UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 051451Z FEB 16 FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 29/16 SUBJ/ADMIRAL STAN ARTHUR AWARDS-CALL FOR CY 2015 NOMINATIONS// REF/A/INST/OPNAVINST 5305.8C/22FEB2010// AMPN/REF A IS ADMIRAL STAN ARTHUR AWARDS FOR LOGISTICS EXCELLENCE.// POC/LCDR REBECCA GELS/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N413/TEL: (703)695-4861/EMAIL: REBECCA.V.GELS(AT)NAVY.MIL// RMKS/1. Per ref (a), nominations are requested for the annual Admiral Stan Arthur Awards. Submit all nominations, not to exceed two pages, using OPNAVINST 5305/8 (Rev Oct 2013), at https://navalforms.documentservices.dla.mil/formsDir/_OPNAV_5305_8_4921.pdf. Categories are: a. Military Logistician of the Year b. Civilian Logistician of the Year c. Logistics Team(s) of the Year 2. The intent of the Admiral Stan Arthur Award is to recognize Navy military and civilian individuals and team(s) whose contributions and suggestions during calendar year 2015 have: a. Supported the CNO's guidance for 2015 b. Advanced technology, products, services and/or processes c. Resolved major logistics issues d. Developed innovative logistics that merit adoption for standard use e. Had a positive effect on Joint operations 3. Nominees may be involved in any and all phases of Navy acquisition, operational logistics, and Joint Services logistics, from early life-cycle planning to in-service logistics support. Nominees may come from a variety of communities, to include, but not limited to: civil engineering, supply, medical, and maintenance. Contractors may be included on team award submissions, but will not receive monetary awards. 4. Individuals and team(s) selected to receive the Admiral Stan Arthur Award for calendar year 2015 will be announced via Naval message. The award ceremony, conducted via video teleconference, is planned for June 2015. 5. Award selectees receive the following: a. Plaque and certificate for individual category and team(s) b. $5,000 for Military Logistician of the Year c. $5,000 for Civilian Logistician of the Year d. $10,000 for the winning team to share among its military and civilian members 6. Submit nominations, via Echelon II commands, to Director, Logistics Programs Division (OPNAV N41) NLT COB Friday, 1 April 2016. Echelon II commands may submit a total of three nominations, no more than one per award category. To receive confirmation of package arrival, nomination package must include e-mail address and phone number of Echelon II POC. Packages for individual military and civilian nominees must include a one-page biography with a professional head-and-shoulders picture embedded. 7. Released by VADM P. H. Cullom, N4.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//