UNCLASSIFIED ROUTINE R 161512Z NOV 16 FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS PASS TO OFFICE CODES: FM CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// NAVADMIN 251/16 MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/NOV// SUBJ/FY-18 RESERVE COMPONENT FOREIGN AREA OFFICER REDESIGNATION BOARD// REF/A/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/131210ZAUG15// AMPN/REF A IS NAVADMIN 188/15, ESTABLISHMENT OF THE RESERVE COMPONENT FOREIGN AREA OFFICER COMMUNITY.// RMKS/1. This NAVADMIN announces convening of the FY-18 Reserve Component (RC) Foreign Area Officer (FAO) Redesignation Board on 15 February 2017. Applications from qualified Selected Reserve (SELRES) officers will be accepted for this board. Volunteer training unit and Individual Ready Reserve active status pool officers are not eligible. 2. Complete application packages and waiver requests must be received by the Navy Personnel Command Customer Service Center (NPC CSC) no later than 9 January 2017. Applications should be submitted electronically to cscselboard(at)navy.mil. Electronic submissions are the preferred delivery method and must be sent using military e-mail accounts and be encrypted. Applications may be mailed to NPC CSC. Hard copy and electronic submissions must include command endorsement. The application mailing address is: a. Navy Personnel Command Customer Service Center President FY-18 Navy Selected Reserve Foreign Area Officer Redesignation Board #324 5720 Integrity Drive Millington, TN 38055 b. Express mail: Navy Personnel Command Customer Service Center President FY-18 Navy Selected Reserve Foreign Area Officer Redesignation Board #324 5640 Ticonderoga Loop Bldg 768 RM E302 Millington, TN 38055 3. Eligibility. Limited to officers in grades of lieutenant through captain. The RC FAO redesignation board is offering opportunities for SELRES officers from all designators to meet immediate manning needs of the newly established RC FAO community. a. All applicants must meet the eligibility requirements outlined in reference (a) and the FY-18 RC FAO eligibility criteria document: http://www.public.navy.mil/bupers- npc/officer/communitymanagers/reserve/selres/Pages/default.aspx. b. Members who do not meet all eligibility requirements in conformance reference (a) and the FY-18 RC FAO eligibility criteria posted on the SELRES redesignation website, listed in paragraph 3a may submit a waiver request with their application. Waiver packages shall include members waiver request and commanding officers endorsement of the waiver request. This endorsement is separate from any endorsements contained in the members redesignation application and shall specifically address the eligibility criterion requiring a waiver. Waiver request procedures and constraints are described in the eligibility criteria document. An example of a waiver request can be found on the SELRES redesignation website listed in paragraph 3a. c. All SELRES officers will incur a three year drilling obligation in the SELRES upon transfer into the RC FAO community. 4. Application requirements and procedures are provided on the SELRES redesignation board website listed in paragraph 3a. 5. Upon approval of the board proceedings, the results of the board will be posted on the SELRES redesignation board website listed in paragraph 3a. Applicants can expect to see the results posted within 45 days of board adjournment. Selectees have 14 calendar days from the date results are released to accept or decline RC FAO redesignation. 6. Points of contact are CDR John Hazlett, PERS-92 at (901) 874-4512/DSN 882 or CPO Catherine Kuntz, PERS-92 at (901) 874-3209/DSN 882. 7. This NAVADMIN will remain in effect until superseded or canceled. 8. Released by Vice Admiral R. P. Burke, N1.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//