UNCLASSIFIED ROUTINE R 011722Z MAR 18 FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 054/18 MSGID/NAVADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N00/MAR// SUBJ/Navy Reserve 103rd Anniversary// RMKS/1. Thank you to the men and women of the Navy Reserve for the work they do to make our Navy so strong. As the Navy Reserve celebrates its 103rd year, it remains an agile and lethal force focused on delivering relevant operational capability and providing strategic depth. 2. Reserve Sailors have served in every major conflict our nation has fought. The Navy Reserve was established on March 3rd, 1915 in response to the outbreak of World War I. During that war, Reserve Sailors comprised nearly 84 percent of the Navy's fighting force. Throughout its history, the Navy Reserve has been proud to count five future U.S. presidents and 15 recipients of the Medal of Honor among its ranks. Since 9/11 the Navy Reserve has fulfilled over 80,000 mobilizations in key regions around the globe as part of our Total Force. 3. Today, the men and women of our Navy Reserve continue to play a major role in keeping America safe. The sacrifices of all Navy Reservists, along with those of their families and employers, are an essential part of our Navy Team. Together we succeed and maintain maritime superiority around the globe. Happy 103rd Birthday Navy Reserve! 4. Released by ADM J. M. Richardson, Chief of Naval Operations.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//