UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 201700Z NOV 18 FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 280/18 PASS TO OFFICE CODES: FM CNO WASHINGTON DC//00// INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC//00// MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/NOV// SUBJ/CLOSURE OF THE BLENDED RETIREMENT SYSTEM ENROLLMENT PERIOD// REF/A/DOC/NDAA/13APR15// REF/B/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/271444ZSEP16// REF/C/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/281546ZNOV16// REF/D/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/311929ZJAN17// REF/E/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/062134ZJUN17// REF/F/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/201541ZDEC17// REF/G/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/021520JUL18// REF/H/DOC/COMNAVPERSCOM/20DEC17// NARR/REF A IS SECTIONS 631 THROUGH 635 OF NATIONAL DEFENSE AUTHORIZATION ACT, SUBTITLE D - DISABILITY PAY, RETIRED PAY AND SURVIVOR BENEFITS. REF B IS NAVADMIN 217/16, ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE BLENDED RETIREMENT SYSTEM FOR THE UNIFORMED SERVICES. REF C IS NAVADMIN 259/16, NOTIFICATION OF ELIGIBILITY TO OPT-IN TO THE BLENDED RETIREMENT SYSTEM. REF D IS NAVADMIN 020/17, NOTIFICATION OF AVAILABILITY OF THE BLENDED RETIREMENT SYSTEM OPT-IN TRAINING. REF E IS NAVADMIN 133/17, NOTIFICATION OF AVAILABILITY OF THE BLENDED RETIREMENT SYSTEM OPT-IN COMPARISON CALCULATOR. REF F IS NAVADMIN 302/17, NOTIFICATION OF THE START OF THE BLENDED RETIREMENT SYSTEM ENROLLMENT PERIOD AND ENROLLMENT INSTRUCTIONS FOR OPT-IN ELIGIBLE SERVICE MEMBERS. REF G IS NAVADMIN 158/18, BLENDED RETIREMENT SYSTEM ENROLLMENT PERIOD AND CONTINUATION PAY REMINDER. REF H IS NAVPERS 15560D, NAVAL MILITARY PERSONNEL MANUAL.// RMKS/1. This NAVADMIN reminds eligible Sailors that there are only a few weeks left until the blended retirement system (BRS) enrollment period comes to a close. As previously announced in references (a) through (g), the BRS enrollment period will remain open until 31 December 2018. During this period, opt-in eligible Service members may enroll in the BRS via the *myPay* website. Opt- in eligible Service members who do not choose to enroll in BRS will remain in the current *legacy* retirement system. If a Service member elects to enroll in the BRS, that election is irrevocable. Only those Sailors that have been granted an extension in line with Article 1810-080 of reference (h) are allowed to opt-in after 31 December 2018. 2. Command leaders are responsible for ensuring that opt-in eligible Service members are prepared to make an informed financial decision prior to the closure of the opt-in window. Ensuring Sailors have the education and training tools needed to make the right decision for their situation is the job of command mentors, one of the six elements of being *Brilliant on the Basics* for retention, and is covered in NAVADMINs 095/18, 100/18 and 043/08. This responsibility to educate and train Service members continues even after they have made the decision to opt-in. Current reports show that there are some Service members who have opted in to BRS but are not making contributions to their thrift savings plan (TSP) account and are therefore not receiving government matching for their TSP. Leaders should encourage members in this situation to work with their command financial specialist or a financial counselor to review their personal budget options to maximize their TSP contributions. 3. Commands should notify all opt-in eligible Service members within their command that there are only a few weeks left in the BRS enrollment period. To enable this notification, the career information management system (CIMS) command career counselor (CCC) or command pay and personnel administrator (CPPA) can certify the list of all opt-in eligible Service members within their command by running a command BRS eligibility report in Navy Standard Integrated Personnel System (NSIPS). a. The functionality to run and print the BRS eligibility report for a command is assigned to the roles of CIMS CCC and CPPA in NSIPS. Procedures to run the reports are provided in the BRS tutorial job performance aid (JPA) on the NSIPS home page as follows: (1) Navigate to the NSIPS login Page at https://nsipsprod.nmci.navy.mil/. (2) Under Training: select BRS tutorial JPA. (3) Under BRS User Roles: select command roles. (4) Select: CPPA or CCC as applicable. (5) Select applicable reports from the drop down menu then follow the procedures as listed. 4. BRS information can be found on the Navy BRS page at http://www.public.navy.mil/bupers- npc/support/21st_Century_Sailor/readiness/Pages/Personal-Financial- Management.aspx. 5. As stated in references (b) through (g), the opt-in decision may be the most important financial decision a member makes in their Navy career. A concerted effort by the Navy Total Force must be made to ensure that opt-in eligible Service members understand the opt-in decision and are equipped to make this decision prior to the closure of the opt-in period on 31 December 2018. 6. Released by Vice Admiral R. P. Burke, N1.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//