UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 251654Z FEB 16 FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 044/16 MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/FEB// SUBJ/FY-17 ACTIVE-DUTY NAVY LIMITED DUTY OFFICER (LDO) AND CHIEF WARRANT OFFICER (CWO) IN-SERVICE PROCUREMENT SELECTION BOARD RESULTS// REF/A/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/301643Z NOV 15// REF/B/DOC/MANMED/23JAN14// NARR/REF A IS NAVADMIN 275/15, CHANGE IN POLICY FOR APPOINTMENTS FOR LDO. REF B IS NAVMED P-117, CHAPTER 15, MANUAL OF THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT.// RMKS/1. Congratulations to selectees of the FY-17 Active-Duty Navy Limited Duty Officer and Chief Warrant Officer In-service Procurement Board. 2. For LDO and CWO selectees, read name, commissioning month/year. All appointments are effective on the first day of the commissioning month. Members are directed to verify their select status via BUPERS Online. Limited Duty Officer * Lieutenant (Junior Grade) Administration - 6410 Diego Mark J 1016 Limited Duty Officer - Ensign Deck Surface 611X Carney Brandon E 1116 Helms Christopher 0517 Larson Steven B 0917 Pietras Andrea Larin 0317 Turner Vincent P 0517 Operations Surface - 612X Banks Deshane Rodrecues 0317 Bobruk John Adam 0417 Casas John Paul 1216 Doctor Brandon J 0317 Edwards Lucas Lee 0517 Evans Gabriel L 0917 Mcguffin Chasity L 0217 Ortiz Shane Thomas 0417 Patnode Christopher M 0617 Ross Thomas W 1016 Shepardson Gregory M II 0617 Swales Robert M 1216 Zufelt Amber Rose 1116 Engineering/Repair Surface 613X Angosta Samantha Jean 0417 Castanedaroblesgil E 1116 Choe Hyung Jin 0417 Geissinger Robert C 0217 Hays Joshua Allen 1216 Martin Jeffrey Adam 0317 Martinezchapel Ant 0517 Meza Jose Emmanuela 0617 Mondaya Trinol D 0217 Morgan Kristoff J 0617 Nauth Anoop Kishen 1016 Ortiz Hector 0317 Orton Michael J Jr 0817 Perkey Heath Eugene 0517 Pharisien Paris J 0917 Renoir Felix 0917 Ruch Rahsaan 0817 Schaeffer Seth Daniel 0917 Scott Adam Eugene 0817 Shepard Patrick Obrien 0917 Souriyavongsa Jame 0917 Tayag Hazel Maglaqui 0417 Ordnance Surface 616X Alvarado Frank Anthony 0817 Blodgett Joshua M 1116 Daniels Jack Robert 0517 Hauxwell Aaron D 0917 Larson Eric Evan 1216 Mcbride Gregory D 0917 Preston Thomas Cody 0417 Tyson Jonathan Eric 0417 Electronics Surface 618X Cross Timothy Raymond 0417 Dejan Justin Henry 0317 Donlon Ryan Adams 0517 Hays James Ryan 0417 Haywood Jasper Clint 0517 Hunley Alexander L 0517 Jewett Benjamin Pierce 1116 Martinez Bernandino 0917 Martzall Andrew Vaughan 0817 Mills Jessica Tara 0317 Mitchell Timothy Paul 1016 Ortiz Edwin Alexis 0817 Rooney John Patrick 0917 Sanpedro Leocarlo K 0617 Smith David James 0617 Smitley Loren A 0917 Soper Adam Richard 0617 Stewart Jason R 0817 Terwisscha Ross J 0817 White Christopher 0517 Williams Bobbie M III 0917 Nuclear Power 620X Ballot David Andrew Jr 1116 Barrett Keith R 1016 Bejines Sonya Rosanna 1016 Blackstock Russell 0417 Byrne Robert Niki 0217 Cameron Ryan Lee 1116 Catsigris Thomas Gus 1016 Chicky Alexandra B 0917 Clark Eric Michael 0417 Conklin Donald E 1016 Cook Matthew James 0417 Corcoran Charles M 1216 Cotterell Christopher A 1216 Cremer Brandon H 0617 Darragh Jason Michael 1116 Davis Ivan M 1116 Galentine Ryan C 0217 Giuliano David J 1116 Guerrero Carlos Jr 0217 Heiliger Joshua T 1016 Hites Joshua Allen 1216 Holbrook Shaun M 1216 Jenning Michael Paul 0917 Lambach Christopher 0217 Martin Elliott Lawrence 0217 Martin Jereme Alan 1216 Mcgee Travis Larkin 0617 Miller Cristopher A 0217 Morgan Edward Bernard 0917 Murray Joseph E 0617 Nydam Nicholas James 0917 Perry Matthew Ruud 0417 Silvavalentin Juan D 1116 Stevenson Anthony M 1016 Strickland James Matthew 0417 Winkelman Bradford 1216 Engineering/Repair Submarine 623X Bush Michael Jon 0817 Caroffino Ryan T 0317 Mcintosh Richard A 1016 Ordnance Submarine 626X Alden Jonathan Michael 0817 Bowman Gregory W 1116 Edlin Matthew Scott 0817 Koch Robert John 0917 Pate William Z 1116 Pelletier Alexander 0217 Turner Kirk Edward 0917 Electronics Submarine 628X Bugge Brian James 0917 Fountain Demetrius 0817 Gregory Jonathan Alan 0917 Moehl Nicholas D 0817 Stroman Rashann Artel 0917 Strubel Richard F 0817 Communications Submarine 629X Glamm John David 0317 Matlock Dale Evan 0817 Villarreal Daniel R Jr 0917 Aviation Deck 631X Costante Anthony Michael 0317 Hurdle Jerell 1216 Kuhns Christopher James 0817 Pavon Jorge Eduardo 0517 Velez Cirilo 1016 Aviation Operations 632X Frank Joshua Edward 0317 Givens James K 0517 Gotelli Christopher F 1016 Pope Garett Tyler 1116 Rush William Allison II 0817 Umali Walterjoe C 0817 Wright David James 1216 Aviation Maintenance 633X Barr Anthony Lawrence 0317 Boyer Philip M 0817 Cambra Ryan Christopher 0917 Cervantes Peter H 0317 Elmore Joshua Lamar 0517 Ha Kim Thinguyen 0817 Hussain Sijad 0617 Lauderdale Stephen 1116 Mccaffrey Daniel Joseph 0517 Mcmath Daniel E 0817 Mireles Christopher M 0817 Monzella Jeffery J 0217 Mount Ryan Lamar 1016 Packer Jordan M 1016 Pepper David Wesley 0817 Sewell Erick Thomas 0917 Shaw Matthew Douglas 0417 Villalobos Daniel 0917 Wallace Upton Nw 0217 Widman Brody M 0917 Williams Travis John 0417 Aviation Ordnance 636X Beck Misty Dawn 0217 Bernat Zachery D 0317 Bracero Michael 0617 Brown Micheal Leroy 1116 Buckland Anthony J II 1116 Canady Ronald E Jr 0917 Fennell Timothy Patrick 0217 Kelly Matthew Bo 0317 Keyser Javier 0817 Madison Decarveus G 0617 Orr Jordan Douglas 0317 Air Traffic Control 639X Alvis Jerelyn M 0517 Buchanan Kevin Lee 0917 Mantillapena Sonia L 0217 Monroe Megan Rose 0817 Sigears Fred James III 0417 Administration 641X Almonte Jose Carlos 0317 Cruz David J 0517 Davis Adam Lee 0217 Duartesantiago Rob 1016 Fernandezcueto Gabriel 0917 Gavino Kristine L 1016 Holman Shavonne Larease 0817 Howard Markus D 0817 Ingram Zane Philip 0817 Kennedy William E 0817 Ledoux Samantha C 0517 Miller Christopher 0817 Nolen Matthew McEwen 0617 Reinhardt Lisa M 0917 Rogerson John Calloway 0917 Sexton Andrew Mikal 0517 Still Thomas C 0317 Stribling Shanelle 0917 Tejeda Jose 0817 Bandmaster 643X Anderson Matthew Harold 1216 Thiesfeldt Joel R 0917 Explosive Ordnance Disposal 648X Despot Barry Allen 0217 Franklin Daniel J 0917 Gutowski Christian Jan 1016 Lawson Dustin James 0917 Sarrazin Michael David 0217 Security 649X Allen Bryon Eric 1116 Altuna Alexia Diann 1016 Caezza Stephen Joseph 1216 Cartwright Veronica 1116 Diamond Michael Joseph 1116 Eckert Lee Evan 0217 Ferguson Brian 1016 Gamboa Elizabeth C 1216 Garcia Lorenzo Fierro 1016 Greer Mark Ryan 1216 Helinski Jacqueline M 1016 Hua Trucquynh Thi 0217 Hughes Ronald Douglas 0217 Muhammad Jabril W 1116 Popo Esther Grace 1116 Powell Kenyatta D 1016 Riley Glenn Jr 1216 Sangenette Peter F 0217 Schlom Mark Edward 0217 Stinyard James E 1216 Vanwyck Mark Allen 1216 Wells Ryan M 1016 Supply Corps 651X Camachoalvarez Hector 1016 Flores Allan Dagan 0317 Gatbonton Mariel Sabado 0617 Gordon Kameek Sidon 0617 Mata Jorge Casimiro 1216 Morgan Eugene 1016 Oliver Ricky Leon II 0317 Olshenske Steven H 1216 Reynoso Manuel 0617 Civil Engineer Corps 653X Arana Asdru 0317 Dean William J 1016 Heisserer Brenton Werner 1016 Lamb Joshua Ray 0317 Paskevic Andrej 0317 Meteorology/Oceanography 680X Goff Celena Amaris 0417 Information Warfare 681X Brummel Jeffrey R 0517 French Rodney L III 1216 Hoover Justin Howard 0917 Humble William T 1016 Martz Jason John 0917 Oberholtzer Alicia 0817 Tuttle Shane Thomas 0317 Veverka Terrence A 0417 Information Systems 682X Albarran Kiel Louis 0317 Barks Diana Elaine 0517 Chauhan Neal Pravin 0817 Comer Reshad Donte 0917 Elbert Faith Lasonya 0517 Henson James Bryan 0917 Hughes Denisha Desha 0817 Lyons Neal Gilbert 0317 Mccray Gregory E Jr 1016 Mohlman Thomas H 0917 Thompson Antonnea M 0817 Wilson Blake Leland 0817 Intelligence 683X Brown Amanda Rachella 0417 Gregory Timothy S 1116 Hinkel Thomas Paul 0817 Ryan Patrick J Jr 1016 Chief Warrant Officer (CWO3) Engineering Technician Surface - 7131 Fraley Lawrence Mark 1016 Rhodes Gary Lee 1016 Aviation Maintenance Technician - 7331 Brown Timothy David 1116 Hager Nicky Harline 1216 Food Service Warrant - 7521 Kelsey Cameron Ryan 0617 Tubera Felipe Urcia 1216 Chief Warrant Officer (CWO2) Boatswain Surface - 7111 Acostaacevedo Elvis M 1016 Alexander Gerren T 0617 Amos Andre Darnell 1116 Lewis Jeffrey Wade 0217 Randle Brian Oneal 0517 Rohrer Kevin Joseph 1216 Thomason Charla Dee 0217 Williams Edward A 0317 Williams Franklin L Jr 0417 Withers John D 0317 Operations Technician Surface - 7121 Aguila Jovan Lomogda 0617 Albin Nicholas Kyle 0617 Brutcher Timothy Michael 0317 Clipp Timothy Edwin 1116 Dalton Shayla Meyown 0417 Francois Jackson J 0517 Grover Therial Charles 1116 House Jason Matthew 1016 Magtira Markronan N 0417 Pastwick Jeffrey A 0317 Taplin Tyson Cortez 0217 Taylor Denay 0617 Vaphides Eric Charles 0517 Villalobos Nelson P 0217 Engineering Technician Surface - 7131 Arroyo Gabriel Esteban 0217 Boule Mara 0617 Chambers Tony Robert 0317 Colon Jose Angel 0417 Concepcion Khrieskyyenan 0617 Dalziel Edward A 1116 Demunbrun Kevin Scott 0317 Garcia Steve Alden 0217 Gedeus Ernst 0217 Harper David Daniel 0517 Hill Chad Marcel 1016 Jimenezfigueroa J 1216 Johnson Timothy Lawrence 0417 Kellar Kraig Lee 0417 Marzan Ferdinand Deleon 1216 Minx Lawrence A Jr 0317 Obermueller Joshua D 0617 Page Lance Everton 0517 Pereira Adrian Clairmont 1116 Robertson Paul A 1116 Scott Terence Falcunitin 0617 Stagg Earl III 0517 Walters Steven Grant 1216 Special Warfare Technician - 7151 Bridges Gregory C Jr 1216 Forsberg Paul Drew 0317 Gardner Brian Matthew 0417 Heiden Eric William 0417 Holland Jeffrey Lenn 1016 Martinez Richard A 0517 Park David Adam 1016 Smith Daniel Scott 1216 Straub Kurt Randolph 0517 Walker Patrick Ryan 0317 Ordnance Technician Surface - 7161 Alcantar Isaac Ricardo 1216 Bock Manter H III 0517 Buck Jordan Wayne 1216 Craddock Thomas J 0217 Delgado Gabriel F 1016 Dresselhaus David M 1116 Eisner Paul Daniel 0417 Holmes Sean Douglas 0417 Owens Coldon Leon 0217 Propst David A Jr 1016 Roane Scott Andrew 0217 Ryall Lawrence A 1116 Wappelhorst Benjamin D 1116 Watrous Andrew Jay 1216 Special Warfare Combatant Craft Crewman - 7171 Evans Jeffrey William 0317 Munshower Corey A 1116 Riley Zachary John 1216 Weinman Joseph R 1016 Electronics Technician Surface - 7181 England Jerry Lee 0317 Kornegay Brian D 1216 Melia James Andrew 1116 Patat Joshua Dean 1016 Riley James Odell 1216 Roesner Patrick E 1116 Diving Officer - 7201 Millen Johnathan Lee 0517 Parsons Charles K 1116 Sheltmire Benjamin S 0617 Slack Joshua Daniel 0617 Ordnance Technician Submarine - 7261 Ibrahim Younis B 0217 Rasor Joshua Barron 1116 Stolpe Nathan Tanner 0517 Aviation Boatswain - 7311 Agostiniserrano Jorge Jr 0217 Dellajacono Anthony 1216 Estrada Daniel C 1216 Gonzalezgonzalez J 0217 Riley Micheal Duane 0317 Wiley Brik Darnell 0317 Aviation Operations Technician - 7321 Grullon Julio C 1016 Mcmilon Tonya N 0217 Pavich Michael Lee 0317 Pilgrim Benjamin J 0417 Schlais Eugene Robert Jr 0517 Skinner Michael T 1016 Aviation Maintenance Technician - 7331 Baguilod Therdy 1216 Baylor Justin Allen 1016 Black Michael Thomas 1116 Bolynn Scott Allen 0317 Cathey Shay Matthew 0617 Couch Bryan Noland 0217 Escoto Andres M 0617 Furstman Francis W 1216 Gamble Toranzo Elliotino 0417 Idio Jason Macadaan 0217 Joyner Tiffanie Lorraine 0317 Montgomery Nicholas 0217 Nave Darin Julious 0217 Negrini Vincent E 1216 Pacleb Joel Quinto 0617 Patel Gaurav R 1016 Pinto Dimitri Brian 0517 Polan William R III 0517 Richey Daniel Devonne 0317 Schultz Steven D Jr 0317 Simon Christopher Lee 1116 Torres Cesar G Jr 0517 Whitson Breshen Shay 0417 Zarate Juan Dario 0417 Zornes Jeremy Eugene 0417 Aviation Ordnance Technician - 7361 Comly Richard Shane 0517 Ferrette Carl D 1216 Hart Charles Eliot 0417 Hernandez Jose A 0217 James Warren Tevalas 0617 Jeno Thomas Carl 1216 Long David Eric 0217 Lucy Quindoly L 0217 Newton Robert Dewain 1216 Rodriguez Cesar 0617 Salas Jose Raul Jr 1116 Smith Ryan Matthew 1116 Toth Wayne 0417 Tucker Stephen J 1116 Ships Clerk - 7411 Aponte Selena Lydia 0617 Biggs Ryan Michael 0417 Evans Maurice Decosio 0217 Gamboa Amalio 0617 Garcia Mayra Gonzalez 0317 Hansel James D 0517 Lee Leticia Shantel 0317 Montero Aquiella O 1116 Padjen George Damon 0217 Payne Michael Ray 0217 Rendon Miguel Angel 0517 Sherman Christopher 1116 Swain Richard Brian 0517 Thomas Jamaal P 0417 Thompson Jamal Kandia 0417 Williams Garrett 0417 Security Technician - 7491 Bednarz Glen Hans 0617 Brooks Daniel E 0417 Moreaux Danny Lynn Jr 1116 Sheek Jason John 0617 Skewes Juan Carlos 0617 Food Service Warrant - 7521 Cross Brook Omar 1216 Hall Morio L 0517 Spencer Stewart T IV 0617 Vergara Van M 0517 Information Warfare Technician - 7811 Acevez Steven Emanuel 0417 Barrera Erik Adair 0617 Bishop Thomas Wayne 0417 Coburn Jason Lee 0517 Duncan Timothy Braden 0617 Gloyd Matthew James 0417 Goodale Sarah Thecla 1216 Hewitt Dallas Kane 0617 Koger Brandon Lee 1216 Nerbonne Timothy W 0617 Stone Samuel Germaine 0517 Ulrich Tiffany Lynn 0517 Information Systems Technician - 7821 Beidleman Martin M 0317 Boyce Christopher S 0517 Britt Christopher John 1016 Brown Jeffrey B 0617 Godown Sean Philip 1216 Jackson Kelvin G Jr 1016 Joseph Xina M 0617 Labrenz Robert A 0217 Mccarty Brian Michael 0517 Nunez Cesar Jr 0217 Odom Simone Rochelle 0317 Oliva Amy Diana 0417 Porter Lakisha Edana 0617 Pringle Danny C Jr 0517 Torres Ebony Nichole 0417 Intelligence Technician - 7831 Adair Ama Marie 1016 Echevarriagonzalez 1116 Fisher Jessica Elizabeth 1216 Munsey Matthew Todd 1016 Reeves Christopher A 1016 Cyber Warrant - 7841 Chiles Stanley Randall 0317 Edmond Jessica M 1216 Johnson Travis Michael 0617 3. Each applicant should take pride in knowing that the superior performance documented in the evaluations and fitness reports reviewed by the board required the members to dedicate long hours in making hard choices to ensure only the best and fully qualified applicants were selected. I am confident that each selectee will justify their selection time and again in their new career as mustang officers. Those not selected are highly encouraged to seek out an LDO/CWO in your area for advice on ways to grow professionally and improve opportunity for future selection. Bravo Zulu to all who were willing to answer the call. 4. This message is not authority to issue appointments. Frocking is prohibited. COMNAVPERSCOM (PERS-806) will deliver appointments under separate correspondence approximately 60 days prior to the commissioning date. Per reference (a), personnel selected for LDO with greater than 10 years time in service at time of appointment will be offered permanent appointment to ENS. 5. Commanding Officers are directed to: a. Notify selectee. b. Notify PERS-802 via official correspondence not later than 10 days following release of this message of selectees who do not accept appointment. Selectees who decline their commission within this 10 day period will be considered by the FY-17 Active-Duty Enlisted Selection Boards. After the 10 day period, PERS 802 will invalidate all FY-17 Active-Duty Navy Limited Duty Officer (LDO) and Chief Warrant Officer (CWO) In-service Procurement Selection Board selectees eligibility for the FY-17 active-duty enlisted selection boards. c. Per reference (b) ensure LDO and CWO selectees obtain a commissioning physical within the 90 days preceding the appointment month. Notify the applicable officer detailer upon completion. d. Hold execution of all permanent change of station orders in abeyance, if applicable, and immediately notify PERS-40 of member's selection. e. Administer official physical fitness assessment (PFA) within four months of commissioning date. Selectees must hand carry test results to Officer Indoctrination School, Newport, RI. If selectee fails to achieve a satisfactory, notify your applicable officer detailer. Hold commissioning in abeyance until successful completion of PFA. f. Hold appointment in abeyance if it is determined that a selectee is no longer mentally, physically, morally or professional qualified or if they fail to meet current PFA requirements. Immediately forward documentation citing reason to PERS-802. 6. Nuclear Power. Nuclear designated Limited Duty Officer selectees who do not successfully complete a final technical interview will maintain their enlisted status and not be commissioned as Limited Duty Officers. Technical interviews will be scheduled by PERS-422 and selectees will be notified via separate correspondence. 7. If an LDO or CWO selectee's enlistment (including any extensions) expires after the date of appointment, they are not reenlistment eligible unless appointment is declined. 8. Each selectee should contact their officer detailer for submission requirements with regard to personal information and history cards, and inform PERS-806 of address changes to facilitate appointment delivery. 9. PERS-802 point of contact for LDO/CWO In-service Procurement Board, issues/questions is CWO4 Mitch Allen (901) 874-3170/DSN 882 or via email at mitchell.d.allen(at)navy.mil or Mr. Jay Delfoe, at (901) 874-3849/DSN 882 or email at joseph.delfoe(at)navy.mil. 10. PERS-806 point of contact for issuance of oath and commissioning documents issues/questions is Ms. Shelly Hayes, at (901) 874-4374/DSN 882, or email at shelly.m.hayes(at)navy.mil. 11. Released by Vice Admiral W. F. Moran, N1.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//