UNCLASSIFIED ROUTINE R 021737Z MAY 18 FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 109/18 PASS TO OFFICE CODES: FM CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/MAY// SUBJ/FY-18 MERITORIOUS ADVANCEMENT PROGRAM// RMKS/1. This NAVADMIN supersedes NAVADMIN 079/17, and announces policy and guidance updates for the FY-18 Meritorious Advancement Program (MAP) season. 2. MAP Intent. As a part of Sailor 2025 and our continuing efforts to modernize personnel systems and processes, this NAVADMIN provides policy and guidance for the FY-18 MAP Season for Active Component (AC) and Full-Time Support (FTS) Sailors. Policy, guidance, and quota distribution for Selected Reserve will be outlined in a future all Navy Reserve message. We continue to refine and improve the program to further empower command triads to recognize their most highly talented Sailors through immediate advancement. Changes this season include: a. Increasing the total number of MAP quotas. The added flexibility and increased importance of MAP will account for approximately 15 percent of all E4-E6 advancements this year. b. Allowing multiple meritorious certification letter (MCL) submissions to provide maximum flexibility for commands. Commands have the ability to provide multiple MCLs this season in order to promptly advance their Sailors. This ensures commands do not hold up MAP advancements to finalize the selects from their command. c. Allowing commands to use E4 quotas to advance any E1-E3 Sailors to the next higher paygrade on a one-for-one basis. This will allow commands to recognize their best performers and advance Sailors to all paygrades E6 and below. d. Reducing the 2-year time-in-rate (TIR) to 1-year TIR for E6 MAP candidates with the additional ability for commands to select Sailors with no-TIR through Budget Submitting Officer (BSO)/designated Echelon 2 endorsement. Nuclear-trained Sailors (EMN, ETN, and MMN) must complete at least 2 years as an E5 before being eligible for advancement to E6. Commands that select Sailors with no-TIR will require a BSO/Echelon 2 endorsed letter to accompany the MCL. 3. Fleet Feedback. These modifications are the result of the close partnership with Navy leadership and the MAP strategic working group, which is comprised of senior enlisted leaders across the Fleet. The strategic working group assessed lessons learned from FY-17 and Sailor feedback to ensure command leadership triads are provided even greater opportunity and flexibility. As outlined in subparagraph 6c, commanding officers (CO) are highly encouraged to meritoriously advance highly deserving frocked Sailors to make their advancement effective immediately. 4. Community Health. Navy must balance rating community health and provide Sailors with advancement opportunity across all three advancement cycles two Navy Wide Advancement Exams (NWAE) and one MAP Season. a. To ensure communities remain healthy, commands that wish to nominate a Sailor in a controlled rate must submit their request via their chain of command to their BSO/Echelon 2 commands for consideration. BSO/Echelon 2 commands remain the approval authority for controlled rate requests. Requests not approved by the BSO/Echelon 2 command will be returned to the originating command, which can use the MAP quota to advance an alternate Sailor in a non- controlled rate. b. The following rates, by component, are controlled for the FY-18 MAP Season (i.e., BSO/Echelon 2 approval required to be MAP advanced into the rates listed): (1) AC: AWS1, BM1, CSS1, ABF2, ABH2, AD2, AE2, AM2, AME2, AO2, AT2, CSS2, CTM2, GSE2, MN2, PS2, SH2. (2) FTS: AME1, AS1, AT1, PR1, AME2, AS2, AT2. c. A request for a controlled rate quota must be submitted from the CO, via the chain of command, to their BSO/Echelon 2 command for approval. Adjudication and notification of the controlled rate requests by the BSO/Echelon 2 should be made no later than 30 days upon receipt. A copy of the BSO/Echelon 2 authorization letter must be submitted as an enclosure with the MCL as directed in paragraph 7. Each BSO/Echelon 2 command is the approval authority for exceptions to policy (ETP) for their subordinate commands. 5. MAP Quotas. MAP quotas are allocated to both individual commands and BSO/Echelon 2 commands. a. Command MAP quotas are calculated based on the eligible E3- E5 Billets Authorized (BA) at the command level, to include any subordinate UICs. The specific number of quotas, if any, will depend on the size of the E3-E5 BA at the command level, to include BA at both the parent and subordinate unit identification codes (UIC). At a minimum, a command with at least 15 E3-E5 BA will receive a MAP quota at the paygrade with the most billets (e.g., a command with 5 E3 billets and 10 E4 billets will receive 1 E5 quota). All Sailors assigned to subordinate UICs are eligible for MAP quotas assigned to the parent command. b. The BA associated with commands that do not generate MAP quotas are aggregated and then allocated to the BSO/Echelon 2 for distribution to any commands within that BSO/Echelon 2, including the headquarters command. c. All commands are authorized to request quotas from their BSO/Echelon 2, via their immediate superior in command (ISIC) and type commander (TYCOM), whether or not command quotas are authorized. BSO/Echelon 2s and TYCOMs may issue specific guidance on due dates or how subordinate commands must request a quota. Each BSO/Echelon 2 command is the approval authority for ETPs for their subordinate commands. d. The list of MAP quotas by UIC can be found on the Navy Personnel Command (NPC) website at http://www.public.navy.mil/bupers- npc/career/enlistedcareeradmin/ advancement/pages/map.aspx. 6. MAP Eligibility. MAP is open to all Sailors who meet advancement eligibility requirements. a. MAP open season will take place from 1 July 2018 to 31 August 2018. MAP redistribution season will take place from 1 September 2018 to 30 September 2018. b. The effective date of advancement is based on the date of the COs MCL but no earlier than 1 July 2018. The date of rate for E4-E6 MAP candidates will be 1 July 2018 while the date of rate for E2 and E3 MAP candidates will be the date of the MCL. Commands are encouraged to begin their MAP selection process and submit their MCL as early as possible to ensure Sailors are advanced and paid expeditiously. c. Sailors can only be meritoriously advanced one paygrade. Sailors can only be meritoriously advanced once during FY18 MAP Season. Sailors in a frocked status are not eligible for advancement to the next higher paygrade until effectively advanced (i.e., a frocked E5 cannot be meritoriously advanced to E6). However, COs are authorized and encouraged to MAP frocked Sailors who were selected for advancement from the Spring 2018, Cycle 239, NWAE provided they have not reached their effective pay date (i.e., a frocked E5 can be meritoriously advanced to E5. Refer to the profile sheet of the member for effective pay date). Sailors must have the following TIR in paygrades E1E5 for MAP advancement eligibility: (1) E6 1 July 2017 (1 July 2016 for nuclear-trained Sailors). (2) E5 and below No TIR requirement. d. COs may select an E6 MAP candidate with no-TIR through BSO/Ech 2 endorsement. The command must submit the BSO/Echelon 2 endorsement with the MCL. e. Sailors must be attached to the MAP authorized command during the FY- 18 MAP season. Projected rotation date change requests are recommended if a Sailor will transfer prior to the start of the MAP Season. f. Professional Apprenticeship Career Track (PACT) Sailors remain eligible for MAP advancement, provided the Sailor has an approved quota for rating designation (i.e., approved quota in Career Waypoints (C-WAY)) via the NWAE or Rating Entry Designation. MAP advancement is not authorized for PACT Sailors with designation approval for A-School required ratings. g. Director, Military Personnel Plans and Policy (OPNAV (N13)) is the determining authority for MAP eligibility ETPs. Any MAP eligibility ETP request will be submitted to OPNAV (N13) via the chain of command and copy to Enlisted Career Administration/Enlisted Boards (PERS-8031). ETPs for nuclear trained Sailors will be routed to OPNAV (N13) via OPNAV (N133). 7. MAP Validation. Commands will forward their MCL (copy to ISIC and TYCOM) to PERS-8031 listing their Sailors selected for meritorious advancement. MCLs must include all required information including the subordinate UIC the selected Sailor is attached, if applicable. a. PERS-8031 will review the record(s) of the selected Sailor(s) and validate the MCL. If there are no discrepancies PERS- 8031 will inform the command that their MAP selects are valid. Commands are not authorized to notify Sailor(s) of MAP selection until receipt of the PERS-8031 validation of the MCL. b. If discrepancies are discovered, PERS-8031 will invalidate the MCL and notify the command (copy to ISIC and TYCOM) of the reason(s) for invalidation. Commands may correct discrepancies and resubmit or identify new MAP candidates. c. If the social security number of the member is included on the MCL, then an encrypted e-mail is required for submission of the MCL (signed and scanned attachment) to PERS-8031 at advancements- active(at)navy.mil. The e- mail subject line must include the MAP UIC. Do not mail in the MCL if it has already been e-mailed. An e- mail response validating the MCL will be received within 5 business days of submission. d. If operational commitments preclude a command from submitting their MCL prior to the deadline, the command must forward the MCL with justification to their ISIC/chain of command for endorsement and further processing through PERS-8031. 8. Quota Redistribution. The BSO/Echelon 2 command has final authority to determine which command(s) will receive unused quotas during redistribution season. MAP redistribution season will take place from 130 September 2018. If awarded a redistributed quota from the BSO/Echelon 2 Commander, an additional MCL must be submitted to PERS-8031 as directed in paragraph 7. 9. Quota Substitution. Commands are not authorized to substitute paygrades for E5 and E6 MAP quotas (e.g., utilize an E6 MAP quota to advance an E3 Sailor to E4 or vice versa). MAP quotas are formulated based upon specific BA, thus substitution of quotas may cause over-execution of advancements at certain paygrades. The only allowance of quota substitution is that E4 MAP quotas may be used to advance Sailors to E2 and E3 paygrades. Commands should note that use of E4 quotas for paygrade E2 and E3 advancements will not result in a higher number of available quotas (i.e., one E4 quota may be used for one E2 advancement or one E3 advancement). 10. Subordinate UICs. COs are authorized to utilize MAP quotas at their subordinate UICs. MAP Quotas are distributed by command UIC and must be used to advance a Sailor permanently assigned, or temporary additional duty for greater than 30 days, to that UIC or subordinate UIC. 11. Navy Recruiting Districts (NRD) are authorized to use one AC/FTS MAP quota per NRD for reserve Sailors filling Canvasser Recruiter billets. 12. MAP Website. Example forms and FAQs can be downloaded via the NPC website at http://www.public.navy.mil/bupers- npc/career/enlistedcareeradmin/advancement/pages/map.aspx The list of POCs for each BSO/Echelon 2 command and list of parent and subordinate UICs can also be found on this website. 13. Point of contact. Navy Personnel Command (PERS-8031) at (901) 874- 4457/DNS 882, or via e-mail at advancements-active(at)navy.mil 14. This NAVADMIN will remain in effect until superseded or canceled, whichever comes first. 15. Released by Vice Admiral R. P. Burke, N1.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//