UNCLASSIFIED ROUTINE R 151740Z JUN 17 FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 138/17 SUBJ/NAVAL RESEARCH PROGRAM TOPIC REVIEW BOARD, 24 JUL 2017, WASHINGTON DC// REF/A/MSGID: DOC/ONR WASHINGTON DC CNR, MCWL/AUG2015// AMPN/THE NAVAL RESEARCH PROGRAM CHARTER./ POC/CAMARDO, LOUIS/LTCOL/UNIT: NPS/-/TEL: 831-656-2794/ EMAIL: CAMARDO(AT)NPS.EDU// Gentext/Remarks/1. This message convenes and provides administrative updates for the execution of the Naval Research Program (NRP) Topic Review Board (TRB). 2. As a result of the Naval Research Working Group (NRWG) meeting aboard the Naval Postgraduate School (NPS), 43 Navy sponsors have submitted 291 proposed research topics. NPS faculty members have selected those topics on which they desire to conduct research during FY18 and have initiated an Initial Research Estimate Form (IREF) for each research topic that they desire to have compete for NRP funding. Those IREFs will be reviewed, validated as requirements, and allocated funding based on topic sponsor prioritized rankings at the TRB. 3. Per ref A, TRB will be held 24 July 2017 at the Office of Naval Research, One Liberty Center, 875 N. Randolph St, Arlington, VA 22203 in conference room 1420 in order to review, validate, prioritize, and recommend assignment of resources toward the proposed IREFs generated as a result of the NRWG. 4. The TRB is led by the executive director of the Office of Naval Research. The board is composed of O6 (or equivalent) representatives from every Navy sponsor organization with proposed work for consideration or review. The TRB will verify that the proposed research is relevant, review proposals for combining research efforts with other existing or proposed work in order to avoid duplication, and recommend assignment of resources toward proposed research. TRB output will be a list of Navy research to be undertaken by the students and faculty of NPS for FY18. The TRB end state is vetted research proposals that directly address Navy research requirements and are resourced for execution by students and faculty at NPS. 5. Every topic sponsor who has approved at least one IREF is requested to identify and send an O6 (or equivalent) representative to participate in the TRB. Every topic sponsor representative who attends the TRB is requested to bring their organizations list of IREFs ranked in order from highest priority to lowest priority. 6. Schedule. Monday, 24 July 2017 1300-1315 Opening remarks by Executive Director, Office of Naval Research 1315-1545 TRB reviews IREF prioritization and determines allocation of resources 1545-1600 Closing remarks by Executive Director, Office of Naval Research 7. Sponsor representatives (O6, equivalent representatives, or attending board members) are requested to RSVP to nps_nrp_poc@nps.edu not later than 17 July, 2017. 8. Attire. The uniform will be khakis (or equivalent) for those in uniform and business attire for civilians (coat and tie, or equivalent). 9. Lodging. Attendees not stationed in the National Capital Region will arrange their own billeting. 10. Travel, billeting costs, and other arrangements associated with the board will be the individual units responsibility. 11. Defense Travel System (DTS) will identify the 2017 max per diem rate for the District of Columbia. 12. Transportation. Attendees are responsible for their own transportation. Commands may authorize rental cars as appropriate. 13. Conference exception. The TRB is the culminating event of the NRWG, which has been formally vetted and meets exemption 4B in Section IV of DoD Conference Guidance dtd 26 Jun 2016, as an internal agency business matter. 14. Mission critical travel. Although sponsor attendance is highly encouraged, mission criticality for TRB attendance will be established by the travelers command. Video teleconferencing is not available. 15. Released by Rear Admiral M. C. Manazir, N9.// UNCLASSIFIED// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//