UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 051817Z OCT 18 FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 248/18 CORRECTED COPY MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC//DNS/OCT// SUBJ/2018 UNITED SERVICE ORGANIZATION (USO) GEORGE VAN CLEAVE MILITARY LEADERSHIP AWARD CALL FOR NOMINATION// POC//LCDR LAUREN COLE/DIRECTOR, NAVY OFFICE OF INFORMATION EAST/ EMAIL: LAUREN.E.COLE(AT)NAVY.MIL/TEL: (212) 784-0131// RMKS/1. The purpose of this NAVADMIN is to announce the call for nominations for the United Service Organization (USO) George Van Cleave Military Leadership Award. 2. Each year, the USO presents the George Van Cleave Military Leadership Award in an effort to publicly honor the outstanding commitment, exceptional service, sacrifice and achievements of service members across the globe. This award is presented annually to an individual in each branch of service who, through their selfless commitment to our country, inspires others and uplifts the spirits of their comrades, their families, and the American people. The Awards will be presented at the USO's 57th annual Armed Forces Gala and Gold Medal Dinners on 12 December 2018 in New York City, New York. 3. This award recognizes active-duty military members who have demonstrated bravery and leadership in the course of their service, enhanced the morale and personal welfare of others, and inspired those around them. 4. Nominees should be active-duty E-6 and below or junior officers O3 and below and be able to travel to New York City, New York, 10 - 12 December 2018 to receive the award at the USO Armed Forces Gala and Gold Medal Dinner. 5. Nomination packages shall be submitted directly to the United Services Organization at: GVC(AT)USONYC.ORG. Nominations must be received no later than 15 October 2018. 6. Nomination packages shall include a biography detailing the nominee's service to date; a high-resolution photo (in uniform); a written description of the nominee's demonstrated bravery and leadership; documentation of any recent deployments or achievements to include a written summary of a specific achievement that may be shared at the award ceremony. 7. The USO will provide travel and lodging for the awardees and, if applicable, their spouse. Specific coordinating details, to include travel arrangements and uniform requirements will be sent to the award recipient following the selection process. 8. Released by Mrs. Steffanie B. Easter, Director, Navy Staff.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//