UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 251810Z SEP 18 FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 239/18 PASS TO OFFICE CODES: FM CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/SEP// SUBJ/DEPLOYABILITY ASSESSMENT AND ASSIGNMENT PROGRAM// REF/A/DOC/25SEP18// REF/B/DOC/30JUL18// REF/C/DOC/21SEP18// NARR/REF A IS OPNAVINST 1300.20, DEPLOYABILITY ASSESSMENT AND ASSIGNMENT PROGRAM. REF B IS DOD INSTRUCTION 1332.45, RETENTION DETERMINATIONS FOR NON- DEPLOYABLE SERVICE MEMBERS. REF C IS THE COMMANDING OFFICERS TOOL KIT.// RMKS/1. This NAVADMIN announces reference (a), which establishes the Navy Deployability Assessment and Assignment Program. To improve personnel readiness across the force, this program will ensure the timely disposition, processing and accountability for Active Component (AC), full-time support (FTS) and Selected Reserve (SELRES) Service members who are either medically, legally or administratively limited from deployment. 2. The Deputy Chief of Naval Personnel (DCNP) is the single process owner of the Navy Deployability Assessment and Assignment Program. Assistant Commander, Navy Personnel Command for Career Management (PERS-4) is the AC and FTS Program Manager. Deputy Commander, Navy Reserve Force (DCNRF) is the SELRES Program Manager. 3. Commands are charged to proactively manage overall personnel readiness to meet force lethality objectives. Ultimately, it is the personal responsibility of every Sailor to maintain individual readiness, including medical, dental, physical and administrative (e.g., maintaining a family care plan) readiness. Medical deployability will be considered during each healthcare encounter. 4. A Sailor is deployable if he or she does not have a Service- determined reason that precludes him or her from deployment. References (a) and (b) provide guidance for assessment of the deployability of Service members, classification of that deployability and execution of the policy objectives of the Department of Defense with regard to increasing force lethality. Military treatment facilities (MTF) and commands will make deployability assessments by determining the ability of a Service member to perform appropriate military duties commensurate with his or her office, grade, rank and skill in light of ongoing medical treatment or administrative limitations. 5. The deployability of Sailors will be tracked by the respective AC/FTS and SELRES Deployability Assessment and Assignment Program Managers. Starting 1 October 2018, in line with reference (b), Sailors who have been non- deployable for 12 consecutive months will be notified of mandatory processing for administrative separation or referral to the Disability Evaluation System as appropriate. Reference (a) provides guidance on submitting requests for retention. 6. Commands will use written counseling and fitness reports/performance evaluations to document a Service members knowing failure to comply with responsibilities to maintain individual readiness (e.g., missing medical or dental appointments or intentional failure to disclose status affecting deployability). Maintaining medical readiness through prescribed healthcare encounters (e.g., PHA, annual dental exam, medical screenings in conjunction with PARFQ, etc.) is a key component of identifying and correcting non-deployable conditions. When Service members fail to maintain individual readiness by design or neglect, it results in a less lethal and deployable force. Accordingly, commands must be diligent in ensuring Service members meet obligations and document the failure of those who demonstrate an unwillingness to do so. Failure of a Service member to comply with this policy could ultimately result in administrative separation. MILPERSMAN 1610-015 and BUPERS 1610.10D update provide additional guidance. 7. Points of Contact: a. AC/FTS Program: Navy Personnel Command Deployability Assessment and Assignment Branch (PERS-454), CDR Kristina St. Clair at (901) 874-3201/DSN 882, CDR Valerie Quinn at (901) 874-3599, LT Ray Collier at (901) 874-4734 or via group e-mail at Mill_DAOPers- 454(at)navy.mil. b. SELRES Program: For additional guidance and questions, each member should contact his or her supporting Navy Reserve Activity. c. Bureau of Medicine and Surgery for Medical Readiness (BUMED M34), CAPT Marc Alaric Franzos at (703) 681-9085, Mr. Don Hall at (703) 681-9215, LT Nicole Gonzalez at (703) 681-5569 or via group e- mail at usn.ncr.bumedfchva.mbx.bumed-bumed-medical- readiness(at)mail.mil. 8. Released by Vice Admiral R. P. Burke, N1.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//