UNCLASSIFIED ROUTINE R 181350Z MAY 17 FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 122/17 MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N3N5/MAY// SUBJ/NAVAL STRATEGIST SYMPOSIUM 2017 (CORRECTED COPY)// REF/A/LTR/NWC N002/10MAY17// AMPN/LTR TO OPNAV N51, SUBJ: APPROVAL TO HOST NAVAL STRATEGIST SYMPOSIUM, 12 JUN 2017 SER N002/0248// RMKS/1. This is an announcement of the 2017 Naval Strategist Symposium (NSS) being held on June 12, 2017 at the Naval War College in Newport, RI. OPNAV is co-sponsoring the Symposium with the Naval War College and Naval Postgraduate School as an opportunity to bring the naval strategist cadre together and give it a chance to "think big" while using its collective intellect to help shape the strategic vision of the Navy. In order to accomplish these goals, the day is a combination of panels, a keynote address, and a working group session. This year's theme is "Understanding the future environment while maintaining maritime superiority." 2. Our keynote speaker is Former Secretary of the Navy, the Honorable John F. Lehman. An accomplished businessman, author, and Naval Aviator, as the Chief Executive of the Navy under President Ronald Reagan, Secretary Lehman was responsible for the management of 1.2 million people and an annual budget of $95 billion while launching the idea of building a 600 ship Navy. 3. The first panel is titled "Navy's Role in National Military Strategy" and will serve as a kickoff to the event, exploring the Navy's role from the Office of the Secretary of Defense, Joint Staff, and think tank perspectives. We are excited to have Ambassador James Jeffery from the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, Major General Christopher McPadden, Deputy Director Joint Strategic Planning Joint Staff, and Dr. Thomas Mahnken from the Center for Strategic Budgetary Assessments offer their perspectives. 4. The second panel is titled "Future Fleet Design of 2045." Future Fleet Design and Architecture (FFDA) assesses the relevant factors and actors that define the future operating environment of the U.S. Fleet and provides a high-level strategic vision of Fleet concepts, attributes, and capabilities necessary to sustain maritime superiority through the next three decades. To accomplish this task, the Navy has its sights on 2045; past the lifecycle of most in-service Fleet assets, beyond the programmed horizon, and to the future operating environment that lies on the far side of the norm-shaping changes listed above. The OPNAV Future Strategy shop will be presenting their work on this important project. 5. The working group session will focus on predicting alternatives to the future operating environment and threats based on FFDA 2045. Having the combined brainpower of Navy Strategists in one place begs for tapping into it, and we intend to do so. We want to use this opportunity to solicit recommendations to influence strategy going forward. 6. Per reference (a), government funds to attend NSS 2017 are approved for all Navy Officers with the 2300 subspecialty code at no cost to their parent commands. There are a limited number of spots available so quick registration for this event is key. The following restrictions apply: a. Attendance is authorized for local participants at no cost to the government with supervisor's approval. b. Attendees and travel authorizing officials must be mindful of the need to be good stewards of taxpayer dollars. Permissive temporary additional duty (TAD) orders may be issued in accordance with Navy policy. Service members attending on permissive TAD orders will be responsible for the expenses associated with their attendance. c. Register online at https://sites.google.com/view/nss2017/home. Registration closes on 26 May 2017. 7. Submit visit request for NSS 2017 via the Joint Personnel Adjudication System (JPAS) under SMO code 001244 as portions of the symposium will be conducted at the SECRET level. 8. I ask for all Commanders to provide the opportunity for Naval Strategists within their commands to attend this important event. 9. Point of Contact. LCDR Kori Levy-Minzie (N515); DSN 260-4781 or COMM 571- 256-4781; Email: kori.levyminzie(at)navy.mil. 10. Released by VADM J. C. Aquilino, Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Operations, Plans and Strategy (N3/N5).// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//