UNCLASSIFIED ROUTINE R 171359Z FEB 17 FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS PASS TO OFFICE CODES: FM CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// NAVADMIN 037/17 MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/FEB// SUBJ/MY NAVY PORTAL BETA LAUNCH// RMKS/1. Navy is set to launch a beta release of My Navy Portal (MNP) 17 February 2017. This new portal was designed by Sailors and is intended to become the central location for Sailors to access all of their personnel information, and to manage their careers from start to finish. 2. This initial release is a beta, with limited functionality. Today, the content and applications Sailors need is spread across multiple websites. Over time, all of that capability will be integrated into MNP, which will serve as the single point of entry for Sailor self-service capabilities. The beta release will provide select Sailors access to their career data through a framework of eleven career & life events (CLE), including their Physical Readiness Information Management System and Official Military Personnel File. Additionally, Sailors will be able to access the most popular Navy Knowledge Online (NKO) content, Navy Advancement Center, Navy schools and learning centers, personnel qualification standards, and general military training. MNP also provides interactive resources such as separation and retirement timelines, travel checklists, advancement and promotion resources, Sailor and family support, plus CLE-specific glossaries, acronym finders, and frequently asked questions. MNP also provides links to Career Management System- Interactive Detailing, electronic training jacket, joint services transcript, Navy eLearning, Navy Credential Opportunities Online, Navy Standard Integrated Personnel System (electronic service record and eLeave), Pay/Personnel Standard Operating Procedures, U.S. Navy awards, and more. Those Sailors who are beta testers will be notified by email. Upon completion of the beta test, MNP will be launched fleet-wide and will be available to all Sailors as the central online location for their personnel information. 3. MNP is a common access card (CAC) enabled website optimized for modern web browsers including Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Google Chrome. Sailors can view the public homepage at https://my.navy.mil. This page will provide links to many of the websites Sailors use today. From the homepage, Sailors can access the CAC-enabled MNP website. There are currently challenges for platforms with limited, low, or intermittent bandwidth/connectivity. We are diligently working to improve Sailor access and use in these environments. 4. Starting with the beta release in February, MNP will be deployed in phases, adding capability and functionality over time. With each quarterly release of MNP, Sailors will see continued improvement and functionality. MNP is expected to be fully operational in 2020 and be a self-service solution for the personnel needs of the Sailor. 5. Fleet feedback is very important to MNP development, especially during the beta test. As such, any Fleet user may and is encouraged to explore MNP beta capability and provide detailed comments and recommendations using the feedback option located at the bottom right of every MNP page. If Sailors experience difficulty logging on to MNP, please email MNP_Helpdesk@navy.mil for assistance. 6. More information about MNP can be found on the MNP help tab and on the Navy Personnel Command Career Toolbox website at http://www.public.navy.mil/bupers-npc/career/toolbox/Pages/My-Navy- Portal.aspx. 7. With the launch of MNP beta, NKO is tentatively scheduled to be retired after data migration and the spring Navy Wide Advancement Exam Cycle, expected spring 2017. The NKOs Navy eLearning Center content and communities of practice will be restructured and updated on MNP. 8. Point of contact is LCDR Eric Smith, OPNAV (N16), who can be reached at (703) 604-5747/DSN 664 or via e-mail at eric.s.smith(at)navy.mil. 9. Released by Vice Admiral, R. P. Burke, N1.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//