UNCLASSIFIED ROUTINE R 281705Z MAR 16 FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS PASS TO OFFICE CODES: FM CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// NAVADMIN 075/16 MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/MAR// SUBJ/ASSIGNMENT OF U.S. FLEET FORCES COMMAND AS EXECUTIVE AGENT FOR READY, RELEVANT LEARNING// REF/A/DOC/CNO/1JAN16// REF/B/MTG/FCRC/2MAR16// NARR/REF A IS CNOS A DESIGN FOR MAINTAINING MARITIME SUPERIORITY. REF B IS FLEET COMMANDERS READINESS COUNCIL MEETING. RMKS/1. This NAVADMIN announces the assignment of U.S. Fleet Forces Command (USFF) as the executive agent (EA) and supported commander for the ready relevant learning (RRL) pillar of Sailor 2025. 2. In support of reference (a), RRL is a transformational Navy training initiative that will accelerate the learning of every Sailor for faster response to our rapidly changing warfighting requirements, and achieve higher performance by coupling the timing of training delivery with every Sailors actual deck plate need. RRL creates a learning continuum across a Sailors career, from recruit to master chief that will ensure every Sailor has the latest training to support his assigned task. RRL will modernize delivery methods from traditional brick-and-mortar schoolhouses to mobile, multi- media, multi-platform delivery solutions that leverage the best concepts to accelerate learning as individuals, teams and organizations. Finally, RRL will allow rapid infusion of relevant course content to accelerate the dissemination of critical warfighting knowledge to our Sailors. 3. Command relationship: USFF is the supported commander for RRL. Commander, U.S. Pacific Fleet (CPF), Deputy Chiefs of Naval Operations, Commanders of Systems Commands, Commander, Navy Personnel Command, Commander, Navy Reserve Forces Command, Commander, Navy Recruiting Command, Commander, Naval Education and Training Command and force type commanders are supporting commands to USFF. The existing RRL governance structure approved by reference (b) will remain in place and is the avenue for the RRL EA to resolve issues which require USFF and CPF decision. 4. The RRL EA shall develop a RRL implementation strategy, integrate RRL stakeholder efforts, and direct overall execution of RRL work and related projects through appropriate stakeholder chains of command. The RRL EA shall oversee planned RRL funding and articulate requirements for additional resourcing as necessary through the Navy Capability Board. a. RRL EA specific tasking. b. RRL EA shall leverage the EA role to achieve the following end states: (1) Design, develop and implement standardized Sailor learning continuums and supporting processes Navy-wide, including appropriate vertical and horizontal alignment. Continuums will optimally align individual training to the fleets point of need; modernize content delivery with proven methods and technologies supported by the science of learning; and integrate rapid, responsive content management and embedded learning assessments. (2) Design, develop, and implement changes to Manpower, Personnel, Training, and Education processes and supporting systems to enable deployment and management of RRL learning continuums. RRL-affected domains include, but are not limited to: (a) Manpower requirements determinations and management; (b) End strength and accession planning; (c) Acquisition - Requirements and resources including related human systems integration and wholeness issues; (d) Sailor distribution; (e) Sailor development; (f) Integration of Sailor learning continuum events with unit mission requirements within the Optimized Fleet Response Plan; and (g) Information technology systems required to support manpower, personnel and learning management processes. (3) Ensure synchronization of all efforts with Sailor 2025 Modernized Personnel System and enriched culture pillars. c. To achieve these ends, the RRL EA will stand-up an RRL project office to: (1) Develop RRL implementation strategy and guidance, and oversee requirements determination and delivery of coordinated learning goals and objectives across the Navy. (2) Develop and execute a communications strategy to articulate RRL objectives, requirements, programs and policy. (3) Assess RRL performance and effects, redirecting efforts as necessary. (4) Recommend changes to policy, programming, and resourcing levels. (5) Provide regular assessments of goals and objectives to Chief of Naval Operations and principals of the Fleet Commanders Readiness Council. 5. USFF Point of Contact is Ms. Kate Perlewitz, USFF N1T, at (757) 836-0493/DSN 836 or via e-mail at kate.perlewitz(at)navy.mil 6. Released by Vice Admiral W. F. Moran, N1.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//