UNCLASSIFIED ROUTINE R 170903Z DEC 15 FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 289/15 MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N00/DEC// SUBJ/CHIEF OF NAVAL OPERATIONS HOLIDAY MESSAGE// Rmks/1. Team, the holiday season is rich with celebrations from many different traditions. Dana and I hope that your "holiday routine" brings you peace and joy. 2. I also clearly recognize that it is because of your dedication and sacrifice that so many other Americans will be able to experience a peaceful holiday with their families. This peace does not come free - it is possible only because of your willingness to stand the watch and keep us all safe and secure. Thank you for your calling to this noble cause. 3. For many, your oath to support and defend our Constitution will take you far away from home and your loved ones this season. You will be forward deployed, alert and ready to respond to any threat or crisis. I am particularly grateful to you who guard our safety this holiday. Do not feel alone - you are in good company with your shipmates, and all of us are with you in spirit. We can all reach out to help one another experience the joy of this season even as you remain on watch. Dana and I will keep you in our thoughts and prayers. 4. Finally, as always, please take care of yourselves and one another. Be safe, and keep each other safe. You all are part of a high-performing team - the nation needs you - I need you - more than ever. I look forward to working together in 2016 to do all that we can to keep America safe and secure. 5. Happy Holidays! 6. Released by ADM J. M. Richardson, Chief of Naval Operations.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//