UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 081550Z JAN 19 FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS PASS TO OFFICE CODES: FM CNO WASHINGTON DC//N2N6// INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC//N2N6// NAVADMIN 003/19 MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N2N6/JAN// SUBJ/CYBER INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND CYBERSECURITY WORKFORCE TRANSITION TO SECNAVINST 5239.20A// REF/A/LTR/OPM/01AUG16/FCWAA// REF/B/DOC/NIST SPECIAL PUB 800-181/AUG17// REF/C/DOC/DCWF// REF/D/DOC/DoDD 8140.01/11AUG15// REF/E/DOC/DoDM 8570.01/19DEC05// REF/F/DOC/SECNAVINST 5239.20A/10FEB16// REF/G/DOC/SECNAV M-5239.2/JUN16// REF/H/LTR/DOD CIO/02JUL18// REF/I/LTR/OPNAV N2N6/29SEP17// NARR/REF(A) IS AN OFFICE OF PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT LETTER OUTLINING AND PROVIDING IMPLEMENTATION GUIDANCE FOR THE FEDERAL CYBERSECURITY WORKFORCE ASSESSMENT ACT OF 2015; REF (B) IS THE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF STANDARDS AND TECHNOLOGY SPECIAL PUBLICATION 800-181 NATIONAL INITIATIVE FOR CYBERSECURITY EDUCATION CYBERSECURITY WORKFORCE FRAMEWORK AND OUTLINES 54 CYBER WORK ROLES, THEIR ASSOCIATED TASKS AND REQUIRED KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, AND ABILITIES; REF (C) IS THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE CYBER WORKFORCE FRAMEWORK AND BUILDS ON THE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF STANDARDS AND TECHNOLOGY SP 800-181 AND ADDRESSES UNIQUE DOD MISSIONS AND TASKS, DIRECTING THAT THESE CODES BE APPLIED TO MEMBERS OF THE DEFENSE CYBERSECURITY WORKFORCE; REF (D) IS THE DoDD 8140.01 CYBERSPACE WORKFORCE MANAGEMENT 11 AUGUST 2015 AND SUPERSEDES REF (E) AND BEGINS THE TRANSITION PROCESS FROM THE INFORMATION ASSURANCE WORKFORCE TOWARD A MUCH BROADER CYBER WORKFORCE POPULATION; REF (E) IS THE DOD 8570.01 CYBERSECURITY WORKFORCE IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DATED DECEMBER 2005; REF (F) IS THE SECNAVINST 5239.20A, DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY CYBERSPACE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND CYBERSECURITY WORKFORCE MANAGEMENT AND QUALIFICATION, 10 FEBRUARY 2016; REF (G) IS THE JUNE 2016 SECNAV M-5239.2 DEPARTMENT OF NAVY CYBERSPACE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND CYBERSECURITY WORKFORCE MANAGEMENT AND QUALIFICATION MANUAL; REF (F) AND (G) PROVIDES IMPLEMENTATION AND QUALIFICATION GUIDANCE FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY CYBER INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY/CYBERSECURITY WORKFORCE; REF (H) IS THE 2 JULY 2018 DOD CIO WAIVER FROM THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE DOD 8570.01M GRANTING THE NAVY PERMISSION TO IMPLEMENT THE SECNAV M-5239.2; REF (I) IS AN OPNAV LETTER ON NAVY CREDENTIALING OPPORTUNITIES ON-LINE GUIDANCE FOR APPROVING NAVY CYBERSECURITY WORKFORCE VOUCHERS.// POC/VIEIRA/CIV/OPNAV N2N6G11/-/TEL: (703) 695-7809/DSN: 225-7809/ EMAIL: MICHAEL.VIEIRA(AT)NAVY.MIL// RMKS/1. This NAVADMIN outlines the Navy’s implementation process and timelines for transitioning to a new Cybersecurity Workforce (CSWF) framework (references a through f germane) as outlined in reference (g). The Department of the Navy obtained a Department of Defense(DoD) Office of the Chief Information Officer waiver from the DoDM 8570.01 requirements for military and civilians, reference (h), allowing implementation of the Cyber Information Technology /Cybersecurity Workforce (Cyber IT/CSWF) management and qualification program detailed in references (f) and (g). The Navy will transition from reference (e) to reference (f) in three phases over an 18- month time period. The contractor workforce remains governed by DoDM 8570.01 (reference (e)). 2. The Navy will employ a three-phased transition approach. Phase I includes actions necessary to establish the transition foundation. Many of these actions are ongoing. Phase I will be completed by Fiscal Year (FY) 2019, fourth quarter. Phase II begins in the fourth quarter FY 2019 and will conclude fourth quarter FY 2020. Phase III includes sustainment and continuous improvement actions that will continue for the program lifecycle. The phasing plan does not preclude commands from moving to sustainment faster. 3. This transition will generate lessons-learned and implementation actions that differ from references (f) and (g). Interim execution guidance will be issued by Director, Navy Cybersecurity Division (OPNAV N2N6G) and formalized via revisions of references (f) and (g). Copies of program execution documents and templates assisting commands in setting up and maintaining their Cyber IT/CSWF qualification programs will be available in the reference section of the U.S. Naval Information Forces (NAVIFOR) CSWF home page at: https://usff.navy.deps.mil/sites/navifor/manpower/cswf/sitepages /home.aspx. A common access card, using the e-mail credential, is required to access this site. 4. Phase I. Cyber Workforce (OPNAV N2N6G1) will lead Phase I actions in consultation with NAVIFOR (Office of Primary Responsibility), Echelon II and III CSWF Program Managers, Office of Chief Human Resources (OCHR), and Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Manpower, Personnel, Training and Education. Key actions include but may not be limited to the following: a. OPNAV N2N6G1 develops and implements a formal process communicating implementation details, status, and required changes, including a regularly scheduled in progress reviews on transition progress. b. Outline procedures for assessing employee proficiency levels. c. Establish an OPNAV N2N6G1 and OCHR transition working group addressing Human Resource issues including union notifications for both the National Capital Region and local bargaining units. d. Update and publish an integrated CSWF Management Oversight Compliance Committee/Training, Education, and Certification Advisory Team charter. e. Evaluate and validate qualification requirements including foundational, residential, and continuing education. This includes clarifying experience and using personnel qualification standards for civilian employees. f. Monitor Manpower offices completion and reconciliation of military billet coding in the Total Force Manpower Management System (TFMMS). g. Monitor OCHR completion of civilian billet coding in the Defense Civilian Personnel Data System and reconcile in TFMMS. h. Staff updates and draft SECNAV and OPNAV Cyber IT/CSWF policy as needed to support workforce management. i. Identify funding, validate functionality and review business rules for the Total Workforce Management System (TWMS) CSWF module. j. Reference (i) remains in effect throughout the transition period and will be reevaluated during program sustainment. 5. Phase II. This phase is required for all Navy commands with Cyber IT/CSWF personnel. Key actions include but may not be limited to the following: a. Ensure Cyber IT/CSWF cyber work role codes in Total Workforce Management System (TWMS) are the same as the Cyber work roles code in TFMMS. b. Update civilian Cyber IT/CSWF position descriptions including the work role assignment and the condition of employment statement found in reference (g) Chapter 3 b (g) 1. Use templates found at NAVIFOR web page for minimum mandatory language. c. Commands notify employees, in writing, that they are in the Cyber IT/CSWF. Assign them a work role and provide employees with a list of foundational and residential qualification requirements found in appendix 4 of reference (g). d. Enter and validate personnel qualifications in TWMS. Determine individual qualification status and implement process to qualify personnel not later than one year after the employee is notified by human resources that they are a member of the Cyber IT/CSWF. Maintain and revise qualification information as required in TWMS. e. Update individual development plans for personnel that do not meet the qualification requirements with a qualification plan and date. Employees failing to meet qualification standards are subject to local policies and administrative procedures. f. NAVIFOR analyzes TWMS data, identify gaps, and significant trends. Formulate corrective courses of action and recommendations. 6. Phase III. Execute SECNAV M-5239.2 and related OPNAV issuances. a. Ensure all new Cyber IT/CSWF billets are properly coded in TFMMS and TWMS. Ensure changes to billet coding are made as necessary. b. Ensure TWMS data is updated and maintained accurately depicting qualification status of all personnel assigned to Cyber IT /CSWF billets. c. Ensure Cyber IT/CSWF personnel meet continuous learning requirements. d. When new systems or software is deployed ensure personnel assigned to Cyber IT and CSWF billets complete new or revised training and on the job qualification, as necessary. e. Ensure personnel newly assigned to Cyber IT/CSWF billets complete qualification in accordance with the Secretary of the Navy and Office of the Chief of Naval Operations policy. 7. Released by VADM Matthew J. Kohler, Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Information Warfare, OPNAV N2N6.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//