RTTUZYUW RHOIAAA0001 0281411-UUUU--RHSSSUU ZNR UUUUU R 281401Z JAN 16 FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS PASS TO OFFICE CODES: FM CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// NAVADMIN 016/16 MSGID/GENADMIN CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/JAN// SUBJ/ANNOUNCEMENT OF FEBRUARY 2016 IMPLEMENTATION OF BILLET BASED DISTRIBUTION FUNCTIONALITY INTO THE CAREER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM INTERACTIVE DETAILING// RMKS/1. This NAVADMIN announces the Navy’s refining of the distribution process for enlisted personnel with the addition of Billet Based Distribution (BBD) functionality to the Career Management SystemInteractive Detailing (CMS-ID). BBD matches Sailors to specific billets based on rating, paygrade, and Navy enlisted classification codes. BBD will enable the Navy to more efficiently assign personnel in support of warfighting readiness. BBD will be implemented in February 2016. 2. Impact to Sailors: BBD is transparent to the individual Sailor in that BBD does not change the Sailor negotiation and application process in CMS-ID. Sailors will continue to use CMS-ID to apply for available jobs in the present manner. To accommodate implementation, BBD will be deployed to the production CMS-ID environment starting 28 January 2016. The first BBD enlisted requisition will run 5 February 2016, and the February cycle of CMS-ID using the new capability will open for fleet applications on 12 February 2016. The January CMS-ID cycle will be compressed to allow this implementation, and the updated schedule for January and February 2016 can be found on the CMS-ID log-in page: https://www.cmsid.navy.mil/jass/Index.action. For more information, see the Sailors Whats New for You on the BBD web page: http://www.public.navy.mil/bupers- npc/enlisted/billet_based/Pages/default2.aspx. 3. Past and Ongoing Education Events: During Summer and Fall 2015, Commander, Navy Personnel Command (NPC) conducted training in the Hampton Roads, Jacksonville-Mayport-Kings Bay, Pacific Northwest, and San Diego areas, training over 1,000 military and civilians across type commander, immediate superior in command, and command levels, on the basics of BBD. NPC began hosting Defense Collaboration Services (DCS) training in December 2015 to continue in-depth activity manning manager (AMM) training. This training, along with frequently asked questions (FAQ), is posted on the BBD web page. 4. AMM: Multiple user roles are available in the new system; however, the primary user will be the AMM. The role of AMM was created specifically for BBD to manage enlisted personnel and the commands legacy Enlisted Distribution Verification Report (EDVR). AMMs will have access to view detailed information on command personnel and billets allowing for efficient management of the demand signal sent to NPC for distribution action based upon manning control authority prioritization. The AMMs role is critical in the automated BBD environment, as detailed information is shared across myriad users and personnel managers. It is the AMMs responsibility to ensure this information is accurate. As of 30 December 2015, 4,012 unit identification codes have been verified by NPC and 3,894 initial baseline alignments have been sent to commands or designated manning managers to review, validate and return to NPC. 5. EDVR Replacement: The legacy EDVR will be replaced by an Enlisted Distribution Verification Process (EDVP). Instead of a published report, the process of validating enlisted manning will use on-line information provided in CMS-ID. This change provides access to near real-time information for better distribution of enlisted Navy personnel. 6. Requesting Access: Fleet users may begin requesting access to the new system now. All users, with the exception of the enlisted Sailors role used for orders negotiation in CMS-ID, must resubmit a System Authorization Access Request Navy (OPNAV 5239/14) and submit a new Distribution Systems Request Form (NAVPERS 1330/3). Guidance on filling out and submitting these forms can be found on the BBD web page on the NPC website under BBD Access: http://www.public.navy.mil/bupers- npc/enlisted/billet_based/Pages/default2.aspx. Access issued for fleet users prior to BBD delivery will initially be for the CMS-ID test website. Upon BBD delivery, all accounts will automatically switch to allow access to the production CMS-ID site. Users will be granted varying levels of access to information in BBD based on their assigned role in the command. 7. Guidance and Training: The BBD web page provides additional information on pertinent instructions, including the new EDVP Manual, a BBD User Guide, links to the CMS-ID test and production websites, training materials and links to DCS training events, and FAQs. 8. For questions or access to supplemental information, go to the BBD web page at: http://www.public.navy.mil/bupers- npc/enlisted/billet_based/Pages/default2.aspx or contact your commands PERS- 4013 Placement Coordinator. 9. Released by Vice Admiral W. F. Moran, N1.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//