UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 031757Z DEC 18 FM CHINFO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 291/18 MSGID/NAVADMIN/CHINFO WASHINGTON DC/DEC// SUBJ: CY 2018 RUSSELL EGNOR NAVY MEDIA AWARDS AND THOMPSON-RAVITZ AWARDS FOR EXCELLENCE IN NAVY PUBLIC AFFAIRS PROGRAMS// REF/A/DOC/CHINFOINST 5305.3A// REF/B/DOC/RUSSELL EGNOR NAVY MEDIA AWARDS PROGRAM STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES CY 2018// REF/C/DOC/OPNAVINST 5305.7C// REF/D/DOC/CY 2018 THOMPSON-RAVITZ STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES// NARR/REF A IS THE RUSSELL EGNOR NAVY MEDIA AWARDS (NMA) INSTRUCTION. REF B IS THE RUSSELL EGNOR NAVY MEDIA AWARDS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES FOR CY 2018. REF C IS THE THOMPSON-RAVITZ AWARDS FOR EXCELLENCE IN NAVY PUBLIC AFFAIRS INSTRUCTION. REF D IS THE 2018 THOMPSON-RAVITZ SUBMISSION GUIDELINES// POC/RUSSELL EGNOR NAVY MEDIA AWARDS: MCCS JALON RHINEHART/JALON.A.RHINEHART(AT)NAVY.MIL/(301) 677-6283/ THOMPSON-RAVITZ AWARDS: MR. CHRISTOPHER DUNNE/CHRISTOPHER.DUNNE(AT)NAVY.MIL/(703) 693-1363// RMKS/1. Eligible commands are encouraged to submit their best communication plans and media products for the Russell Egnor NMAs and Thompson-Ravitz Awards (T-Rs). The NMAs recognize media content production excellence; the T-Rs recognize strategic communication planning excellence. Both programs recognize leadership. 2. Both the NMAs and the T-Rs have been revised for CY 2018. Access to the CHINFO Portal is required for many categories. Review Standard Operating Procedures for both programs before beginning the submission process to ensure compliance with program guidelines. To request CHINFO portal access, contact Ms. Suzette Kettenhofen at least two weeks prior to the submission deadline by sending a digitally signed email to suzette.kettenhofen(at)navy.mil or by phone at 703-692-4752/DSN 222-4752. 3. NMA Entry Guidance. Guidance for 2018 NMAs is available on the CHINFO Portal under the Resources Section (click on PA & VI Awards). Entries will be accepted from 0001 on 1 January 2019 to 2400 on 31 January 2019. 4. NMA Categories. There are 48 NMA categories, split among Unit, Individual and Excellence: a. Unit awards (8): (1) Print or Digital Publication (2) Online Publication (3) Web Based Informational Campaign (4) Audio Short-Form Production (5) Audio Long-Form Production (6) Video Short-Form Production (7) Video Long-Form Production (8) Cruisebook b. Individual awards (28): (1) Audio (4 categories) (2) Graphic Design (4 categories) (3) Photo (7 categories) (4) Video (8 categories) (5) Writing (5 categories) c. Excellence awards (12): These recognize the best among Navy media professionals in the fleet. (1) "Of the Year" awards for Photographer, Videographer, Writer, Graphic Designer, and Storyteller, with subcategories for military and civilian. (2) Awards for E-1 through E-4 Junior MC of the Year and E-5 through E-6 MC of the Year. (3) Navy Strategic Communicator of the Year (military or civilian) for full- spectrum media producers. (4) Russell Egnor Leadership Excellence Award. This award recognizes a senior Navy communicator who has made a profound impact and contribution to the public affairs and visual information community through inspired leadership. (5) Navy Media Excellence Award. This award recognizes the efforts of a single command/unit for overall excellence in information product creation. 5. T-R Entry Guidance. Guidance for 2018 T-R Awards entries is available on the CHINFO Portal under the Resources Section (click on PA & VI Awards). Access to the CHINFO Portal is restricted to Navy PA/VI professionals only. Program eligibility is not restricted to PA/VI professionals; non PA/VI professionals should contact the program administrator for submission assistance. Access to the CHINFO portal must be requested in advance of program deadlines. Entries will be accepted from 0001 on 1 January 2019 to 2400 on 31 January 2019. 6. T-R Categories. There are 28 T-R categories, split among Units and Individuals: a. Unit awards comprise six types of PA programs, each of which has an award recognizing four command types. PA programs: (1) Community Outreach (2) Special Events and Projects (3) Public Information (4) Crisis Communication (5) Internal Communication (6) Digital Engagement b. Command types: (1) Afloat Large (four or more PA personnel on the PA staff) (2) Afloat Small (three or fewer PA personnel on the PA staff) (3) Shore Large (four or more PA personnel on the PA staff) (4) Shore Small (three or fewer PA personnel on the PA staff) 7. Individual T-R Awards. There are four individual award categories: a. Junior Public Affairs Officer of the Year b. Junior Reserve Public Affairs Officer of the Year c. Civilian Junior Public Affairs Specialist of the Year (For 1035-series or equivalent in grades through GS-11 or equivalent) d. Collateral Duty Public Affairs Officer of the Year 8. Additional Eligibility. Commands without designated public affairs personnel are also welcomed to submit entries to appropriate award categories. Commands should contact program administrators for more info. 9. Released by CAPT G.L. Hicks, Chief of Information.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//