UNCLASSIFIED ROUTINE R 211546Z FEB 18 FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 041/18 MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/FEB// SUBJ/FY-18 SENIOR ENLISTED CONTINUATION BOARD - PERFORMANCE-BASED BOARD FOR CONTINUATION OF SENIOR ENLISTED (ACTIVE/RESERVE) PERSONNEL WITH GREATER THAN 19 YEARS OF SERVICE// REF/A/MSGID/CNO WASHINGTON DC/101501Z JUL 17// AMPN/REF A IS NAVADMIN 167/17, SENIOR ENLISTED CONTINUATION BOARD - FY-18 PERFORMANCE-BASED BOARD FOR CONTINUATION OF SENIOR ENLISTED (ACTIVE/RESERVE) PERSONNEL WITH GREATER THAN 19 YEARS OF SERVICE.// RMKS/1. Board results have been posted for individual access through BUPERS Online (BOL) accounts. BOL CODES: S = SELECTED FOR CONTINUATION N = NOT SELECTED FOR CONTINUATION H = NOT SELECTED FOR CONTINUATION - IN A HOLD STATUS 2. Active Component and Full Time Support personnel not selected for continuation must transfer to the Fleet Reserve or retire as applicable, effective not later than (NLT) 31 August 2018, unless operationally waived by the Deputy Chief of Naval Personnel to remain in an active status NLT 30 November 2018. 3. Selected Reserve and Voluntary Training Unit personnel not selected for continuation must: a. Request transfer to the Retired Reserve (with or without pay) with an effective date NLT 1 September 2018, unless operationally waived by Commander, Navy Reserve Forces Command to remain in a drilling status until an approved date NLT 1 December 2018. Retired Reserve without pay refers to a non-regular retired member who is in a retired status but has not reached the age at which the retiree is eligible to receive non-regular retired pay. 4. Released by Vice Admiral R. P. Burke, N1.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//