UNCLASSIFIED ROUTINE R 291811Z JUN 17 FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 156/17 MSGID/GENADMIN/DNS WASHINGTON DC/N1/XXX// SUBJ/COMPLIANCE WITH TRAVEL REQUIREMENTS// REF/A/NFR 2015-0025-FIN - UPDATED/06OCT16// REF/B/NFR 2015-0026-FIN - UPDATED/21OCT16// REF/C/NFR 2015-0027-FIN - UPDATED/19OCT16// REF/D/DTS EPN FY16#1/10MAR16// REF/E/41 CFR 301 SECTION 301-52.7// REF/F/DoD FMR VOLUME 9, CHAPTER 8, 080401// REF/G/THE NAVY DTS BUSINESS RULES (UPDATED) VER 3.1 JAN 2017// REF/H/DTS EPN FY17#1/2MAR17// REF/I/DTS EPN FY16#3/10MAR16 REF/J/DTS EPN FY16#4/10MAR16// REF/K/DTS EPN FY16#5.1A/15DEC16// REF/L/NAVY DTS AO CHECKLIST FOR APPROVING VOUCHERS// NARR/REF A IS THE NOTIFICATION OF FINDING AND RECOMMENDATION (NFR) 2015-0025- FIN - UPDATED, CONTROLS OVER TRAVEL VOUCHER SUBMISSIONS ARE NOT OPERATING EFFECTIVELY. REF B IS THE NFR 2015-0026-FIN - UPDATED, TRAVEL AUTHORIZATION CONTROLS ARE NOT OPERATING EFFECTIVELY. REF C IS THE NFR 2015-0027-FIN - UPDATED, TRAVEL VOUCHERS ARE NOT PROPERLY APPROVED. REF D IS THE DEFENSE TRAVEL SYSTEM (DTS) EXECUTION POLICY NOTICE (EPN) FY16 #1 - REQUIREMENT FOR BUDGET SUBMITTING OFFICES (BSO) LEAD DEFENSE TRAVEL ADMINISTRATORS (LDTA) TO COMMUNICATE DTS TRAVEL VOUCHERS ARE TO BE SUBMITTED WITHIN FIVE WORKING DAYS. REF E IS CHAPTER 41 CODE OF FEDERAL REGULATIONS [CFR] SECTION 301-52.7. REF F IS THE DOD FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT REGULATION [FMR], VOLUME 9, CHAPTER 8, PARAGRAPH 080401. REF G IS THE NAVY DTS BUSINESS RULES VERSION 3.1 (JANUARY 2017). REF H IS DTS EPN FY17 #1 - REQUIREMENT FOR NAVY BSOS TO REVIEW NAVY DTS PMO UNSUBMITTED VOUCHER REPORT AND FOLLOW ESCALATION PROTOCOL. REF I IS THE DTS EPN FY16 #3 - ORAL ORDER CONFIRMATION OF APPROVAL. REF J IS THE DTS EPN FY16 #4 - REQUIREMENT FOR BSOS TO CREATE AND MAINTAIN A CENTRAL REPOSITORY OF DD577 AND ANNUAL CERTIFYING OFFICER LEGISLATION (COL) TRAINING CERTIFICATES. REF K IS DTS EPN FY16#5.1A - REQUIREMENT FOR NAVY DTS APPROVING OFFICIALS (AO) TO UTILIZE AO CHECKLIST FOR ALL VOUCHERS THEY APPROVE (WITH NAVY DTS APPROVING OFFICIAL CHECKLIST). REF L IS THE NAVY DTS AO CHECKLIST FOR APPROVING VOUCHERS EFFECTIVE 4 OCTOBER 2016 VERSION 1.1// POC/MARK J. SULLIVAN/NAVSUPSYSCOM/NCCP/TEL: 717 557 4804/ mark.j.sullivan3(at)navy.mil// RMKS/1. During the past two years the Navy has undergone audits of its financial statements. The Independent Public Accountant (IPA) concluded that the controls over travel are not operating effectively. As per references (a) through (c), the IPA identified three specific areas of non-compliance including: a. Travel vouchers not being submitted within five working days of the travel return date. b. Defense Travel System (DTS) travel orders were not approved prior to the trip start date. c. Delegation of Authority (DOA)/DD577 was missing or incomplete. d. The IPA noted that given the large volume of travel, material misstatements may occur on the financial statements and not be detected and corrected. Non-compliance with prevailing travel policy is a significant impediment to the Navy achieving an audit opinion. To measure Navy progress towards defined goals, the Navy DTS Program Management Office (PMO) instituted a series of metrics that provide Budget Submitting Offices (BSO) travel volume reporting and results of corrective action performance assessments. Metrics are posted at the Uniform Resource Locator (url): https://my.navsup.navy.mil/webcenter/portal/ccpmd_dts e. You are to use these metrics to track your command's progress and impact on the Navy's performance towards remediating the notifications of finding and recommendation. 2. With regard to voucher submission within five working days (references (d) through (f)), reporting commands and their personnel are directed to take the following actions: a. Develop and implement a strategy to ensure ongoing traveler awareness of this five working day requirement. b. Ensure all travelers listed on the weekly Navy DTS PMO provided 'return traveler list' are notified of the five working day voucher submission requirement. c. Reference (g) was updated mandating that no travel mission is complete until a proper travel claim/voucher is submitted by the traveler. If a traveler is submitting a DD form 1351-2 to an authorized Non-DTS Entry Agent (NDEA) to sign a voucher on behalf of a traveler by applying a 'T- entered' stamp in DTS, this form must be signed and dated by the traveler. In addition, the submission date of the form by the traveler must be: (1) Stamped/written legibly on the form in an available space between items 20.c. and 23 and include the printed first and last name of the individual who received the form. (2) Indicated on supporting documentation attached to the form. If supporting documentation is submitted, it must include the first and last name of the traveler, the date of submission of the form by the traveler, the DTS Travel Authorization Number (TANUM), the individual's first and last name/name of entity receiving the form (e.g., email inbox name), and that it is for a travel claim/voucher submission. The NDEA must then upload the form and all required supporting documentation into DTS substantiating records. When an authorized NDEA applies the 'T-entered' stamp on behalf of a traveler; the traveler is still responsible for the voucher. d. Reference (h) established an escalation protocol for unsubmitted vouchers after specified time frames that are listed on the Navy DTS PMO provided 'unsubmitted voucher report'. 3. With regard to travel orders approved after start date of trip, (reference (i)) commands must take the following actions: travel authorizations initially approved in DTS after the travel start date must include either a justification statement, or email, for the record explaining this circumstance and uploaded into the substantiating records; or the approving official (AO) enters information into the "remarks" section in the digital signature block when they apply the approved stamp. Whichever method is used, the documentation must include: a. The circumstances that prevented pre-trip approval. b. The trip start date. c. The time/date of oral/verbal approval. d. The full name of the official issuing approval. 4. With regard to incomplete or missing documentation, commands are to establish and maintain a centralized repository of all BSO DTS AO DOAS/DD form 577s and Certifying Officers Legislation (COL) training certificates (reference (j)). In addition, create and maintain an annual process to validate that DTS AOs have completed required COL annual training, and participate in Navy DTS PMO AO inspections on BSO ability to provide DTS AO documentation. a. Per references (k) and (l), Navy DTS AOs will use a standard DTS voucher approval checklist. b. References (a) through (d) and references (g) through (l) are available at the Naval Supply System Command (NAVSUP) consolidated card program management division DTS website at: https://my.navsup.navy.mil/webcenter/portal/ccpmd_dts. 5. The Navy DTS PMO will be performing spot checks to monitor performance and operating effectiveness of reference (d) and references (i) through (k) and communicating results and deficiencies to Navy BSOS. Navy BSOs must review their results and take actions as appropriate to correct identified deficiencies and report back to Navy DTS PMO in the time frame and format specified. 6. Released by VADM J. G. FOGGO, Director, Navy Staff.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//