UNCLASSIFIED ROUTINE R 171655Z JUL 17 FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 176/17 MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N2N6/JUL// SUBJ/FY18 GRADUATE SCHOOL OPPORTUNITIES AT MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY AND WOODS HOLE OCEANOGRAPHIC INSTITUTION// REF/A/DOC/OPNAV/31OCT16// AMPN/REF A IS OPNAVINST 1520.31C, MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY/WOODS HOLE OCEANOGRAPHIC INSTITUTION JOINT MASTER'S DEGREE IN OCEANOGRAPHY PROGRAM (CURRICULUM #375).// RMKS/1. This NAVADMIN announces the eligibility requirements and application procedures for the Fiscal Year (FY) 2018 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)/Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute (WHOI) Joint Master's degree in Oceanography Program. Where information differs between this NAVADMIN and reference (a), this NAVADMIN takes precedence. This world class program offers deep knowledge of ocean processes, acoustics, and signal processing. Further, it seeks to enhance understanding and application of operational oceanography, especially as it pertains to the Undersea Warfare warfighting arena. 2. Six quotas are available for the June 2018 program start. Beginning 1 September 2017, applications can be submitted online at https://gradapply.mit.edu/whoi/apply/login/. MIT deadline for applications is 31 October 2017. Additional information on the program and admission requirements can be obtained online at http://mit.whoi.edu, within reference (a), and from the points of contact provided in this message. 3. Eligibility and program requirements for active duty officers in FY18 include: a. Warfare qualified officers from any unrestricted line community. b. Warfare qualified restricted line officers in designator 1800. c. United States Naval Academy or Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps midshipman 1st class who will be commissioned in the spring of 2018. d. Applicants must meet the academic eligibility requirements of MIT/WHOI. e. Candidates must be available to report to MIT/WHOI at the beginning of June 2018 to start summer refresher coursework. 4. Selectees are eligible for the 6402P subspecialty code (Operational Oceanography) after fully satisfying the educational skill requirements. 5. Selectees may defer enrollment for up to one year to meet operational and detailing requirements. 6. Interested applicants should submit online application and Graduate Record Examination results directly to MIT/WHOI. For unrestricted line officers, the associated MIT department is Mechanical Engineering and the field of study is Applied Ocean Science and Engineering. For Oceanography officers, the associated MIT department is Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences and the field of study is Physical Oceanography. If more than six applications are accepted by MIT/WHOI, a Navy selection board will be convened to select candidates. 7. Applicants must contact their detailer for counseling on the career impact of participation in the MIT/WHOI Master's degree program. An endorsement letter from the detailer is required. 8. A separate application package must be sent via encrypted e-mail to Mr. Curtis Bogetto, N2N6C, by 31 October 2017, at the e-mail listed below. This package must include: a. Commanding Officer and detailer endorsements b. Last 3 fitness reports c. Copy of GRE scores d. Copies of all post-secondary transcripts e. Copy of Statement of Objective essay from the MIT/WHOI application 9. Overall point of contact is Mr. Curtis Bogetto, OPNAV N2N6C, Comm: (703) 604-6289 or e-mail: curtis.bogetto(at)navy.mil. For questions regarding the MIT application, the point of contact is Ms. Kris Kipp, Graduate Administrator, MIT/WHOI Joint Program, Comm: (617) 253-7544 or e-mail: kipp(at)mit.edu. 10. This message is canceled for record purposes on 30 September 2018. 11. Released by VADM Jan E. Tighe, Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Information Warfare, OPNAV N2N6.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//