UNCLASSIFIED ROUTINE R 251736Z JAN 18 FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 014/18 PASS TO OFFICE CODES: FM CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/JAN// SUBJ/UPDATED OFF-RAMP GUIDANCE FOR ACTIVE AND RESERVE COMPONENT INFORMATION WARFARE AND SUPPLY CORPS LIMITED DUTY OFFICERS// REF/A/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/141556ZJUL16// REF/B/DOC/OPNAV/6DEC16/NOTAL// REF/C/DOC/CHNAVPERS/23NOV15/NOTAL// REF/D/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/291827ZJUN17// REF/E/DOC/COMNAVPERSCOM/31MAY05// REF/F/DOC/COMNAVPERSCOM/21OCT17// REF/G/DOC/U.S.C./23DEC16// REF/H/DOC/BUPERS/17SEP07// REF/I/DOC/COMNAVPERSCOM/2OCT17// NARR/REF A IS NAVADMIN 160/16, ACTIVE AND RESERVE COMPONENT LIMITED DUTY OFFICER OFF-RAMP INITIATIVE GUIDANCE. REF B IS OPNAVINST 1210.5A, LATERAL TRANSFER AND REDESIGNATION OF OFFICERS IN THE NAVY. REF C IS CHIEF OF NAVAL PERSONNEL MEMORANDUM, PROBATIONARY OFFICER CONTINUATION AND REDESIGNATION BOARD BUSINESS RULES. REF D IS NAVADMIN 157/17, ACTIVE COMPONENT LIMITED DUTY OFFICER AND CHIEF WARRANT OFFICER FITNESS REPORT OFFICER SUMMARY GROUPS. REF E IS MILPERSMAN ARTICLE 1212-030, REDESIGNATION OF REGULAR PERMANENT AND TEMPORARY LIMITED DUTY OFFICERS. REF F IS MILPERSMAN 1001-145, REQUIREMENTS FOR TRANSFER FROM ACTIVE COMPONENT TO THE INDIVIDUAL READY RESERVE-ACTIVE STATUS POOL STANDBY RESERVE-ACTIVE, OR STANDBY RESERVE-INACTIVE. REF G IS TITLE 10 U.S. CODE SECTION 638A, MODIFICATION TO RULES FOR CONTINUATION ON ACTIVE DUTY AND ENHANCED SEPARATION FOR SELECTIVE EARLY RETIREMENT. REF H IS BUPERSINST 1001.39F, ADMINISTRATION PROCEDURES FOR NAVY RESERVISTS. REF I IS MILPERSMAN 1001-125, REQUIREMENTS FOR TRANSFER FROM SELECTED RESERVE OR INDIVIDUAL READY RESERVE-VOLUNTARY TRAINING UNIT TO THE INDIVIDUAL READY RESERVE-ACTIVE STATUS POOL, STANDBY RESERVE-ACTIVE, OR STANDBY RESERVE-INACTIVE.// RMKS/1. This NAVADMIN announces the cancellation of reference (a), updates references (b) and (c), and provides updated guidance on the management of Limited Duty Officers (LDO) assigned to off-ramp communities. Active component (AC) LDOs in the Supply Corps (651X) and Information Warfare Community (IWC) (68XX) are designated for off-ramp as defined in enclosure (1) of reference (b). Reference (d) announced changes to LDO and Chief Warrant Officer (CWO) officer summary groups (OSG) creating specific categories for Supply and IWC LDOs. Reference (d) also stipulated that as the LDO and CWO Officer Sustainability Initiative (OSI) matures, promotion boards will begin considering LDOs and CWOs for promotion mirroring revised OSGs beginning with FY-21 promotions. OSI eliminates control grade (LCDR, CDR and CAPT) authorizations for off-ramp designators. In preparation for revised competitive categories, LDOs assigned to off-ramp designators will be managed under the following guidelines. a. For Active Duty IWC LDOs who desire to redesignate without lateral transfer and redesignation board action, reference (b), paragraph 7, subparagraph h(4), sentence one, is updated to read, *Active Duty information warfare community LDOs in all grades into the restricted line (18XX) community are eligible on a case by case basis as part of the LDO and CWO sustainability initiative.* Without Board Action (WOBA) will be extended to off-ramp designated LDOs in the IWC after completion of 3 years commissioned service in line with reference (e). Supply Corps LDOs will be considered for redesignation at 4 years commissioned service to ensure critical sea tours are completed. To be eligible for WOBA, officers must possess a baccalaureate degree and be designated a Supply Corps Warfare or Information Warfare Officer as applicable. Officers who have failed to select for the next higher grade are not eligible for redesignation. b. Effective immediately, off-ramp designated LDOs who meet degree, warfare, and minimum commissioned service requirements of subparagraph 1a, may submit WOBA requests for redesignation to their Restricted Line (RL) or Staff Corps (SC) parent community. c. Reference (c) is updated to provide off-ramp designated LDOs a maximum of 5 years commissioned service to complete educational and warfare requirements. Probationary LDOs (those with less than 6 years commissioned service) failing to meet educational and warfare requirements prior to 5 years commissioned service may be recommended for redesignation or assignment to the Individual Ready Reserve (IRR), on a case-by-case basis, via the Probationary Officer Continuation and Redesignation (POCR) Board. In line with reference (f), members who do not meet requirements for transfer to the IRR- active status pool (ASP) may be subject to transfer to an inactive status (USNR-S2). 2. Non-probationary officers (those with greater than 6 years of commissioned service) are highly encouraged to complete educational and warfare requirements and submit WOBA requests prior to convening the FY-21 selection boards (January 2020). Non-probationary officers, who do not redesignate or do not meet eligibility requirements, may be considered by a selective early retirement board under reference (g). 3. Reserve component LDOs designated as off-ramp are encouraged to voluntarily apply for redesignation via the established change of designator process outlined in reference (h). LDOs with 4 to 8 years of service are best suited due to career timing considerations. IWC reserve redesignation is a continuous process and does not culminate in a specific board. Reserve applicants must possess a baccalaureate degree, meet eligibility requirements of reference (h), and be designated as an Information Warfare or Supply Corps Warfare Officer as applicable. LDOs failing to meet warfare requirements prior to 5 years commissioned service will be recommended for separation or assignment to the IRR on a case-by-case basis. Members who do not meet requirements for transfer to the IRR-ASP may be subject to transfer to an inactive status (USNR-S2) in line with reference (i). 4. Points of contact: a. IWC and POCR information - Mr. Chris Leigh at (901) 874-3391/DSN 882, or via email at christopher.leigh(at)navy.mil. b. Supply Corps information - Mrs. Beth Schudel at (901) 874-3133/DSN 882, or via email at beth.schudel(at)navy.mil c. Reserve IWC information - Ms. Patricia Pifer at (901) 874-2976/DSN 882, or via email at patricia.pifer(at)navy.mil 5. This NAVADMIN will remain in effect until superseded or canceled, whichever occurs first. 6. Released by Vice Admiral R. P. Burke, N1.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//