UNCLASSIFIED ROUTINE R 011606Z MAR 18 FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 052/18 PASS TO OFFICE CODES: FM CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/MAR// SUBJ/FY-19 ADVANCED EDUCATION VOUCHER PROGRAM// REF/A/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/181833ZNOV04// REF/B/LTR/OPNAV/29MAR05/NOTAL// NARR/REF A IS NAVADMIN 263/04, PROFESSIONAL MILITARY EDUCATION CONTINUUM. REF B IS OFFICE OF THE DEPUTY CHIEF OF NAVAL OPERATIONS, MILITARY PERSONNEL PLANS AND POLICIES DIVISION MEMORANDUM, POLICY DECISION MEMORANDUM 003-05: ENLISTED ADVANCED EDUCATION SERVICE OBLIGATION.// RMKS/1. This NAVADMIN solicits applications and provides guidance for the FY-19 Advanced Education Voucher (AEV) Program. 2. The AEV program offers advanced education opportunities and provides financial assistance to senior enlisted personnel (E-7 to E-9) to complete a baccalaureate or masters Navy-relevant degree in designated areas of study through off-duty education. Applicants should be available to commence their studies in the 2018 fall term. A Navy selection board will convene in June 2018. 3. The AEV Program supports the Professional Military Education Continuum announced in reference (a). Participants in the AEV Program will be provided funding for tuition, books, and related fees for completion of the advanced degrees within the following guidelines and funding limits: a. Baccalaureate Degree: Applicants must have either an associates degree from an institution of higher learning accredited by an agency recognized by the Department of Education or the equivalent amount of college credit already earned and applicable to the Navy-relevant degree being sought. Funding limits are a maximum of 6,700 dollars per fiscal year for up to 36 months from the date of signing a letter of acceptance, not to exceed 20,000 dollars total program cost. b. Masters Degree: Applicants must have a baccalaureate degree from an institution of higher learning accredited by an agency recognized by the Department of Education and only Navy-relevant masters degrees will be considered. Funding limits are a maximum of 20,000 dollars per fiscal year for up to 24 months from the date of signing a letter of acceptance, not to exceed 40,000 dollars total program cost. c. Other: AEV is not authorized for courses used to earn an additional degree at the same or lower education level. AEV and tuition assistant benefits may not be combined and reimbursement for any educational expenses incurred prior to participation in AEV is not authorized. d. Service Obligation: In line with reference (b), upon completion of, or withdrawal from, education for which any authorized expenses were paid, participants shall agree to remain on active-duty for a period equal to three times the number of months of education completed or 3 years, whichever is less. This obligation is discharged concurrently with any other service obligation program participants may have already incurred. This agreement does not obligate the Navy to retain a member on active duty. If a program participant fails to complete the period of active duty specified in the agreement, such member will reimburse the United States for the cost of the advanced education received, prorated for the obligated time served. 4. The Navy is looking for superior performing active-duty senior enlisted personnel (E-7 to E-9) with strong upward mobility potential with the following qualifications to apply for the program. a. Time in Service: E-7 with no more than 17 years, E-8 with no more than 19 years, and E-9 with no more than 23 years. b. Eligibility: Applicants should be transferring to, or currently on shore duty with sufficient time ashore to complete a baccalaureate or masters degree program. Applicants on sea duty may apply provided they submit an education plan that shows the ability to complete the degree program as specified above. 5. Applications are to be prepared using the format located at the Navy College website and must include endorsements by both the commanding officer and command master chief (maximum length one page each). Additional information and examples of Navy-relevant areas of study are located at www.navycollege.navy.mil/resources/aev.htm. 6. Application packages, with endorsements, must reach Naval Education and Training Command Code N523 no later than 25 May 2018. 7. Point of contact is MMCS(SW/AW) Joshua Rice, NETC N523, who can be reached at (850) 452-7268/DSN 459-7268, or via e-mail at joshua.c.rice(at)navy.mil. 8. This message will remain in effect until superseded or 31 December 2018, whichever occurs first. 9. Released by Vice Admiral R. P. Burke, N1.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//