UNCLASSIFIED ROUTINE R 141937Z AUG 17 FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 198/17 MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/DNS/AUG// SUBJ/REMOVAL OF RENTERS INSURANCE IN PRIVATIZED MILITARY HOUSING LEASES// REF/A/DOC/OSD/27AUG2015// REF/B/DOC/ASN EIE/22APR2016// NARR/REF A IS OSD MEMO APPLYING BASIC ALLOWANCE FOR HOUSING REDUCTIONS TO PRIVATIZED HOUSING. REF B IS ASN EI&E MEMO, PROVISION OF RENTERS' INSURANCE IN PRIVATIZED MILITARY HOUSING.// RMKS/1. This NAVADMIN announces forthcoming changes to Navy Military Family Housing Public Private Venture (PPV) business agreements directed by references (a) and (b) that will impact residents in Department of Navy PPV Housing by removing the renters' insurance provided by the PPV partner as part of the lease agreement. 2. Background. a. On 1 January 2015, DoD eliminated the renters' insurance component from the basic allowance for housing (BAH) rate calculation in an effort to slow the growth in compensation costs. Further information regarding how BAH is calculated can be found on the Defense Travel Management Office BAH website: http://www.defensetravel.dod.mil/site/bah.cfm. b. Per reference (a), the Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Energy, Installations and Environment) directed Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC) to amend PPV business agreements to remove the automatic inclusion of renters' insurance from PPV leases. 3. Discussion. a. Current and future residents of PPV housing are advised that, as a result of this amendment to the business agreements, they will no longer automatically receive renters' insurance in PPV housing. Military residents are encouraged, but not required, to obtain renters' insurance once current insurance coverage expires. b. Members with rate protected BAH pre-dating the 1 January 2015 changes will continue to receive BAH that includes an insurance component. PPV Partners are required to provide continued insurance coverage, or a benefit of corresponding value, to those members until their rate protection would otherwise cease (e.g., permanent change of station, change in pay grade, or change in dependent status). BAH for all other members presently accounts for the eliminated renters' insurance component. c. Per reference (b), PPV business agreements will be amended and the effective implementation date is targeted for six months after this NAVADMIN release. PPV Partners will continue to provide renters' insurance for the term of all PPV leases (including renewals) executed prior to the amendment of the PPV business agreements. 4. Action. a. NAVFAC (1)Amend PPV business agreements to remove the automatic inclusion of renters' insurance in PPV leases. b. CNIC (1) Make frequently asked questions on renters' insurance available in all Housing Service Centers and online at https://cnic.navy.mil/housing.html. (2) Task Housing Service Centers to: (a) Notify PPV Housing residents that renters' insurance will not be provided as an automatic entitlement in their PPV leases. (b) Educate military members seeking housing referral counseling on the importance of renters' insurance, and encourage residents to purchase renters' insurance for their own protection. (c) Coordinate with PPV property managers to provide residents with at least 30 days prior notice of when renters' insurance will no longer be provided in their leases, and advise on whether coverage will be provided as a promotional incentive. 5. Point of contact is Virginia Greene, CNIC N93, at 202-433-4256 or via email at virginia.greene(AT)navy.mil. 6. Released by VADM J. G. FOGGO, Director, Navy Staff.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//