UNCLASSIFIED ROUTINE R 011527Z MAR 18 FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 049/18 PASS TO OFFICE CODES: FM CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/MAR// SUBJ/FY-19 NAVY ACTIVE-DUTY NUCLEAR LIMITED DUTY OFFICER IN-SERVICE PROCUREMENT SELECTION BOARD RESULTS// REF/A/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/171350ZJUL17// REF/B/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/301643ZNOV15// REF/C/DOC/MANMED/23JAN14// NARR/REF A IS NAVADMIN 177/17, NUCLEAR TRAINED SAILOR APPLICATIONS TO OFFICER COMMMISSIONING PROGRAMS AND MODIFICATION TO FY-19 NUCLEAR LIMITED DUTY OFFICER IN-SERVICE PROCUREMENT BOARD PROCESS. REF B IS NAVADMIN 275/15, CHANGE IN POLICY FOR APPOINTMENTS FOR LDO. REF C IS NAVMED P 117, CHAPTER 15, MANUAL OF THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT.// RMKS/1. Congratulations to selectees of the FY-19 Navy Active-Duty Nuclear Limited Duty Officer (LDO) In-Service Procurement Board (ISPB). 2. The FY-19 LDO/CWO ISPB was split into two separate boards per reference (a). All nuclear rates applying for a commission as a Nuclear LDO (designator 620X) went before a board in November 2017. All other rates applying for a commission as non-Nuclear LDO/CWOs were considered in the LDO/CWO ISPB held in January 2018. The results of that board will be released via a future NAVADMIN. 3. For LDO selectees, read name, rate, commissioning month/year. All appointments are effective on the first day of the commissioning month. Members are directed to verify their select status via BUPERS Online. Limited Duty Officer Ensign - Nuclear Power (620X) Argo Joshua Robert ETNC 0219 Ball Michael David EMNC 0219 Bloodworth Ethan Josh MMNC 1018 Crossley Raaid Abdullah EMNC 1018 Davis Jayson Daniel MMNC 0819 Dickert Sasha Britni ETNC 1118 Evans Colin Daniel MMNC 1218 Evering Joseph Jay MMN1 0719 Fenton Alex James MMNC 0919 Gregory Zachary Eric MMNC 0919 Hallquist Nasser Charles ETNC 1118 Hester Joel Edward MMNC 0719 Howard Daniel Alexander MMNC 0719 Hudson Daniel Ryan MMNC 0419 Jackson Jeremy Lee MMNC 1218 James Stefan Jesse MMNC 0819 Johnson Brian William MMNC 1118 Kalapinski Gary Joseph Jr MMNC 1118 King Ryan Matthew MMN1 0719 Lemay Heath Pierre MMN1 0819 Lockard Steven Robert MMN1 0419 Meyers Samuel William III MMN1 0219 Nelson Bill Mitchell III MMNC 0319 Noahr Christopher Benjamin MMN1 0219 OConnor Alex James MMNCS 1018 Olson Eric Clifton II MMNC 0919 Orlowski David Joseph MMNC 0219 Pefley David Allan MMNCS 1018 Poplaski Joshua Adam MMNC 1218 Ramson Joseph Martin EMNC 0719 Reichenbach Trevor Scott MMNC 1118 Savage Michael Robert Thomas MMN1 0319 Scarbrough Cheyenne Marie MMNC 0319 Schuler Anthony Dillon ETNC 1218 Shepherd Heath Nicholas ETNC 0419 Simpson Stephanie S MMN1 1218 Smith Joseph Craig EMN1 1018 Stawarz Nathaniel Scott MMNC 0219 Watson Curtis Michael MMNC 0719 Weiskircher Jeremiah Michael MMN1 1018 Yergensen Chance Star MMNC 1218 Zablow Dakota Lee MMNC 1118 4. Each applicant should take pride in knowing that the superior performance documented in the evaluations reviewed by the board required the members to dedicate long hours in making hard choices to ensure only the best and fully qualified applicants were selected. I am confident that the selectees will justify their selection time and again in their new careers as mustang officers. Those not selected are highly encouraged to seek out LDO mentorship. Bravo Zulu to all who were willing to answer the call. 5. This message is not authority to issue appointments. Frocking is prohibited. COMNAVPERSCOM (PERS-806) will deliver appointments under separate correspondence approximately 60 days prior to the commissioning date. Per reference (b), personnel selected for LDO with greater than 10 years time in service at time of appointment will be offered permanent appointment to Ensign. 6. Commanding officers are directed to: a. Notify selectee. b. Notify PERS-802 via official correspondence not later than 10 days following release of this message of selectees who do not accept appointment. Selectees who decline their commission within this 10 day period will be considered by the FY-19 Active-Duty Enlisted Advancement Selection Boards. After the 10 day period, PERS-802 will invalidate all FY-19 Navy Active-Duty Nuclear LDO selectees' eligibility for the FY-19 active-duty Enlisted Advancement Selection Boards. c. Per reference (c), ensure LDO selectees obtain a commissioning physical within the 90 days preceding the appointment month. Notify the Nuclear LDO detailer (PERS-422) upon completion. d. Hold execution of all permanent change of station orders in abeyance, if applicable, and immediately notify PERS-40 of member's selection. e. Administer official physical fitness assessment (PFA) within 4 months of commissioning date. Selectees must hand carry test results to Officer Development School, Newport, RI. If selectee fails to achieve satisfactory medium, notify the Nuclear LDO detailer (PERS-422). Hold commissioning in abeyance until successful completion of PFA. f. Hold appointment in abeyance if it is determined that a selectee is no longer mentally, physically, morally or professionally qualified or if they fail to meet current PFA requirements. Immediately forward documentation citing reason to PERS-802. 7. Nuclear LDO selectees who do not successfully complete a final technical interview will maintain their enlisted status and not be commissioned as LDOs. Technical interviews will be scheduled by the Nuclear LDO detailer (PERS-422), and selectees will be notified via separate correspondence. 8. If an LDO selectee's enlistment (including any extensions) expires after the date of appointment, they are not reenlistment eligible unless appointment is declined. 9. Each selectee should contact the Nuclear LDO detailer (PERS-422) for specific requirements with regard to personal information and history cards and inform PERS-806 of address changes to facilitate appointment delivery. 10. Point of contact for LDO/CWO In-Service Procurement Board selection result questions is the Nuclear LDO detailer (PERS-422), LT Michael Dahlgren, at (901)874-3938/DSN 882 or email michael.dahlgren(at)navy.mil. 11. PERS-806 point of contact for oath and commissioning documents questions is Ms. Shelly Hayes at (901)874-4374/DSN 882, or email shelly.m.hayes(at)navy.mil. 12. Released by Vice Admiral R. P. Burke, N1.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//