UNCLASSIFIED ROUTINE R 201548Z SEP 16 FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS PASS TO OFFICE CODES: FM CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// NAVADMIN 212/16 MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/SEP// SUBJ/SELECTIVE REENLISTMENT BONUS UPDATE// REF/A/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/051544ZJUL16// REF/B/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/091453ZOCT15// REF/C/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/221403ZMAR13// REF/D/DOC/OPNAV/30JAN07// NARR/REF A IS NAVADMIN 155/16, SELECTIVE REENLISTMENT BONUS AND POLICY UPDATE. REF B IS NAVADMIN 237/15, ENLISTED SUPERVISOR RETENTION PAY UPDATE TO BONUS MULTIPLES. REF C IS NAVADMIN 070/13, NUCLEAR TRAINED SAILOR APPLICATIONS TO OFFICER COMMISSIONING PROGRAMS. REF D IS OPNAVINST 1160.8A, SELECTIVE REENLISTMENT BONUS (SRB) PROGRAM.// RMKS/1. This NAVADMIN announces revised Selective Reenlistment Bonus (SRB) award levels for active component (AC) and full time support (FTS). This NAVADMIN supersedes reference (a). 2. Increased award levels are effective immediately and decreased levels are effective 30 days after the release of this NAVADMIN. 3. Reenlistment requests for the following SRB award levels will be approved based on quota availability. SRB reenlistment requests must be submitted to Enlisted Career Administration/Enlisted Boards (PERS-81) via Officer Personnel Information System (OPINS) or Navy Standard Integrated Personnel System (NSIPS) 35 to 120 days in advance of the Sailors requested reenlistment date. Eligible Sailors desiring SRB reenlistment are encouraged to work with their chain of command as early as possible within their reenlistment window to maximize potential for SRB. Enlisted Active Program Incentives (PERS-813) maintains the current list of SRB eligible ratings/skills based on available quotas at the following website: http://www.public.navy.mil/bupers- npc/career/enlistedcareeradmin/pages/srb.aspx. Addendums to the current award message posted on this site provide notification of skill closures and supersede the current NAVADMIN. For those commands with limited internet access, command career counselors should contact PERS-813 directly for the latest updates. 4. FTS SRB award levels are as follows: FTS Tier Three: 45,000 DOLLAR AWARD CEILING RATING NEC ZONE A ZONE B ZONE C NOTES NC(CRF) FTS 2186 0.0 0.0 0.5 5. AC SRB award levels are as follows (Note: An * indicates level located in other sections of paragraph 5; a - indicates a reduction from previous award level; a + indicates an increase from previous award level): Tier One: 30,000 DOLLAR AWARD CEILING RATING NEC ZONE A ZONE B ZONE C NOTES ND 5342 0.0 1.0 1.0 IT 0000 1.0 * 0.0 B, G STG 0000 0.0 1.5 0.0 G 45,000 DOLLAR AWARD CEILING RATING NEC ZONE A ZONE B ZONE C NOTES SO 5326 1.5 * * SB 5352 3.0 * * AM 7225 0.0 2.5 0.0 OS 0319 0.0 0.0 1.0 CTI-Latin/S. America 9SPA 0.0 0.5 0.0 A, B CTN 0000 2.0 * * A, B, G GSE 0000 0.0 0.0 1.5 G STS 0000 0.0 2.0 0.0 G EOD 5333 2.0 2.5 0.0 60,000 DOLLAR AWARD CEILING RATING NEC ZONE A ZONE B ZONE C NOTES IS 3913 0.0 2.0 1.5 A, B HM 8403 0.0 0.0 2.0 HM 8427 4.0 0.0 0.0 CTR 9149 0.0 1.5 2.5 A, B ETV (SS) 14XXB 0.5 0.5 0.0 D, E, F ITS 27XX * 1.0 0.0 B, D MMA(SS) 42XXA * 1.5 0.0 D, E MMW(SS) 42XXB * 2.0 0.0 D, E FCA 0000 3.0 * 0.0 G 75,000 DOLLAR AWARD CEILING RATING NEC ZONE A ZONE B ZONE C NOTES EOD 5335 4.5 5.0 5.0 CTN 9308 6.0 6.0 6.0 A, B STG 0416 0.0 0.0 6.0 ITS 2781 0.0 0.0 -0.0 ITS 27XX 1.0 * 0.0 B, D CTN 0000 * 4.0 3.0 B, G ET(SW) 0000 0.0 1.0 1.0 E, G FC 0000 0.0 1.0 1.0 G SO 5326 * 5.5 * SO 5323 5.5 * * SB 5352 * 5.0 * SB 5392B 5.5 * 0.0 D SO 5392A 4.5 * 0.0 D 90,000 DOLLAR AWARD CEILING RATING NEC ZONE A ZONE B ZONE C NOTES ND 5341 0.0 0.0 4.5 SO 5323 * 6.0 * 100,000 DOLLAR AWARD CEILING RATING NEC ZONE A ZONE B ZONE C NOTES SO 5323 * * 5.0 SO 5326 * * 4.5 EOD 5337 0.0 5.0 3.5 SB 5352 * * 4.5 STS 0416S 0.0 0.0 -0.0 ETN(SS) 3353/63 12.0 9.0 0.0 C, E EMN(SS) 3354/64 -6.5 +8.0 0.0 C, E MMN(SS) 3355/65 -9.0 9.0 0.0 C, E MMN(ELT)(SS) 3356/66 11.0 -8.0 0.0 C, E ETN(SW) 3383/93 -7.5 -8.0 0.0 C, E EMN(SW) 3384/94 -5.5 7.5 0.0 C, E MMN(SW) 3385/95 -6.5 -8.0 0.0 C, E MMN(ELT)(SW) 3386/96 9.5 -8.5 0.0 C, E SO 5392A * 8.5 0.0 D SB 5392B * 8.0 0.0 D Tier Two: 30,000 DOLLAR AWARD CEILING RATING NEC ZONE A ZONE B ZONE C NOTES HM 8401 1.5 * 0.0 H CS(SW) 0000 1.5 0.0 0.0 E, G YN(SS) 0000 1.0 0.0 0.0 E, G 45,000 DOLLAR AWARD CEILING RATING NEC ZONE A ZONE B ZONE C NOTES Seabee 5932 1.5 2.0 0.0 HM 8401 * 2.0 0.0 HM 8541 0.0 2.0 0.0 CTT 9135 0.0 1.0 0.0 A, B MT 33XX 0.5 * 0.0 D MMA(SS) 42XXA 3.0 * 0.0 D, E MMW(SS) 42XXB 3.5 * 0.0 D, E AC 0000 3.0 3.0 0.0 G IC 0000 0.0 1.5 * G IT 0000 * 2.0 0.0 B, G 60,000 DOLLAR AWARD CEILING RATING NEC ZONE A ZONE B ZONE C NOTES Seabee 5933 0.0 0.0 3.0 CTR 9169 2.0 2.0 0.0 A, B ETR(SS) 14XXA 1.0 0.0 0.0 D, E, F 75,000 DOLLAR AWARD CEILING RATING NEC ZONE A ZONE B ZONE C NOTES FCA 0000 * 4.0 0.0 G Tier Three: 30,000 DOLLAR AWARD CEILING RATING NEC ZONE A ZONE B ZONE C NOTES MA 2005 1.0 0.0 0.0 HT 4955 1.5 0.0 0.0 AG 7412 * 2.0 0.0 I AWS 7886 1.0 1.0 0.0 AWV 8229 1.0 1.0 0.0 AWF 8235 0.5 1.0 0.0 HM 8753 0.0 1.0 0.0 AM 0000 0.0 1.0 0.0 G CTT 0000 1.0 0.0 0.0 B, G IC 0000 0.0 * 1.5 G 45,000 DOLLAR AWARD CEILING RATING NEC ZONE A ZONE B ZONE C NOTES Seabee 5633 0.5 0.5 0.0 AG 7412 2.0 * 0.0 AWO 0000 0.0 2.0 0.0 G 6. Notes a. The SRB for this rating or Navy enlisted classification (NEC) is tied to an incumbent billet or to orders negotiated for the next billet. Commands must verify if the member is currently in, or has orders to a billet requiring this NEC and annotate this verification in the comments section of the precertification request. Personnel not in their negotiating window at the time of reenlistment should sign Administrative Remarks (NAVPERS 1070/613) agreeing to take orders to an NEC billet. The NAVPERS 1070/613 should be forwarded to members detailer. b. An SRB approval for all CT, IS, IT, and ITS ratings will be contingent upon member having a current single scope background investigation (SSBI), an active SSBI or recent submission of an SSBI package. Commands must verify the member has a current SSBI, active SSBI, or has submitted an SSBI package and make note of this in the comments section of the precertification request. c. Reenlistment bonuses for nuclear trained personnel: (1) Reenlistment compensation for zones 1 through 3 nuclear trained personnel holding a nuclear supervisor NEC shall be provided under the Enlisted Supervisor Retention Pay (ESRP) Program in accordance with policies and procedures detailed in reference (b) along with current ESRP multiples. (2) SRB entitlement for eligible nuclear-trained service members who reenlist after applying for an officer program will be held pending selection results. For nuclear trained personnel only, the date on which conditional release is approved by Nuclear Propulsion Program Manager (N133) as directed by reference (c) is considered the date of the application to an officer program. d. Letters appearing with an NEC are only for administrative use. e. Subsurface or surface designation does not mean an individual must be subsurface or enlisted surface warfare specialist qualified, but it indicates the component of the rating in which they can reasonably be expected to serve. Training, qualifications, and previous or projected duty assignments at sea will indicate the appropriate rating component. When using the force management system and the OPINS to input an SRB precertification request, use the rating (with appropriate suffix designation/NEC) as specified in this NAVADMIN. For example, a surface electronics technician with no NEC would submit 'ET(SW)' on precertification for rating. f. Subsurface electronics technician 14XXA identifies all subsurface electronics technician communications Sailors who hold NECs beginning with 14. Subsurface electronics technician navigation 14XXB identifies subsurface electronics technician navigation Sailors and includes all subsurface electronics technician navigation NECs beginning with 14. g. NEC 0000 (commonly referred to as quad zero) is listed here to establish that Sailors in these ratings/career fields can hold any or no NEC and still be qualified for the SRB provided they meet all other applicable non-NEC related criteria. h. E-3 to E-6 personnel only. i. E-4 to E-6 personnel only. 7. Reenlistment Opportunity: a. Sailors serving in tier one skills are eligible to reenlist any time within the same fiscal year of their expiration of active obligated service (EAOS). b. Sailors serving in a tier two or three skill must reenlist within 90 days and in the same fiscal year as their EAOS. c. Sailors serving in a tier two or three skill and eligible for combat zone tax exclusion (CZTE) are authorized to reenlist anytime within the same fiscal year as their EAOS. These Sailors, along with command career counselors (CCC) must annotate in the remarks section of the precertification request whether they are currently CZTE eligible or serving in a qualified hazardous duty area. A condition of approval of their precertification request is that the Sailors reenlistment occurs in a month during which CZTE qualification applies. d. Sailors serving in tier two or tier three SRB skills who received an Early Promote in block 45 of their most recent regular periodic evaluation will be allowed to reenlist early any time within the fiscal year of their EAOS. No transfer, concurrent, or special evaluations will apply. Sailors advanced within the 12 months prior to their EAOS will be allowed to substitute the last regular periodic evaluation in their previous paygrade. Personnel must e-mail a signed copy of the evaluation to PERS-81 once their precertification has been submitted. This requirement is only for those that fall under the provisions of this paragraph. 8. SRB Precertification Requirements: a. Career Waypoints - Reenlistment (C-WAY-REEN): Commands are authorized to submit SRB reenlistment requests prior to a member receiving a C-WAY-REEN quota; however, the C-WAY-REEN quota request must have been submitted and the SRB request will not be processed until the member has received C-WAY-REEN confirmation. SRB requests without C-WAY-REEN approval will still be rejected in the OPINS to keep the command informed of potential SRB approval issues. Once a member has an approved C-WAY-REEN quota, the command should contact PERS-81 to clear any rejections. b. Commands are required to submit SRB reenlistment requests to PERS-81 via OPINS or NSIPS 35 to 120 days in advance of the Sailors requested reenlistment date. Requests submitted less than 35 days prior to the requested reenlistment date will be rejected; however, commands may contact PERS-81 for waiver eligibility and procedures. Sailors must have approved precertification before reenlisting. The servicing personnel office is responsible for verifying the reenlistment, posting the contract, releasing the first payment, and verifying the master military pay account. c. Sailors with approved precertification who do not reenlist on the date or for the term specified in the precertification message must have their command contact PERS-81 to initiate a reenlistment cancellation to avoid placing Sailors in an overpaid status. d. To validate an inoperative extension of enlistment and expedite processing of an SRB request, include the following information in the remarks paragraph of the request: term, narrative reason, authority, and execution date of all inoperative extensions. Failure to verify extension will cause processing delays and may result in rejection of the request or an approval at a lower amount. e. Sailors must obtain an approval for extension from PERS-81 in order to minimize the potential for loss of SRB eligibility. f. For FTS SRB reenlistment requests use one of the below listed type codes: (1) CODE 1RR, Immediate Reenlistment for Full Time Support SRB; (2) CODE 1RB, Broken Service Reenlistment for Full Time Support SRB; and (3) CODE 1RC, OBLISERV to Train and Reenlist for Full Time Support SRB. 9. NEC-Specific SRB and Lateral Conversions. Acceptance of an NEC- specific SRB contract indicates an agreement between the Sailor and the Navy to use skills attributed to the NEC during the Sailors enlistment to meet fleet readiness requirements. In subsequent tours, a Sailor must be willing to be detailed during the normal projected rotation date window to an available billet within the SRB contracted NEC, consistent with sea-shore flow requirements. Lateral conversions must follow reference (d), paragraph 12d. Lateral conversion requests will normally not be processed more than nine months before the EAOS. Conversions to a rate with a lower award level normally will not be approved. Personnel in a closed- loop NEC can reenlist by the NEC only. 10. Obligated Service to Train (OTT). See reference (d), paragraph 12e, for OTT guidance. Requests are to be submitted to PERS-81 extension desk via e- mail. A copy of the authorization message should be retained by the Sailor until the SRB reenlistment on graduation day from the course of instruction. Use code 1CC (1RC for FTS) for OTT SRB request in OPINS or NSIPS. 11. Inoperative Extensions Policy. In keeping with Department of Defense (DoD) policy, personnel who accepted an enlistment bonus for extended enlistment (EBEE), as reflected on their Enlisted Bonus Payment Checklist (NAVCRUIT 1133/52 (Enlistment Guarantees, New Accession Training Program Enlistment Guarantee or Professional Apprenticeship Career Track Program Enlistment Guarantees)), are not authorized to use this inoperative extension time in the SRB calculation. Sailors who have inoperative extension time through a five-year obligation or six-year obligation program, or as authorized in Control Of Conditional Short Term Extensions, NAVADMIN 007/09, may continue to have up to 24 months of inoperative extension time count towards the SRB calculation provided the reenlistment results in a new EAOS that is at least 24 months day- for-day past the current extended EAOS. This calculation is performed automatically by PERS-81. Local commands are not authorized to cancel or change extensions for the purpose of immediate SRB reenlistments. Commands must verify and annotate on the precertification request whether any inoperative extension time noted is part of an EBEE contract. 12. Repayment. Repayment policy is governed by section 373 of Title 37 of U.S. Code; chapter 2 volume 7A of the DoD Financial Management Regulation (FMR); and reference (d), which collectively determine when repayment of the unearned portion of a bonus is required, not required but left to secretarial discretion, or prohibited. Section 373 of Title 37 of U.S. Code requires repayment with certain exceptions. As a general rule, repayment of any unearned portion of a bonus will be sought. 13. To ensure all requirements and timelines are met, visit the following SRB page of the NPC website: http://www.public.navy.mil/bupers- npc/career/payandbenefits/N130/pages/N130D.aspx 14. Point of contact for a Sailor who has reenlisted and has not received their SRB payment, or has questions concerning the taxation of their SRB and annual installments, is the Sailors servicing pay office or personnel support detachment. SRB tax information is also discussed in DoD FMR, Volume 7A, Chapter 44, Table 44-1, Rule 7. The point of contact for a Sailor with questions regarding the SRB program or any information on their on-line personnel account is their CCC. For technical questions or clarification, CCCs, not individual Sailors, are encouraged to contact MMNCM(SS) James Lucky, (PERS-81), at (901) 874-3215/DSN 882, fax at (901) 874-2623/DSN 882, or via e-mail at james.lucky1(at)navy.mil; Mr. Francisco Palomo at (901) 874-3915/DSN 882, or via e-mail at francisco.palomo(at)navy.mil; or the SRB Help Desk at(901) 874- 2526/DSN 882. 15. We will continue to assess retention behavior and adjust SRB award levels accordingly. 16. This NAVADMIN will remain in effect until superseded or canceled, whichever comes first. 17. Released by Vice Admiral R. P. Burke, N1.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//