UNCLASSIFIED ROUTINE R 271653Z JUN 18 FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 156/18 PASS TO OFFICE CODES: FM CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/JUN// SUBJ/SAILOR EARLY RETURN TO SEA PROGRAM// REF/A/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/071453ZAUG17// AMPN/REF A IS NAVADMIN 192/17, OPTIMIZING SENIOR ENLISTED (E7-E9) ASSIGNMENTS.// RMKS/1. Effective immediately this NAVADMIN announces the restoration of the Sailor Early Return to Sea (SERTS) policy to reduce the number of sea duty vacancies for pay grades E4-E9. 2. The purpose of this policy is to fill critical skill requirements at sea by transferring a limited number of Sailors from their shore duty assignment earlier than their projected rotation date (PRD). a. Enlisted rating detailers will fill high priority E4-E9 sea duty requirements by using the authorized transfer window of -6/+6 months from the PRD of a Sailor. Navy Personnel Command (NPC) will identify SERTS candidates from the criteria listed below: (1) Sailors who have completed at least 18-23 months of shore duty will be considered for SERTS. However, they will not transfer prior to completion of 24 months in their shore assignment. (2) Length of time on shore (3) Current or frocked paygrade (4) Fleet experience (5) Navy enlisted classification codes (NEC) held (6) Type of previous sea duty (7) Remaining obligated service b. NPC will consider the potential impacts on the shore duty command and balance it against at-sea priorities. Sailors assigned to Special Program duties such as recruit division commanders, recruiters, brig duty, and instructors will not be considered for SERTS. c. In addition to a candidate filling a billet in current pay grade, candidates may also be selected to fill vacant requirements within their pay band: Supervisor (E7-E9), Journeyman (E5-E6), and Apprentice (E1-E4). (1) CPO Candidates: E8 and E9 pay grades may be chosen to fill vacant E7 and E8 requirements, and E7 pay grade may be chosen to fill vacant E8 requirements as outlined in reference (a). In the case of nuclear-trained Sailors, Commander, Navy Personnel Command (COMNAVPERSCOM), Enlisted Placement Management Branch (PERS-4013) must approve E8 requirements filled by E7 Sailors. (2) Petty Officer Candidates: May be chosen to fill vacant requirements within their pay band. Exceptions will be in line with manning control authority guidelines. d. The rating detailer will notify the Sailor and the placement coordinator will notify the current command of the possible early transfer of the Sailor. Within 15 days upon notification, the Sailor and the command may submit an adverse impact statement based on the potential early transfer to sea duty. If there are extenuating circumstances or mission requirements that preclude a Sailor from receiving PCS orders in support of SERTS, those circumstances must be submitted to COMNAVPERSCOM, Enlisted Distribution Branch (PERS-40) via email to the rating detailer of the Sailor or the placement coordinator of the command. Following the 15-day notification period and after consideration of any impact statement submissions, NPC will then select Sailors for the SERTS requirements from the candidate list. Once Sailors are selected for SERTS, rating detailers will notify those Sailors accordingly and placement coordinators will notify the commands. e. Those Sailors selected for SERTS will be issued PCS orders and will have their PRD set to reflect the prescribed sea tour (PST) based on their sea shore flow. f. Sailors who have sufficient time remaining on their enlistment contract to execute a return to sea duty PCS, and who decline to obligate to their PST, will have orders written through the expiration of their current enlistment contract. Sailors who subsequently reenlist or extend will remain at sea to complete their PST or until end of obligated service, whichever is shorter. g. Requests to transfer to the Fleet Reserve submitted subsequent to selection for SERTS by Sailors who have more than 1 year of contract time remaining may be disapproved. h. High year tenure (HYT) requests for those Sailors executing orders in support of SERTS duty will receive favorable consideration. i. Nuclear-trained Sailors will continue to be detailed in line with Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program priorities. 3. To encourage personnel to voluntarily return to sea duty, the following incentives are currently offered: a. Voluntary Sea Duty Program b. HYT waiver consideration (nuclear-trained Sailors applying for HYT waivers require Nuclear Program Manager (OPNAV (N133)) approval) c. Sea Duty Incentive Pay-curtailment if the Sailor meets the specific eligibility requirements that are identified on the NPC website at http://www.public.navy.mil/bupers- npc/career/payandbenefits/pages/sdip.aspx. 4. While the intent of this policy change is to improve Fleet readiness, every effort will be made to minimize the disruption to the careers and lives of our Sailors and their families. 5. Points of contact: NPC Customer Service Center at 1-866-827-5672 (U-ASK-NPC). 6. This NAVADMIN will remain in effect until superseded or canceled. 7. Released by Vice Admiral R. P. Burke, N1.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//