UNCLASSIFIED ROUTINE R 191759Z AUG 16 FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 183/16 SUBJ/2016-2017 NAVY INFLUENZA VACCINATION AND REPORTING POLICY// MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/DNS/AUG// REF/A/INST/DOD/09JUN2014// REF/B/MEMO/OASD (HA)/04APR2008// REF/C/DOC/32 CFR PART 199/10DEC2009// NARR/REF A IS THE DODI 6025.19 INDIVIDUAL MEDICAL READINESS ADDRESSING RESPONSIBILITIES AND PROCEDURES FOR MONITORING AND ON INDIVIDUAL MEDICAL READINESS (IMR). REF B IS THE ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF DEFENSE FOR HEALTH AFFAIRS MEMO MANDATING DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE (DOD) CIVILIAN HEALTHCARE WORKER INFLUENZA IMMUNIZATIONS. REF C IS 32 CFR PART 199.21, CIVILIAN HEALTH AND MEDICAL PROGRAM OF THE UNIFORMED SERVICES (CHAMPUS)/TRICARE: INCLUSION OF RETAIL NETWORK PHARMACIES AS AUTHORIZED TRICARE PROVIDERS FOR THE ADMINISTRATION OF TRICARE COVERED VACCINES.// POC/HMCM DIANNE SEYMOUR/LOC: WASH DC/(703) 614-9299/ EMAIL: DIANNE.SEYMOUR(AT)NAVY.MIL// RMKS/1. Influenza or "FLU" has the potential to adversely impact Navy Force Readiness and Mission Execution. Influenza results in more than 25 million reported cases, 150,000 hospitalizations for serious complications and approximately 24,000 death each year in the United States. 2. The following influenza vaccination and reporting policy is promulgated: a. Influenza Prevention. Vaccination is the primary method to reduce risk of influenza by enhancing force immunity. Maintaining a clean work environment, good hygiene practices, and managing workforce exposure (e.g., social distancing, tele-working, sick leave, etc.) are effective methods to reduce the risk of spreading influenza. b. Influenza Vaccine. Injectable vaccine will be available for the 2016-2017 influenza season. c. Influenza Vaccine Priority. U.S. Navy ships and fleet assets have been identified by the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) as a vaccine priority group for the 2016-2017 influenza season. d. Influenza Vaccine Requisitions. The Navy on-line Vaccine Information and Logistics System (VIALS) is the requisition system tool for seasonal influenza vaccines. VIALS is used to individually track requisitioned vaccines via military standard requisitioning and issuing procedures and simplify vaccine requisitions to enable electronic tracking of vaccine orders from requisition to receipt. The VIALS website is Common Access Card (CAC) enabled. Please visit: https://gov_only.nmlc.med.navy.mil/int_code03/vials/. e. Influenza Vaccine Ordering. Navy influenza vaccine is batch-ordered by Naval Medical Logistics Command (NMLC) from the DLA using command requirements in VIALS. Navy influenza vaccine is centrally funded. f. Influenza Vaccine Shipping. Vaccine shipping schedule is Monday/Friday to Outside the Contiguous United States (OCONUS) locations and Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday to Contiguous United States (CONUS) locations to ensure receipt on the receiving end. DLA Troop Support Medical (DLA-TSM) does not ship on holidays or weekends, over holidays, and will only ship on Thursdays on a case-by-case basis. g. Influenza Vaccine Integrity: (1) Active Duty Commands. All shipments will arrive with temperature monitors. Monitors must be returned to the DLA-TSM cold chain office, regardless of alarm status. Temperature monitors must be shipped in accordance with the provided instructions and shipping envelopes. (a) No Alarm Status. Units have 72 hours (three business working days) from the time of receipt of vaccine to document, administer, and report vaccination. The 72-hour (three business working days) requirement begins immediately only if the temperature monitor is a no alarm upon receipt. (b) Alarmed Status. Do not administer vaccine and suspend the vaccine in your refrigerator, as instructed. Return the temperature monitor, along with the completed instruction sheet, to DLA-TSM for approval or disapproval to use the vaccine. The 72-hour requirement does not begin until the vaccine has been determined to be suitable for use by DLA-TSM. (2) Reserve Component Commands. All shipments will arrive with temperature monitors. Monitors must be returned to the DLA-TSM cold chain office, regardless of alarm status. Temperature monitors must be shipped in accordance with the provided instructions and shipping envelope. (a) No Alarm Status. Units have one drill weekend from the time of receipt of vaccine to document, administer, and report vaccination. The one drill weekend requirement begins immediately only if the temperature monitor is a no alarm upon receipt. (b) Alarmed Status. Do not administer vaccine and suspend the vaccine in your refrigerator, as instructed. Return the temperature monitor, along with the completed instruction sheet, to DLA-TSM for approval or disapproval to use the vaccine. Reserve units will have one drill weekend from the time the vaccine is determined to be suitable for use by DLA-TSM. h. Influenza Vaccine Exercise. Previous influenza seasons have been used to exercise and evaluate mass vaccination scenarios. These coordinated mass vaccination campaigns provide rapid and efficient vaccinations to protect the maximum number of susceptible persons. Based on lessons learned, process improvements are made to delivery and reporting procedures. i. Influenza Vaccination Compliance. (1) Navy Military Personnel. The seasonal influenza vaccination is mandatory for all Department of Defense (DoD) uniformed personnel who are not medically or administratively exempt per reference (a). Any refusal to receive the influenza vaccine will constitute a failure to obey a lawful order and may be punishable under the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) and/or result in administrative action. Prior to receiving the influenza vaccine, Navy active/reserve component personnel shall have access to healthcare providers to discuss objections or concerns with influenza vaccination. Commands should consult with the servicing Staff Judge Advocate General for additional guidance on influenza vaccination non-compliance. (2) Navy Civilian Personnel. Mandatory influenza vaccination is a condition of employment for all civilian health care workers providing direct patient care in DoD Medical Treatment Facilities (MTF), per reference (b). Influenza vaccination is mandatory for all civilians where it is written in their position description as a condition of employment. Other Navy civilian personnel are highly encouraged to receive influenza vaccinations. (3) TRICARE Beneficiaries. Reference (c) authorizes retail network pharmacies to administer the seasonal influenza vaccine. TRICARE beneficiaries may receive influenza vaccination with no co-pay at a retail network pharmacy offering vaccines. Beneficiaries are encouraged to contact the pharmacy regarding age restrictions as some pharmacies do not administer the flu vaccine to individuals less than 18 years of age. j. Influenza Vaccination Reporting. Active and reserve component Navy force vaccination administration compliance will be monitored via the Medical Readiness Reporting System (MRRS). Designated command personnel will access MRRS to track their personnel to ensure compliance. (1) Commands will request access to MRRS based on their unit identification code (UIC) by submitting a system access authorization request available at: https://mrrs.sscno.nmci.navy.mil/mrrs/secure/welcome.m (note: MRRS web address is case sensitive). Point Of Contact/MRRS program Office/email: mrrspo(at)navy.mil/(800) 537-4617/(504) 697-7070/ DSN: 647-7070. (2) Commands must ensure that documentation of influenza vaccine administration is coded to accurately reflect the injectable type of vaccine given. (3) Afloat units will enter influenza immunizations into the Shipboard Automated Medical System (SAMS)/Theater Medical Information Program (TMIP) for subsequent transfer to MRRS. (4) All personnel who receive the vaccination from a retail network pharmacy must provide documentation of vaccination to the command no later than the next duty or drill day to ensure compliance is appropriately recorded in MRRS. (5) Units have 72 hours (three business working days) from the time of receipt of vaccine to document, administer, and report vaccination. If the 72 hour requirement cannot be met, unit situation reports (SITREP) will be submitted to the respective Immediate Superior in Command (ISIC) and Type Commanders. SITREPs are not required if the temperature monitor is in alarmed status and the unit is merely awaiting disposition from DLA-TSM. k. Navy Goals and Performance Standards. (1) All Navy operational units and MTFs will administer the 2016-2017 flu vaccination to meet 90 percent vaccination by 15 December 2016 for active and reserve component, and 100 percent vaccine access total for Navy family (includes dependents, other beneficiaries and Department of the Navy civilians). Active coordination between command leadership, public affairs officers, and medical personnel is necessary to achieve success. (2) Influenza Vaccination Performance Standards. The following metrics will be monitored: (a) Navy VIALS reports 100 percent of shipped vaccine received on board by fleet and Navy units by 1 December 2016. (b) MRRS reports 90 percent of active and reserve component vaccinated by 15 December 2016. Commands will coordinate with the servicing MTF to align command-wide vaccinations with Navy vaccination goals. Medical personnel at servicing MTFs will expeditiously report vaccinations in MRRS. 3. Released by Vice Admiral R. L. Thomas, Director, Navy Staff// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//