UNCLASSIFIED ROUTINE R 051458Z APR 18 FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 089/18 PASS TO OFFICE CODES: FM CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/MAR// SUBJ/U.S. FLEET FORCES COMMAND READY RELEVANT LEARNING EXECUTIVE AGENT ANNOUNCES COMMENCEMENT OF BLOCK LEARNING// REF/A/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/281705ZMAR16// REF/B/DOC/COMUSFLTFORCOMINST/22DEC17// NARR/REF A IS NAVADMIN 075/16, ASSIGNMENT OF U.S. FLEET FORCES COMMAND AS EXECUTIVE AGENT FOR READY RELEVANT LEARNING. REF B IS COMUSFLTFORCOMINST 1500.1, BLOCK LEARNING BLOCK ONE QUOTA AND COST- ORDERS MANAGEMENT.// RMKS/1. This NAVADMIN announces the commencement of Block Learning (BL), the first evolutionary stage in the transformation to Ready Relevant Learning (RRL) as discussed in reference (a), and required organizational supporting actions. BL training is critical to individual and unit readiness, and the individual career progression of a Sailor. 2. Background: BL redistributes accession training over the first operational tours. The current accession training (A and C schools) is modularized to build proficiency when needed based on Fleet identified and validated training requirements. The BL sequence is: a. The Sailor completes initial training at Recruit Training Command ("Boot Camp"). b. The Sailor completes initial technical training. The first Block of technical training delivered during the accession pipeline is labeled Block 0 (BL0). c. The Sailor reports to their first operational unit sooner with all the knowledge and skills required for the first two years on board. d. The Sailor returns to the schoolhouse for Block 1 (BL1) training 12 to 24 months from the date they reported to their first operational Unit for 2 to 5 weeks. e. The Sailor returns to the original operational unit with expanded knowledge and skills. 3. Scope: BL training went into effect in FY17. Logistics Specialists (LS) transitioned in May 2017 to the BL0 and BL1 construct. These Sailors will start returning to BL1 in May 2018. Other ratings will follow, with all ratings identified for BL transitioning during FY18. The term unit as used in this message refers to the first afloat or ashore fleet assignment for a Sailor. 4. Action: All Units will ensure Sailors with BL1 training requirements obtain and attend required training in line with reference (b) and paragraph 5 below. 5. Block 1 (BL1) Quota and Cost Orders Management: a. Training Support Centers at Hampton Roads and San Diego working with unit training officers will manage the BL1 quota and cost orders process to include providing the temporary additional duty (TAD) funding when cost orders are required to return the Sailor to BL1 training. This detailed step by step process is contained in reference (b) which includes the Training Support Center Standard Operating Procedure and Unit User's Guide which can be found at: https://mpte.navy.deps.mil/sites/Projects/rrl_projectoffice/ProjectD ocuments/BLOCK%20LEARNING%20BLOCK%20ONE%20QUOTA%20AND%20COST- ORDERS%20MANAGEMENT%20Instruction.pdf. b. Establishment of Unit training officer. The primary point of contact with the Training Support Centers (TSC) is the Unit Training Officer. Units without an assigned training officer billet will designate a collateral duty training officer in writing to fulfill this function. Assignment in the Unit's collateral duty notice meets this requirement. c. Establishment of Unit Training Officer e-mail address. Units shall establish an email address for use by their training officer by 1 May 2018 to communicate requirements to the BL managers: TSC Hampton Roads for commands east of the Mississippi river and Training Support Center San Diego for commands west of the Mississippi river. The following format will be used by fleet Units: traino(at)activityshorttitle.navy.mil. For Units that use NMCI/ONENET establish a functional account or functional mailbox in line with that systems policy for using such mail boxes. For NMCI use the following format: traino_activityshorttitle(at)navy.mil. For ONENET use the following format: traino_activityshorttitle(at)youraor.navy.mil where "your aor" would either be eu/me/fe. For any systems/activities that cannot follow this email address guidance for training officers contact the Naval Education and Training Command (NETC) N34 point of contact below. d. Training Officer Tools: Fleet Management and Planning System (FLTMPS) is the primary means for monitoring BL training quota and orders management by the Unit and TSCs to include requesting TAD funding. The Enterprise Navy Training Reservations System (ENTRS), a sub-component of the Corporate enterprise Training Activity Resource System (CeTARS) is the primary means for Units to request quota reservations for BL1 training courses. FLTMPS and ENTRS training are available from TSC Hampton Roads and San Diego. e. Training Window. BL1 training is targeted for 24 months after the Sailor reports to their unit minus 12 months. This window allows the training officer to assess the BL1 requirement and request quotas that fit well within the commands employment schedule. 6. Ready Relevant Learning Project Office Web Portal. References (a) and (b) are located on the RRL Project Office Web Portal located at https://mpte.navy.deps.mil/sites/Projects/rrl_projectoffice/SitePage s/Home.aspx under the Project Quick Links - RRL Project Documents - Policies and Directives. For access contact: Jackie Thompson at (757) 836-6232 or via e-mail at jacqueline.m.thompso(at)navy.mil. Other RRL information including a BL Summary (Pie Chart) showing how each rating is being addressed with respect to RRL, the rating reviews, leadership briefings, and progress reports reside on this portal. 7. Points of Contact: a. USFF RRL Program Manager: Steve Dutter, who can be reached at (757) 836-5223/DSN 836 or via e-mail at steven.dutter(at)navy.mil b. NETC N34 BL POC: ETC Richard Stalcup, who can be reached at (757) 492-0855/DSN 492-0855 or via e-mail at richard.stalcup(at)navy.mil c. Training Support Center BL points of contact are: (1) LANT: Melva Moore, who can be reached at (757) 492-5341/DSN 492 or via e-mail at melva.moore(at)navy.mil (2) PAC: John Boville, who can be reached at (619) 526-8313/DSN 526 or via e-mail at john.boville(at)navy.mil. 8. Released by Vice Admiral R. P. Burke, N1.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//