories: a. LT Jason Knudson delivered an open architecture C4I initiative for afloat platforms that resulted in development of rapidly reconfigurable mission packages that required less than half the space and cost aboard Expeditionary Fast Transport ships. b. LCDR Rollie Wicks is developing a next-generation computer modeling system, which was recently adopted as an international standard and adopted by the Department of Veteran's Affairs for medical systems. LCDR Wicks also developed an NGA/Navy enterprise solution to semi-automate Notice to Mariners updates to nautical charts, eliminating a multi-year backlog and producing near real-time maritime Safety of Navigation content. c. LT Eric Regnier delivered a renewable energy initiative to produce electricity from galley food waste at the United States Naval Academy that will markedly decrease the Academy's energy cost. Project data and lessons learned will inform initiatives to implement waste to energy technologies at Navy bases worldwide to address mandates of The Secretary of the Navy's 1 Gigawatt Task Force for renewable energy. d. LS2(SW/AW) Michael Crowley and LS2(SW/AW) Robert Kennedy lead an initiative to streamline onboard materiel distribution by automating the documentation of repair part issues that will result in a significant reduction of manpower and increased inventory accuracy. e. For more information on these and other ongoing CRIC efforts, join the CRIC on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/navyCRIC, or via Navy and Marine Corps Intranet (NMCI) at https//nwdc.navy.mil/ncfi/CRIC/default.aspx. 4. CRIC Expectations and Eligibility. CRIC members are volunteers from a cross-section of Navy communities. Participation is a collateral duty and members are not relocated or released from present duty assignments. CRIC candidates must have exceptional drive, passion, and vision necessary to carry their project to completion. Prospective CRIC applicants should be O-4 and below, and should not be transitioning out of the Navy or anticipating a Permanent Change of Stations orders to sea duty prior to September 2018. Members generally commit about four days every other month outside of their regular duties for travel, and participation in innovation events. Project management is in addition to, and not to interfere with, normally assigned duties. Verified command support is required for membership. The length of active membership in the CRIC depends on the duration of the individual's project and is normally not more than 24 months. If selected as a finalist, selectees will be required to attend a one week orientation session at NWDC in Norfolk, VA between 28 March and 7 April 2016 (exact dates to be determined). Travel will be funded by NWDC. 5. Application process. Application instructions and forms are available at https://www.milsuite.mil/book/cric2016. Approximately 12 proposals will be selected to further refine their project submissions with final selection of 5-6 projects in April 2016. Applications and information can also be obtained through contacting NWDC point of contacts: Ms. Cameron Cooper (cameron.cooper(at)navy.mil, (757) 341-4731) and LTJG Josie Lenny (josie.lenny(at)navy.mil, (757) 341-4687). 6. Released by Vice Admiral R. L. Thomas, Director Navy Staff.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//