UNCLASSIFIED ROUTINE R 021514Z MAY 16 FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS PASS TO OFFICE CODES: FM CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// NAVADMIN 101/16 MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/MAY// SUBJ/MILITARY PERMANENT CHANGE OF STATION TRAVEL VOUCHER DUE WITHIN FIVE WORKING DAYS// REF/A/DOC/DOD/11MAR16/NOTAL// REF/B/DOC/DOD/JUL14// REF/C/DOC/COMNAVPERSCOM/22AUG02// REF/D/MSG/DASN/29JAN15/NOTAL// NARR/REF A IS THE NOTIFICATION OF FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF MILITARY PERMANENT CHANGE OF STATION TRAVEL LIQUIDATIONS 2015-0025-FIN, CONTROLS OVER TRAVEL VOUCHER SUBMISSIONS ARE NOT OPERATING EFFECTIVELY. REF B IS DOD FMR VOLUME 9 CHAPTER 8, POLICY ON THE PROCESSING OF TRAVEL CLAIMS. REF C IS THE MILPERSMAN 1320-310, PERMANENT CHANGE OF STATION (PCS) TRANSFER ORDER ENDORSEMENTS. REF D IS A DEPUTY ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF THE NAVY (FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT AND OPERATIONS) MEMORANDUM FOR DISTRIBUTION, REVISED DOCUMENT RETENTION REQUIREMENTS TO SUPPORT DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY FINANCIAL STATEMENT AUDITS.// RMKS/1. Reference (a) was a result of the independent public accountant notification of findings and recommendations of military permanent change of station (MILPCS) travel liquidations. The auditor identified a deficiency that controls over travel voucher submission were not operating effectively due to travel vouchers not being submitted within five working days following the Service Members reporting to their ultimate duty station and not in compliance with reference (b). 2. In addition, the Navy did not provide sufficient evidence to support whether the voucher was submitted within the required five working days due to lack of endorsements on the orders as required in reference (c) (i.e. date, time, and place of reporting). 3. Non-compliance with references (b) and (c) impact Sailors entitlements, the timely recording of financial transactions, and result in overall misstatement of Department of the Navy financial records. 4. Timely resolution of reference (a) requires all commands immediate compliance and enforcement of MILPCS travel policies and procedures per references (b) and (c) and retention of all supporting documents in accordance with reference (d). 5. Point of contact is Mr. Dan Mendoza, Audit Readiness Programs, at (703) 604-5883/DSN 664 or via e-mail at danilo.r.mendoza(at)navy.mil. 6. Released by Vice Admiral W. F. Moran, N1.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//