UNCLASSIFIED ROUTINE R 312208Z MAY 16 FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 125/16 MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/DNS/MAY// SUBJ/CALENDAR YEAR 2015 MARJORIE STERRETT BATTLESHIP AWARD RECIPIENTS// REF/A/DOC/CNO/14MAR16// AMPN/REF A IS OPNAVINST 3590.11G, THE ARLEIGH BURKE FLEET TROPHY/ MARJORIE STERRETT BATTLESHIP FUND AWARD/USS ARIZONA MEMORIAL TROPHY./ RMKS/1. The Marjorie Sterrett Battleship Fund Award was established in 1917 by the New York Tribune Association. The fund was initiated by a letter from 13 year old Marjorie Sterrett in February 1916. Marjorie contributed her weekly allowances of a dime to "help build a battleship for Uncle Sam." Prior to World War II, income from this fund was used to pay prizes annually to turret and gun crews making the highest scores in torpedo firing. It is now used to recognize those ships which displayed battle efficiency and emphasize readiness and fitness of the ship. 2. It is an honor to announce the calendar year 2015 Marjorie Sterrett battleship fund award winners for superior performance in battle efficiency among auxiliary units and MCMs: a. Atlantic Fleet: USS MONSOON (PC 4) b. Pacific Fleet: USS CHAMPION (MCM 4) 3. Selection for this award reflects the professionalism and dedication of these two units. a. USS MONSOON (PC 4) exemplified operational readiness and ship fitness throughout 2015. MONSOON Flawlessly executed several high priority operations, to include multi-national exercises EASTERN SAILOR and NAUTICAL UNION. MONSOON also conducted complex bi-lateral exercises with both the Kuwaiti and Iraqi Navies and Coast Guards. She distinguished herself by consistently setting and meeting high material readiness and operational standards. The crew has an exceptional safety record and has demonstrated the highest level of professional as mariners and warfighters. b. USS CHAMPION's (MCM 4) high standards and consistent superior performance set her apart as the clear choice for the 2015 Marjorie Sterrett Battleship Fund Award. CHAMPION flawlessly integrated into task group level operations in direct support of Commander, U.S. Northern Command Maritime Homeland Defense (MHD) training objectives. Additionally, She hosted four MIW Evaluator (MCM TAO-equivalent) training sessions that served to advance the qualifications of aspiring Evaluators and Combat Minemen, and to improve the tactical proficiency of the MCM force. During Kline Survey Operations, the CHAMPION expertly planned and executed underwater survey operations in support of the MHD of the approaches to the West Coast's two largest ports. Proud and committed to excellence, CHAMPION's crew was lauded by Naval Surface Warfare Center for providing exceptional data quality. 4. Congratulations to USS MONSOON (MCM 4) and USS CHAMPION (PC 4). Your unmatched dedication and professionalism exemplify the highest ideals and spirit represented by this prestigious award. 5. Released by Vice Admiral R. L. Thomas, Director, Navy Staff// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//