UNCLASSIFIED ROUTINE R 131344Z JUL 18 FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 166/18 PASS TO OFFICE CODES: FM CNO WASHINGTON DC//N2N6// INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC//N2N6// MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N2N6/JUL// SUBJ/DEPLOYMENT OF WINDOWS 10 TO NMCI (UPDATE 3)// REF/A/LTR/DOD CIO/20NOV15// REF/B/LTR/DEPSECDEF/8JAN18// REF/C/NAVADMIN 038/18/R 202004ZFEB 18// REF/D/UAB/NNWC/24APR18// REF/E/NAVADMIN 108/18/R 031453Z MAY 18// REF/F/NAVADMIN 138/18/R 311325Z MAY 18// NARR/REF A IS THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE CHIEF INFORMATION OFFICER MEMORANDUM, MIGRATION TO MICROSOFT WINDOWS 10 SECURE HOST BASELINE. REF B IS DEPUTY SECRETARY OF DEFENSE MEMORANDUM PROMULGATING DEADLINE FOR MIGRATING OFFICE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY WORKSTATIONS TO THE DOD MICROSOFT WINDOWS 10 SECURE HOST BASELINE. REF C IS INITIAL NAVADMIN DETAILING DEPLOYMENT OF WINDOWS 10 TO THE NAVY/MARINE CORPS INTRANET. REF D IS NAVAL NETWORK WARFARE COMMAND USER AWARENESS BULLETIN ON ENERGY SAVING DURING WININDOWS 10 MIGRATION. REF E IS THE FIRST NAVADMIN IN THIS SERIES OF NAVY/MARINE CORPS INTRANET WINDOWS 10 ENTERPRISE MIGRATION UPDATES. REF F IS THE SECOND NAVADMIN IN THIS SERIES OF MIGRATION UPDATES. POC/WIN10 COORDINATION CENTER/CIV/PMW-205/- /EMAIL: win10coordinatio.fct(at)navy.mil/TEL: (202)685-0471// RMKS/1. This NAVADMIN is the third in a series of NAVADMINs providing updates on the Navy/Marine Corps Intranet (NMCI) Secret Internet Protocol Routing Network (SIPRNet) and Non-Classified Internet Protocol Routing Network (NIPRNet) enterprise migration to Windows 10 Secure Host Baseline (WIN10 SHB). It outlines current status of the migration and efforts being taken to resolve remaining challenges. Continued maximum effort is necessary by leadership at all commands to get the Navy to 100 percent migration to the WIN10 SHB for all NMCI seats by 31 July 2018 in order to improve Cyber security, promote standardization across the Naval Enterprise Network, and comply with the Department of Defense mandate. 2. The NMCI WIN10 SHB enterprise migration status for NIPRNet is at 95.8 percent and for SIPRNet is at 79.7 percent complete. Several migration challenges are being addressed: a. Help Desk Support and resolution times. Discussed in paragraph 3. b. Bandwidth and software distribution across the network. Due to the large amount of bandwidth required to push updates over the network, some machines are unable to effectively pull the software. This is especially evident on SIPRNet and manual procedures for fixing this are being implemented this week. c. NIPRNet machines being physically disconnected from the network at the time of a scheduled In-Place Upgrade (IPU). Seats that are not physically connected to the NMCI enterprise at the time of upgrade are being reported daily to Command Chief Information Officer(s) (CIO) and Contract Technical Representatives (CTR) so that local personnel can take immediate action to connect the machines. Commands are directed to ensure all workstations and laptops remain connected to receive the required IPU. Quarantine process explained in paragraph 7. 3. Due to numerous issues with WIN10 migrations and other software deployment the Service Desk is experiencing a much higher than normal call volume which has also resulted in a Service Desk backlog (this includes email, enterprise self-service, and voicemail). Program Executive Office for Enterprise Information Systems and the contractors are working aggressively to resolve all trouble calls and additional manpower has been brought on line over the last 60 days to reduce the volume. Trouble tickets are prioritized with non-operable workstations and machines being fixed first followed by all other trouble calls in the order in which they are reported. Current volume of trouble calls has been reduced by 50 percent over the last three weeks. 4. Command CIOs and CTRs are aggressively tracking the scheduled upgrades for their commands to ensure that planned seat migrations remain on schedule. Detailed scheduling and reporting capabilities are available to the CTRs. CIOs and CTRs must ensure that users are informed of the importance of maintaining the scheduled migration dates for each seat and provide each user with information about their WIN10 migration method and their scheduled upgrade date. CIOs and CTRs are to remind users of reference D, direction regarding end of day actions. a. Any new seat orders received after 13 July 2018 will not be delivered before 31 July 2018. The existing seat that it is replacing will be quarantined if not migrated to WIN10 by 31 July 2018. 5. Individual User Responsibilities: a. End of Day Actions: Users still on Windows 7 - select "Restart" vice Shutdown, and select No when prompted for Green Shutdown. This allows the computer to receive software patches and perform standard maintenance in preparation for WIN10 migration. b. Know when your computer is scheduled for Technical Refresh (TR), Wipe and Reimage (W&R) or to receive the IPU. Ensure your NIPRNet computer remains plugged in via cable to the network and powered on for five days prior to your upgrade date. Ensure your power saver feature is disabled so the computer remains powered on. c. Plan to be without your computer for 24 hours on your scheduled date. This will not affect your ability to log in to other computers and continue to access your data on the NMCI shared drives to continue work. d. Back up any data on your computer to a share drive or external hard drive (if you have one) so that you can retrieve your data after migration. Contact your Information Systems Technician (IT) Support staff for alternate backup methods if your data backup requirements exceed your share drive capacity. e. Ensure that your individual machine is physically connected to the NMCI network. 6. SIPRNET Migration to WIN10 SHB is underway via TR, IPU, and W&R. The SIPR IPU process commenced 1 June 2018 with the preload of IPU software packages. However, due to bandwidth and software server distribution issues as noted in paragraph 1, this has proven challenging for successful execution for all seats. Manual procedures for performing software distribution are being implemented this week to ensure commands can meet the 31 July 2018 deadline for migration and are being distributed to command representatives. 7. Any computer that has not completed migration on 31 July 2018 will be quarantined until it is upgraded to WIN10. Users of the quarantined seat will not be able to log on to that computer but can continue to logon and work from a WIN10 machine. Quarantined users will contact the command CTR or IT Support staff to have that computer migrated to WIN10 to resume normal operations. 8. Released by VADM Matthew J. Kohler, Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Information Warfare, OPNAV N2N6.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//