UNCLASSIFIED ROUTINE R 221516Z DEC 17 FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS PASS TO OFFICE CODES: FM CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// NAVADMIN 307/17 MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/DEC// SUBJ/ALIGNMENT OF ENLISTMENT CONTRACTS WITH DUTY STATION TOUR LENGTHS// REF/A/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/061543ZJAN17// REF/B/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/281806ZFEB17// REF/C/DOC/COMNAVPERSCOM/08JAN08// REF/D/DOC/COMNAVPERSCOM/03SEP14// REF/E/DOC/COMNAVPERSCOM/16MAY16// REF/F/DOC/COMNAVPERSCOM/16FEB17// REF/G/DOC/COMNAVPERSCOM/22APR10// REF/H/DOC/COMNAVPERSCOM/13MAY16// REF/I/DOC/OPNAV/30JAN07// NARR/REF A IS NAVADMIN 004/17, VOLUNTARY EXTENSION OF ENLISTMENT. REF B IS NAVADMIN 051/17, EXTENSION OF DEADLINE TO APPLY FOR VOLUNTARY EXTENSION. REF C IS MILPERSMAN 1306-106, TIME ON STATION (TOS) AND RETAINABILITY/OBLIGATED SERVICE (OBLISERV). REF D IS MILPERSMAN 1306-125, ENLISTED RECORD FLAGS. REF E IS MILPERSMAN 1160-140, CAREER WAYPOINTS REENLISTMENT. REF F IS MILPERSMAN 1160-040, EXTENSION OF ENLISTMENTS. REF G IS MILPERSMAN 1306-126, FIRST-TERM PERSONNEL ASSIGNMENT POLICY. REF H IS MILPERSMAN 1306- 611, PROFESSIONAL APPRENTICESHIP CAREER TRACK (PACT) PROGRAM. REF I IS OPNAVINST 1160.8A, SELECTIVE REENLISTMENT BONUS (SRB).// RMKS/1. There are currently over 61,000 Sailors whose enlistment contract ends prior to their projected rotation date (PRD). This misalignment causes unexpected gaps in manning. This NAVADMIN announces comprehensive policy and process changes, and directs commands to take immediate action to align enlistment contracts with duty station tour lengths. Effective upon release through 31 May 2018, the Navy is in an Alignment Open Season with details spelled out in paragraph 5. In addition, we are implementing several policy and process changes to maintain long term alignment. These changes are effective immediately and include: a. Commanding officers (CO) extension authority, b. Obligated service (OBLISERV) policy, c. Career Waypoints (C-WAY) policy, and d. Enlistment extension policy. 2. Policy changes. Policy changes required to implement and sustain alignment between enlistment contracts and duty station tour lengths are outlined below. These policy changes greatly benefit our Sailors, putting them in an active role in deciding what is best for their career by communicating their desire directly to their detailers and community managers. Updates to the corresponding MILPERSMAN (MPM) articles are forthcoming. a. COs extension authority. References (a) and (b) offered first-term Sailors on sea duty an opportunity to extend their enlistment without C-WAY approval, providing Sailors more career stability and giving the Navy a clearer picture for ordering in replacement personnel. Many Sailors took advantage of this policy change and extended their enlistment. Effective immediately, this NAVADMIN makes the COs authority to extend a Sailors enlistment contract to complete their prescribed tour without C-WAY approval permanent. Sailors whose enlistment contract ends prior to their duty station tour lengths will be asked to obligate service to complete their prescribed tour. This will reduce mid-tour C-WAY decisions. References (a) and (b) are hereby canceled. Additional guidance on how C-WAY will be used is outlined below in section 2.c. b. OBLISERV policy. Effective immediately, to improve the alignment between the end of enlistment contract and tour lengths, all permanent change of station (PCS) orders will require OBLISERV for the full prescribed tour. These changes will be updated in reference (c). Sailors must complete their prescribed tours, unless released by the Assignment Control Authority, Commander, Navy Personnel Command (NAVPERSCOM). Nuclear trained Sailors will be handled in line with established policies between OPNAV N133 and PERS-403. (1) Transferring and gaining commands are responsible for verifying that a Sailors end of enlistment contract match or exceed the prescribed tour for their next duty station. If a Sailor does not desire to OBLISERV for orders for the prescribed tour, the transferring command will use a NAVPERS 1070/613, Administrative remark, to document the Sailors decision. The command is required to notify the respective rating detailer at NAVPERSCOM by naval message within 30 days of receipt of the PCS orders. The message template for notifying NAVPERSCOM can be found at http://www.public.navy.mil/bupers- npc/enlisted/community/Pages/eaosinit.aspx. NAVPERSCOM (PERS-40BB) will track Sailors who do not OBLISERV in line with reference (d), and PERS-40 will make final decisions on orders approval. Sailors may still be directed by PERS-40 to execute orders based on contract time remaining and needs of the Navy. These Sailors are considered as being in the decision window upon arrival. (2) A decision window is defined as the length of time from when a Sailor checks onboard and completes the initial career development board (CDB) up to 13 months from the end of their enlistment contract. Sailors in the decision window may request to extend their enlistment contract to the full prescribed tour via NAVPERS 1306/7, Personal Action Request, and, with CO approval, may extend their enlistment. Sailors with less than 13 months to the end of their enlistment contract may still request to extend via NAVPERS 1306/7 to their prescribed tour, but due to the fact that a relief may already be identified, approval is subject to billet availability. In this situation, commands will send a copy of the NAVPERS 1306/7 to the applicable rating detailer for feedback before approving an extension. (3) Sailors completing initial skills training might not have enlistment contracts that align with their prescribed tour. Initial assignment PCS orders will include a provision to allow Sailors to voluntarily extend their enlistment to complete the prescribed tour. Sailors declining to voluntarily extend their enlistment will execute the orders as written. Their gaining command shall inform these Sailors of the benefits of extending their enlistment during the reporting Career Development Board (CDB). c. C-WAY policy. C-WAY will allow Sailors with less than 14 years of service and E-6 and below in rank to communicate their career intentions with the enlisted community managers (ECM). This allows the ECM to efficiently manage their enlisted communities for accurate accession planning, retention goal setting, and advancement planning. This constant communication will also help stabilize manning for the command by clearing up the demand signal for distribution or accession replacements. Nuclear trained Sailors will continue to manage C-Way through OPNAV N133. (1) Commands will mark Sailors in C-WAY as no apply this month selecting undecided reason from the drop-down menu at 16 months if they are undecided about extending to complete their prescribed tour length, and they want to defer their decision to extend. This is repeated for months 15 and 14 if the Sailor remains undecided. This process ensures Sailors are easily identified to the Career Development Team. (2) The decision window ends at 13 months prior to the end of the enlistment contract, and Sailors who remain undecided will be marked by their commands in C-WAY as Intends to Separate selecting Other reason in the drop- down menu adding the following note: Decline to obligate service to match SEAOS to Prescribed Tour. Based on this information, PERS-40 will automatically adjust the Sailors duty station tour lengths to the end of their enlistment contract, ensuring that Navy can begin the process of finding a relief. Sailors still have the option to stay Navy and extend (as noted in para 2.b.2) with CO approval by submitting a NAVPERS 1306/7 to extend their PRD to the prescribed tour, which allows PERS-40 to restore the PRD to the prescribed tour and the rating ECM to reset the Sailor in C-WAY, if necessary. These changes will align with reference (c) and be added to references (e), (f) and (g). d. Enlistment extension policy. Effectively immediately, all Sailors, with the exception of nuclear-trained Sailors, can extend their current enlistment contract up to a total of 48 aggregate months to match their duty station tour length, or to obtain the required OBLISERV to execute PCS orders. This is a change from the previous maximum of 23 aggregate months in one enlistment contract, and will be updated in reference (f). Nuclear- trained Sailors requiring an extension greater than 23 months in one enlistment contract will coordinate with OPNAV N133. 3. Professional Apprenticeship Career Track (PACT) policy reminder. PACT Sailors are assigned a 24-month tour length/PRD per reference (h). If PACT Sailors are subsequently designated and remain at their current command, their PRD will be adjusted to the prescribed tour for their rating (including PACT sea time already served). Once designated, these Sailors are subject to the same policies as rated Sailors and may extend their EAOS to match their new PRD. These actions align PACT Sailors to their new rating cohort so they can compete more favorably in C-WAY in the future. 4. Selective Reenlistment Bonus (SRB) policy reminders. SRB eligible Sailors may extend their enlistment to match the prescribed tour length for their next duty station according to the most current SRB NAVADMIN. In line with reference (i), Sailors shall be counseled about the benefits of reenlisting prior to their extension becoming operative. In order for extension to not count against the SRB computation, it is required that a Sailor reenlist for 2 years past any inoperative extension(s). The ability to submit a NAVPERS 1070/613, Administrative Remarks, in lieu of hard OBLISERV, if the combined inactive extension(s) is more than 24 months, could potentially result in monetary loss. Use of NAVPERS 1070/613 entries for periods of more than 24 months must be requested from PERS-811 using the request format at http://www.public.navy.mil/bupers-npc/ enlisted/community/Pages/eaosinit.aspx. Nuclear trained Sailors should contact OPNAV N133 for guidance and permission to exceed 24 months with a NAVPERS 1070/613. 5. Alignment Open Season is the time period from release of this message until 31 May 2018. During this period, we want to make rapid improvement to align enlistment contracts to tour lengths. The following actions are authorized during the open season: a. Commands will engage Sailors whose enlistment contracts end before their PRD to facilitate the initial execution of this NAVADMIN. Using Billet Based Distribution, command Activity Manning Managers can identify Sailors whose enlistment contract ends before their duty station tour length. At CDBs and subsequent discussions, personnel should be advised about the career implications of a decision to extend their enlistment contract, and the benefits of staying Navy. Commands are required to counsel Sailors on the importance of extending prior to 13 months before the end of their enlistment contract to ensure career stability. b. With CO approval, Sailors requiring a High Year Tenure (HYT) waiver to comply with this policy are approved to extend to meet the full prescribed tour length without the need of a HYT waiver request. Nuclear-trained E4 and E5 Sailors who will exceed HYT or nuclear trained E6 Sailors who intend to extend past 20 years of service, must submit a HYT waiver request via NAVPERS 1306/7 to OPNAV N133. c. Sailors who were not approved in C-WAY for reenlistment but who are mid-tour can be extended by their Commanding Officer to complete their prescribed tour, following guidance contained in this NAVADMIN. These Sailors can then re-compete in C-WAY for a reenlistment quota during the normal orders negotiating timeline. 6. Points of contact: a. NAVPERSCOM (PERS-40), COMM 1-866-827-5672 (U-ASK-NPC). b. NAVPERSCOM (PERS-811), COMM (901) 874-4993/DSN 882-4993. c. BUPERS-33 C-WAY Admin Desk, COMM (901) 874-2102, or email at Career_Waypoints@navy.mil. 7. This NAVADMIN will remain in effect until superseded or canceled. 8. Released by Vice Admiral R. P. Burke, N1.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//