UNCLASSIFIED ROUTINE R 271812Z FEB 18 FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 047/18 PASS TO OFFICE CODES: FM CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/FEB// SUBJ/ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE TARGETED REENTRY PROGRAM// REF/A/DOC/10 U.S.C./1MAY15// REF/B/DOC/NAVMED/30AUG17// REF/C/DOC/OPNAV/11JUL11// REF/D/DOC/OPNAV/4JUN09// REF/E/DOC/SECNAV/30JUN06// REF/F/DOC/DOD/2APR07// REF/G/DOC/COMNAVPERSCOM/4JUN08// REF/H/DOC/OPNAV/15AUG05// REF/I/DOC/DOD/3MAY06// REF/J/DOC/BUPERS/2NOV07// REF/K/DOC/BUPERS/8SEP17// NARR/REF A IS TITLE 10 U.S. CODE. REF B IS NAVMED P-117, MANUAL OF THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. REF C IS OPNAV INSTRUCTION 6110.1J, PHYSICAL READINESS PROGRAM. REF D IS OPNAVINST 5350.4D, NAVY ALCOHOL AND DRUG ABUSE PREVENTION AND CONTROL. REF E IS SECNAV MANUAL 5510.36, INFORMATION SECURITY PROGRAM. REF F IS DOD INSTRUCTION 1235.09, MANAGEMENT OF THE STANDBY RESERVE. REF G IS MILPERSMAN 1920-200, OFFICER RESIGNATION PROCEDURES. REF H IS OPNAV INSTRUCTION 1427.2, RANK, SENIORITY AND PLACEMENT OF OFFICERS ON THE ADL AND RASL. REF I IS DOD INSTRUCTION 1310.01, RANK AND SENIORITY OF COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. REF J IS BUPERS INSTRUCTION 1430.16F, ADVANCEMENT MANUAL FOR ENLISTED PERSONNEL OF THE U.S. NAVY AND U.S. NAVY RESERVE. REF K IS BUPERSINST 1540.41 QUALIFICATION AND ASSIGNMENT OF PERSONNEL IN THE NAVAL NUCLEAR PROPULSION PROGRAM.// RMKS/1. Sailor 2025, a living breathing set of approximately 45 initiatives, demonstrates the commitment of the Navy to recruiting and retaining the force of tomorrow. While our goal is to retain and reward the best and brightest of the Navy, not every high performing Sailor chooses to stay Navy. This NAVADMIN announces the development of one of the Sailor 2025 initiatives titled Targeted Reentry Program (TRP) which is designed to streamline the process to bring back highly talented Sailors. 2. TRP overview. TRP empowers commanding officers (CO) to identify Active Component (AC) and Full Time Support (FTS) officer and enlisted personnel who have elected to leave active-duty (AD) service and do not desire to affiliate with the Ready Reserve and recommend them to be awarded a Golden Ticket or Silver Ticket. TRP is designed to benefit both the Sailor and the Navy by allowing continued service of well-trained leaders who possess valuable and needed skills. Golden Ticket recipients are guaranteed return to AD (AC/FTS) within 1 year of release, as long as they remain fully qualified in line with references (a) through (e). Silver Ticket recipients are provided the opportunity to return to AD within 2 years of release, subject to the needs of the Navy, provided they remain fully qualified in line with references (a) through (e). Golden Tickets not used within the first year become Silver Tickets for the second year. If not used within 2 years of release from AD, Silver Tickets expire. 3. Status and Participation Criteria while in TRP. Members who are selected and accept a TRP ticket will be transferred to a minimum Reserve status known as Standby Reserve-Inactive (USNR-S2) for up to 2 years upon release from AD. In USNR-S2 status, members are subject to minimal participation requirements in the Navy Reserve thereby enhancing the ability of the member to engage in desired civilian pursuits. USNR-S2 members will not train with the Reserves for pay or retirement points, compete for promotion/advancement nor accrue qualifying years towards non-regular retirement eligibility. USNR-S2 members are not entitled to Tricare Reserve Select or Service members Group Life Insurance. 4. TRP Eligibility: a. Officers: AD officers in paygrades O-3 and O-4 who have completed their Minimum Service Requirement, but have not yet reached 14 years of active service are eligible for TRP consideration. Officers must have attained community qualifications, demonstrated sustained superior performance in their Fitness Reports, and passed their most recent Physical Fitness Assessment (PFA). Officers who have failed to select for promotion are not eligible. Additionally, prospective participants must meet character standards (i.e., no record of civil arrest/non-judicial punishment, courts- martial, failed drug screening, etc.). Officers who do not meet and maintain retention standards in line with references (a) through (e) will not be eligible to return to AD under the TRP. b. Enlisted: AD enlisted personnel in paygrades E-4 to E-6 who have completed their Expiration of Active Obligated Service (EAOS), but have not reached 14 years of active service are eligible for consideration in TRP. Sailors must have attained community qualifications, demonstrated sustained superior performance in their Evaluation Reports, and passed their most recent PFA. Additionally, prospective participants must meet character standards (i.e., no record of civil arrest/NJP, courts-martial, failed drug screening, etc.). Sailors who do not meet and maintain retention standards in line with references (a) through (e) will not be eligible to return to AD under the TRP. 5. TRP Ticket Request and Issuance Process: a. Officers: When an officer submits a voluntary resignation request in line with reference (g), COs may recommend high performing officers who meet TRP criteria for a Golden or Silver Ticket in their endorsement of the resignation request, and forward it to the Officer Community Management Division (BUPERS-3) via the Officer Community Manager. Golden Tickets will be issued during each fiscal year based on community health and target retention goals. There is no limit to the number of Silver Tickets that may be awarded. BUPERS-3 will adjudicate each request based on the program criteria, endorsement of the CO, and needs of the Navy. Once a determination is made, BUPERS-3 will send a notification letter to inform the command of the disposition of the request, and COs will notify their officers. b. Enlisted: Upon notification of the intent of the Sailor to separate, COs will recommend high performing enlisted personnel who meet the TRP criteria, via the command career counselor in Career Waypoints (C-WAY) for consideration. BUPERS-3 will approve Golden Tickets via C-WAY each fiscal year, based on community health and target retention goals. There is no limit to the number of Silver Tickets that may be awarded. Once a determination is made, BUPERS-3 will notify the command via C-WAY. COs will notify their enlisted personnel. c. BUPERS-3 is the approving authority for all TRP ticket requests (both Golden and Silver Tickets) and will make determinations based on the overall performance of the member, community health, and needs of the Navy. d. Once approved for a Golden or Silver Ticket, officers and enlisted personnel will have the option to accept or reject participation in the TRP prior to their release from AD. e. Commander, Navy Personnel Command will transition TRP participants from AD to the USNR-S2 for a period not to exceed 2 years from release from AD, with minimal participation requirements in the Reserves, and a streamlined return to AD. f. Date of Rank (DOR) of officers and Time in Rate (TIR) of enlisted personnel participating in TRP will be adjusted upon return of participant to AD. DOR adjustment for officers will be made in line with references (h) and (i), and TIR adjustments for enlisted personnel will be made in the manner of Individual Ready Reserve (IRR) adjustments as delineated in reference (j). Sailors who return to active duty using TRP will maintain the last rating and paygrade held at the time of separation. 6. For officer and enlisted personnel who have resignations or C-WAY requests submitted at the time of release of this NAVADMIN, the following guidance applies: a. Officers: Officers who have pending resignation requests dated on or after 1 October 2017, but have not yet been adjudicated are eligible for TRP consideration. Requests must be made by the CO through positive endorsement and sent to BUPERS-3 for review and adjudication. b. Enlisted: Enlisted personnel who are in Intends to Separate (ITS) status in all C-WAY looks on/after 1 April 2018 and have a soft EAOS/Extensions of January 2019 and later are eligible for TRP consideration. Requests must be made by the CO through positive endorsement via C-WAY for review and adjudication. 7. Return to AD Process. Valid TRP participants will initiate return to AD by contacting the Reserve Personnel Management Division (PERS-9). 8. In order to meet the requirements of reference (k), nuclear trained personnel requests for TRP tickets shall be routed through Nuclear Program Manager (OPNAV N133) prior to adjudication by BUPERS-3. Requests by nuclear trained personnel to redeem a TRP ticket and return to AD must be validated by OPNAV N133 prior to action by PERS-9. 9. Additional information: Interested personnel should carefully review http://www.public.navy.mil/bupers-npc/career/talentmanagement for a full overview of TRP guidelines, eligibility requirements, application criteria, relevant instructions, forms and templates, and frequently asked questions. 10. Point of contact is ENS Richard Neuer, Navy Personnel Command Career Transition Office, who can be reached at (901) 874-3442/DSN 882 or via e-mail at cto.officer(at)navy.mil or at cto.enlisted(at)navy.mil. 11. Released by VADM R. P. Burke, N1.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//