UNCLASSIFIED ROUTINE R 141318Z SEP 17 FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 228/17 MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N00/SEP// SUBJ/ESTABLISHMENT OF NAVY REQUIREMENTS MANAGEMENT COMMUNITY AND SUBSPECIALTY// RMKS/1. This NAVADMIN establishes the Navy Requirements Management (RM) community and 65xx subspecialty codes. The Chief of Naval Operations, Integrated Warfare Division (OPNAV N9I) is the program sponsor and community manager. 2. Establishing an RM community builds the foundation for developing the needed cadre of requirements experts to work in concert with the Acquisition Corps (AC) and Financial Management (FM) communities. All three communities are needed to affordably procure the right capabilities at the right time in an increasingly complex warfighting environment. Similar to the AC and FM communities, this NAVADMIN establishes formal RM community training and experience requirements to ensure consistent, efficient response to fleet warfighting inputs. 3. Specifically, this NAVADMIN initiates the following actions. a. Establishes the following RM codes for OPNAV billets that require individuals assigned to complete accountable RM certification. (1) 6511P entry level RM code for 208 billets (2) 6511Q supervisory level RM code to 62 billets b. Establishes the following Navy RM Certification Training (RMCT) standards, with content lead in parenthesis: (1) OPNAV Action Officer Course (Director of Navy Staff) (2) OPNAV Requirements Officer Course (OPNAV N9I) (3) OPNAV Continuing Training Course (OPNAV N9I) (4) Planning, Programming, Budgeting and Execution (PPBE) Course (OPNAV N80) (5) CLR 101 Introduction to the Joint Capabilities Integration and Development Systems (DAU) (6) RQM 110 Core Concepts for Requirements Management (DAU) (7) RQM 310 Advanced Concepts for Requirements Management (DAU) c. Establishes the following Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) Family of Education Programs and subspecialty codes: (1) Systems Engineering Analysis: 6500P (2) Systems Engineering Analysis (51A track): 6501P (3) Systems Acquisition Management (816/836): 6502P (4) Operations Research (Systems Analysis): 3210P (5) Operations Research (Operations Analysis): 3211P (6) Master of Business Administration (Executive): 3100P (7) Master of Business Administration (Financial Management; civilian focus): 3105P (8) Master of Business Administration (Financial Management): 3110P d. Establishes the following 65xx subspecialty codes based on education and proficiency standards: (1) 6500/1/2/Q: 6500/1/2P + 18 months in 6511 billet + RMCT (2) 6511Q: 31xxP/32xxP + 18 months in 6511 billet + RMCT (3) 6511S: Non-RM Subspecialty Code + 18 months in 6511 billet + RMCT (4) 6511R: 6511S designation + additional 18 months in 6511P/Q billet e. Establishes detailing priority for first-utilization of RM degrees in 6511P billets. f. Establishes detailing priority for 6511Q billets with those having obtained a previous RM subspecialty code. g. Implements approved selection board language regarding the value of the RM community. 4. In 2018, a similar and complementary program will be established for developing an equivalent government civilian RM community. 5. The 65xx subspecialty code may be awarded to OPNAV officers who are filling or have previously filled an RM billet. Officers who believe they qualify may apply to the point of contact (POC) listed below. 6. The POC for general information, eligibility and assignments is LCDR Brad Horning, Warfare Integration Office (OPNAV N9I), who can be reached at (703) 693-8781 or via e-mail at brad.horning(at)navy.mil. 7. Released by ADM J. M. Richardson, Chief of Naval Operations.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//