UNCLASSIFIED ROUTINE R 271438Z JUL 17 FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 181/17 MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/DNS/JUL// SUBJ/GUIDANCE FOR ACCESS AND ECHELON RESPONSIBILITIES FOR TRACKING SERVICE TREATMENT RECORDS FOR ALL UNITED STATES NAVY ACTIVE/ SELECTED RESERVE SERVICE MEMBERS(CORRECTED COPY)// REF/A/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/DNS/192157Z NOV 16// REF/B/DOC/OSD/16 NOV 2015// REF/C/DOC/BUMED/10 NOV 2015// REF/D/MSG/SECNAV WASHINGTON DC/062126Z OCT 16// REF/E/DOC/CNO/1 MAR 2017// NARR/REFERENCE (A) IS NAVY-SPECIFIC ADMINISTRATIVE MESSAGE (NAVADMIN) 187/14, PROPER TRANSFER OF HEALTH SERVICE TREATMENT RECORDS OF TRANSITIONING SERVICE MEMBERS TO VETERANS ADMINISTRATION. REFERENCE (B) IS DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE INSTRUCTION (DODI) 6040.45, DOD HEALTH RECORD LIFE CYCLE MANAGEMENT. REFERENCE (C) IS MANUAL OF THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT, CHAPTER 16. REFERENCE (D) IS DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY MESSAGE (ALNAV) 066/16, GUIDANCE FOR ARCHIVING HEALTH SERVICE TREATMENT RECORDS (STRS) FOR DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY (DON) ACTIVE/SELECTED RESERVE SERVICE MEMBERS. REFERENCE (E) IS OPNAVINST 5400.45, THE CHIEF OF NAVAL OPERATIONS GUIDANCE FOR THE STANDARD NAVY DISTRIBUTION LIST.// RMKS/1. This NAVADMIN announces the implementation of the Service Treatment Record (STR) tracking tool within the Navy Standard Integrated Personnel System (NSIPS) to assist commands with DON processes for the proper transfer of medical and dental records, hereafter known as STRs, to the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) for transitioning Navy active and Selected Reserve Service members. As such, the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness has mandated a 45-calendar day submission timeline for all services to transfer STRs to the VA. DON shall comply with the timeliness standards and make records available within 45-calendar days from the separation/retirement date from active duty. For Reserve Component Service members who do not separate from service but file a VA benefits claim, STRs must be available within 45-calendar days after notification of pending claim. This tracking tool will enhance the Navy enterprise ability to comply with the mandates as set forth in references (a) through (d). 2. Background. Per references (a) through (d), commanders, commanding officers (CO), and officers in charge (OIC) are responsible for ensuring STRs are properly and expeditiously closed out and shall ensure collaborative processes exist between the medical/dental and administrative departments to maintain custody of the Service member's STR. Reference (b) requires STRs to be electronically transferred to the VA within 45-calendar days of separation to ensure Service member disability claims are processed within the established timelines set forth by the Secretary of the Navy. This STR tracking tool is hereby implemented to leverage the personnel information already contained within NSIPS and to provide an automated solution for tracking and monitoring compliance. The system will provide direct access to terminal leave data, separation data by unit identification code (UIC) and social security number, STR compliance performance reports, projected and actual separations, Service member's last five duty stations, and service member's contact information to assist with the due diligence process. Ensuring that Service members experience an orderly transition to civilian life is of paramount importance and an important component of this transition is the timely transfer of the separating or retiring Service member's STR to the VA. 3. STR Tracking Tool Access Request Process. a. The intended access request process will roll out in three phases. Phase one is intended to allow Echelon II and III commands, as identified in reference (e), to initiate the request electronically via NSIPS self-service, route the request through the chain of command for review and recommendation, and then electronically submit to Navy Medicine Records Activity (NMRA) for approval. Under phase one, Echelon II and III commands will have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the tracking tool and determine additional commands that will require access during phases two and three. Once approved, the command will have access to data within NSIPS to identify trends in compliance. b. Phases two and three will allow additional subordinate commands, as directed by their respective Immediate Superior in Command, the opportunity to initiate the request electronically via the NSIPS self-service, route the request through their chain of command for review and recommendation, and then electronically submit to NMRA for approval. Phase two will also provide the ability for commands to familiarize themselves with the tracking tool and determine additional commands that will require access during phase three. Once approved, the command will have access to data within NSIPS to identify trends in compliance. c. The System Access Authorization Request (SAAR-N) form from each requester must contain a list of UICs for which the command is requesting access in the role of STR Command User only. If additional UICs are later identified under the same command, a separate SAAR-N form must be initiated and routed via the chain of command for approval following steps in paragraph 3a. 4. User Information. Newsletters containing useful tracking tool information will be posted via a link under the User Information section of the NSIPS production page titled, What's New for You. This information is designed to assist commands with disseminating important information about the tracking tool and to assist first time users with screenshots of initial navigation steps. 5. Training. Tutorials will be available with step-by-step instructions within the main screen of the NSIPS production page for each available function within the tracking tool. Tutorials will assist first time users with developing STR tracking competence and ensure the success of the system at each level within the Navy enterprise. 6. Analytical Support. Navy Medicine and NMRA will continue to provide analytical support to the stakeholders with current reports until Echelon II commands have received access to the system. This will ensure all data is available within the system for performance monitoring post implementation. The target deadline to cease providing analytical support via the current reports is 1 September 2017. 7. Responsibilities. a. All echelons must work proactively with NMRA to identify personnel and/or commands that will require access to the tracking tool. (1) Commanders, COs, and OICs are responsible for all aspects of the STR disposition process for their units. (2) Echelon II and III commands, as identified in reference(e), will appoint an STR point of contact to serve as the Responsible Individual (RI) and an Alternate RI (ARI) for all STR Tracking Tool matters. The STR Tracking Tool RI and/or ARI will coordinate with NMRA to communicate with all units that fall under their STR purview. Echelon II and III Commanders will e-mail STR RI and ARI contact information to NMRA at: usn.ncr.bumedfchva.mbx.nmra-navy-str(AT)mail.mil within 30 days of release of this NAVADMIN. b. Bureau of Naval Personnel (BUPERS) responsibilities. (1) BUPERS shall provide NMRA with weekly separations lists until the tracking tool is fully operational, with a target end date of 1 August 2017. (2) Personnel Support Detachments (PSD) will continue to assist commands with the verification of separations for medical treatment facilities, clinics, ships, etc. within their area of responsibility (AOR). Once the tracking tool is fully operational within the PSD's AOR, submission of weekly separation lists will no longer be required. 8. Reporting Requirements. Navy Medicine will continue to provide a weekly report to the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness, and separation data to the scanning contractor for processing. 9. Released by VADM J. G. FOGGO, Director, Navy Staff.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//