UNCLASSIFIED ROUTINE R 071852Z FEB 18 FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 026/18 MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N4/FEB// SUBJ/POLICY AND EXCEPTIONS TO MINIMUM ANTITERRORISM UNIFIED FACILITIES CRITERIA STANDARDS FOR NAVY PROJECTS// REF/A/DOC/UFC 4-010-01/01OCT13// REF/B/DOC/OPNAVINST F3300.53C/26MAY09// REF/C/DOC/OPNAVINST 5530.14E/20NOV17// REF/D/DOC/OPNAVINST 11010.20H/24JUN15// NARR/REF A IS UFC 4-010-01, DOD MINIMUM ANTITERRORISM STANDARDS FOR BUILDINGS, 01 OCTOBER 2013. REF B IS OPNAVINST F3300.53C, NAVY ANTITERRORISM PROGRAM, 26 MAY 2009. REF C IS OPNAVINST 5530.14E, NAVY PHYSICAL SECURITY AND LAW ENFORCEMENT PROGRAM, 20 NOVEMBER 2017. REF D IS OPNAVINST 11010.20H, NAVY FACILITIES PROJECTS, 24 JUNE 2015.// POC/R. STILES/CDR/OPNAV N4/ROBERT.STILES@NAVY.MIL/TEL: (703) 695-7204 /DSN: 260-7204// RMKS/1. In anticipation of and consistent with expected OSD coordinated revisions to reference (a), this message provides amplifying policy and permanent exceptions to specific minimum Department of Defense (DoD) antiterrorism (AT) Unified Facilities Criteria (UFC) standards in reference (a). Exceptions described in this message are effective immediately. 2. Policy. Any Navy project that requires adherence to reference (a) must be planned and designed to the minimum DoD AT standards unless the applicable geographic combatant commander (GCC) has established more stringent measures in higher threat environments. 3. Exceptions. Requests to deviate above or below minimum DoD AT Standards must be submitted and approved by Office of the Chief of Naval Operations Shore Readiness Division (OPNAV N46) per references (b) through (d), unless the deviation is to meet more stringent GCC measures, per paragraph 2, or to enhance protection of defense critical infrastructure (DCI) as identified in the Navy Critical Asset Management System. Deviations for higher GCC or DCI measures may be approved by the installation commanding officer. For all other projects located more than 50 feet on the interior side of a controlled installation perimeter, the following permanent exceptions to reference (a) apply: a. Standard 1: Site plans and designs do not need to incorporate minimum standoff distances, as defined in reference (a). b. Standard 2: Unobstructed space must extend out 33 feet from the building. Roadways and parking are allowed within this space. c. Standard 6: Existing buildings do not need to incorporate progressive collapse resistance, as defined in reference (a). d. Standard 10: Window systems, to include glazing, framing, connections, and supporting structural elements, do not have to be designed for blast resistance. Neither dynamic analysis nor testing is required. Subparagraph B-3.1.7 of reference (a) applies for all exterior glazing. e. Standard 12: Door assemblies, to include doors, framing, fasteners and anchorage, do not have to be designed or tested for blast resistance. Swinging exterior doors for inhabited areas must open outward. Exterior doors for inhabited areas that do not swing outward should be designed per subparagraph B-3.3.3 of reference (a) to mitigate the potential to be propelled into inhabited areas. Glazing in and around exterior doors must comply with subparagraph 3d. 4. Implementation of this policy is mandatory for all projects planned for FY20 and beyond. This policy does not relieve commanders of their responsibility to identify and submit deviation requests to incorporate unique AT measures associated with the project based on mission, conditions, and terrorist threat. 5. This policy remains in effect until superseded by a revision of reference (a). 6. Released by VADM D. R. Smith, N4// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//