UNCLASSIFIED ROUTINE R 071452Z FEB 17 FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 029/17 MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N3N5/FEB// SUBJ/FINAL SLATE FOR ACADEMIC YEAR 2017-2018 FEDERAL EXECUTIVE FELLOWSHIP, U.S. NAVY HUDSON FELLOWSHIP, AND SECRETARY OF DEFENSE EXECUTIVE FELLOWS PROGRAM// REF/A/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/031306ZAUG16// REF/B/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/081448ZDEC16// NARR/Ref A is the Federal Executive Fellowship (FEF), U.S. Navy Hudson Fellowship, and SECDEF Executive Fellows Program (SDEFP) selection board call for applications NAVADMIN (170/2016). Ref B is Selection Board Results NAVADMIN (268/2016) for the Federal Executive Fellowship (FEF), U.S. Navy Hudson Fellowship, and SECDEF Executive Fellows Program (SDEFP) for Academic Year 2017-2018// RMKS/1. WRT Refs A and B, and taking into account the primary candidates availability, this NAVADMIN announces the final slate for the AY 2017-18 U.S. Navy Hudson Fellowship, Federal Executive Fellowship, and SECDEF Executive Fellows (SDEFP) Programs. 2. U.S. Navy Hudson Fellowship Program at St. Antony's College, University of Oxford: NAME RANK DESIG Harts, Justin L . CDR 1110 3. Federal Executive Fellowship (FEF) Program: NAME RANK DESIG INSTITUTION Bodine, Thomas T. CDR 1320 Chicago Council on Global Affairs Calfee, Sharif H. CDR 1110 Ctr Strat & Budgetary Assessments Cipperley, Benjamin J. CDR 1140 Stimson Center Culp, Matthew D. CDR 1310 Tufts Univ (Fletcher) Gilmore, Thomas J. CDR 1830 RAND Corporation Keeler, Daniel J. CDR 1310 Brookings Institution Krull, Matthew I. LCDR 1110 Atlantic Council Mirisola, Peter T. CDR 1110 MIT/Security Studies Nordeen, Michael D. CDR 1310 Stanford Univ/Hoover Patterson, Geoffry W. CDR 1120 Johns Hopkins Univ Applied Physics Lab Rauch, Donald V. CDR 1110 Harvard Univ Kennedy School Straub, Daniel G . CDR 1110 Ctr for New American Security Ulmer, Thomas A . CDR 1110 Ctr Strat & Intl Studies/US Naval Inst 4. Secretary of Defense Executive Fellows Program (SDEFP). NAME RANK DESIG Keeve, Stanley O. CAPT 1110 Morrison, Evan L. CDR 1310 McGinnis, Scott J. CDR 1120 Snee, David T. CDR 1110 5. Point(s) of Contact: a. NAVPERSCOM: PERS-440_submit.fct(at)navy.mil b. OPNAV Program Manager: LCDR Kori Levy-Minzie (N515); COMM (571) 256-4781; E-mail: kori.levyminzie(at)navy.mil 6. Released by VADM J. C. Aquilino, Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Operations, Plans and Strategy (N3/N5)// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//