UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 101718Z DEC 18 FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 298/18 PASS TO OFFICE CODES: FM CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/DEC// SUBJ/ADVANCEMENT EXAMINATION READINESS REVIEW 2ND QUARTER FY-19 SCHEDULE AND IDENTIFICATION OF FLEET SUBJECT MATTER EXPERTS// REF/A/DOC/BUPERS/19SEP18// REF/B/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/151617Z SEP17// NARR/REF A IS BUPERSINST 1430.16G, ADVANCEMENT MANUAL FOR ENLISTED PERSONNEL OF THE U.S. NAVY AND U.S. NAVY RESERVE. REF B IS NAVADMIN 229/17, REALIGNMENT OF RESPONSIBILITY FOR RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION OF RATING FLEET SUBJECT MATTER EXPERTS FOR ADVANCEMENT EXAMINATION READINESS REVIEWS.// RMKS/1. This NAVADMIN announces the Advancement Examination Readiness Review (AERR) schedule from January to March 2019. AERR events provide an opportunity for selected rating subject matter experts from fleet and shore- based commands to impact sailorization and enable the Navy to advance the most qualified and rating- knowledgeable Sailors. Selected chief, senior chief and master chief petty officers on Active-Duty, Full-Time Support and Reservists currently on Active Duty for special work may take part in the process. 2. AERRs are held at Naval Education and Training Professional Development Center (NETPDC) Pensacola, FL. Temporary Duty Travel (TDY) in support of AERR events is considered mission critical and is flag officer approved. All costs pertaining to TDY are funded by NETPDC. 3. In line with reference (b), Type Commanders (TYCOM)/rating sponsors will recruit rating Fleet Subject Matter Experts (FSME), select AERR attendees plus two alternate members, and provide names and contact information no less than 45 days prior to the AERR convening date to NETPDC using the Saufley e- mail sfly_netpdc_aerr(at)navy.mil with a subject line of AERR selectees. 4. The following AERRs are scheduled from January through March 2019. AERR schedule is in the following format: Convene Date: Rating (number of FSMEs required) 27 January-2 February ITS (6) 27 January-9 February AO (6), CTM (6), FC (6), RP (6) 3-9 February MMA (6) 3-16 February ABH (6), PS (6), SW (6) 10-16 February MM (6) 24 February-2 March BM (6) 24 February-9 March CTT (6), FCA (6), LSS (6), STS (6), UT (4) 3-16 March LN (6), AWV (8) 10-23 March EN (6), IC (6), MMW (6), SB (6) 17-30 March AG (8) 24-30 March BU (4) 24 March-6 April ATI (6), OS (6), SH (6) 31 March-13 April ETR (5) 5. The following ratings are scheduled for AERR events in the FY-19 3rd quarter: AC, AD, AE, AM, AS, ATO, AWF, AWO, AWS, CE, CS, CSS, CTI, CTR, EA, EM, EOD, ET, ETV, FT, GSE, GSM, HT, MA, MMN, MN, MR, ND, PR, QM and YN. 6. Waivers and Outside Continental United States requests with justifications must be approved through NETPDC prior to selection by TYCOM/rating sponsors. 7. To view the annual AERR schedule, locate a specific rating recruitment and selection point of contact (POC), and view AERR eligibility requirements log into MyNavy Portal www.mnp.navy.mil under Professional Resources/Navy Advancement Center/AERR. 8. POC: Ms. Cheryl Dengler, NETPDC Fleet Liaison, (850) 473-6169/DSN 753 or via e-mail cheryl.dengler(at)navy.mil. 9. Released by Vice Admiral R. P. Burke, N1.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//